Remember What Rei Said

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No matter what master she has, she's always in favour for a head pat as a treat for good work✽✾✽✾✽

"Ember" Todoroki called out in an almost growl "What are you trying to do here, you want my fire" He leaned up slightly "What did my monster of a dad bribe you?" He suddenly set off running towards me, ignoring Deku "Now I'm mad"

'His movements are slower' Deku noted as he moved towards me, suddenly he cut off moving for Deku. I gasped quickly moving for a under arm punch, it sent him back but consequently for the hit on him, my arm was encased in ice. 'this could be a problem' the ice attacks were slower, but Todoroki's will power was still strong as he worked effectively to separate the both of us "Ember can you break the ice on your arm safely?"

"Not if you want me to pull my skin off!" I was too focused on Deku that I didn't notice Todoroki's attack towards me sending me rolling across the floor, the ice on my arm smashed and I cried out in pain as some of it pierced my skin. I got up quickly moving to Deku's side "Why are you doing this?" Todoroki muttered, I watched his body tremble in its weak state "I wanna live up to people's expectations" Deku spoke, I lost my stance looking behind me at his speech "I wanna be able to smile, while doing something good for them" His gaze was out of both of me and Todoroki's sight "I wanna be a pro" His gaze looked up it was powerful and fiery "Whatever it takes to be a hero" the words ignited my passion for fighting with Deku, keeping Todoroki locked in place "Now!" I blew a punch at him. "I want to use my full power!" Deku called, Todoroki moved himself to stand up straight, well as straight as he could in his form. "Like you should be!"

"I know what you went through, but not why you're here" I called out, my brows furrowing

"Your life has been so much more different than mine" Deku spoke cautiously

"But right now, stop screwing around" I called out his gaze widening. "I want to reject your father as much as you, but you do not have right to be number one without using your full power!" His gaze on me was broken "Just remember what Rei said!"

I stood on a fence a little away from the scene Todoroki was spewing his guts, after his father had fought him "Stand up, if you get hurt by a little punch like that how do you expect to be a hero" My gaze moved to Rei as she quickly moved to sit next to him "Please stop pushing him, he's only five years old"

"He can take it" I quickly sprinted over bearing the burden of the slap that was meant to be laid on her "Get out of my way" Todoroki's gaze widened as his own mother cowered in fear, my face turned away from them from the brunt of the slap "Mama?"

"Shut up" Todorki muttered as I made my way to him on the pitch.

The memory of when he held me to his chest wailing in his mother's arms flashed through my mind "I don't want to mom" he cried "Please, I don't wanna be the kind of guy he is!" He buried his face in my head "I don't want to be someone who bully's you and tries to hurt you, mama"

"But honey, you do still wanna be a hero, don't you?" her smile graced her face as he looked up at her.

I was closer to him, I stared at him begging that he used his fire. I punched him and he fell back, his body lay on the floor and I wiped the tears that sprung from my eyes.

Todoroki looked down at his brothers and sisters as they all played ball with me watching over them, "Ignore them" I moved my gaze to Endavour pulling him away "They live in a different world than what I'm training you for" I looked away knowing if I rowled him up Todorki would be the one with the punishment.

I cried and fell to the ground, Deku moving to my side.

"I feel like I'm going crazy, Ember" I was in my human form listening to her make tea "I can't take it anymore, everyday the children seem more like him"

"Then let's run" I smiled at her holding her hands

"But shoto" She paused "Shoto, that child's left side sometimes looks unbearable to me" I widened my eyes at her words. I had lost her. I had lost the sane Rei, the Rei that I grew to love. "All I can see is his father, I can't raise him anymore" I shook my head reaching out to her "You promise we can run away from this life" I nodded

"Mom?" A quiet voice called "What are you saying" My eyes widened as Todoroki's head was stuck round looking in the kitchen. The kettle squealed and she turned to look at him, the look on her face I had never seen before. I couldn't stop her. I was ordered not to.

Another memory fluttered into my mind, I sat on Todoroki's shoulders his eyes bandaged, his father was rambling, and he finally spoke "Where did Mama go?"

"Huh?" he paused "She hurt my masterpiece so I put her in a hospital to keep her safe" I shifted off his shoulders but Shoto beat me to it "That was your fault" Endavour turned "You're the one who made her hurt me" I held Todoroki's hand and nodded Endavour's gaze moved to me.

"You have no business here, she relinquished you so leave me for a discussion with my son" I shook my head and he slapped me. I just left. I left him all alone.

"I refuse" Todoroki muttered

"It's yours!" I cried "Your quirk not his!" his gaze landed on mine in surprise. I looked him dead in the eyes "Remember what she said to you?" I cried my voice was broken "You're not a prisoner of your lineage, it's ok to use your power to become who you want to be!" I saw smoke coming off him. "If you're really doing this for her then follow her advice!" Suddenly a bright flame was casted in front of my eyes.

"Your helping your opponent out" Todoroki spoke "Or could you just not help yourself because you pity me, Ember?" the eyes melted from his skin "You fools, even thought you wanted to win this battle, now which one of us is screwing around" I smiled up at him the tears still running from my eyes "I want it too, I'll be a hero"

"Yes Shoto!" Endavour called "Have you finally accepted your purpose, that's it very good, this is a dawn of a new era for us" Me and Todoroki exchanged looks, "You will live up to the reason I created you"

"Amazing" Deku muttered and smile gracing both of our lips

"Why are you smiling" Todoroki grumbled "Don't blame me for what happens next"

"Do her proud" Ice began to form, and I quickly jumped off towards him.

The smoke produced from the attack was too pronounced for anyone to see leaving Midnight's eyes to search for us on ground, her gaze landing to the red shoes Deku wore, he was fine and breathing but Midnight watched as Embers body fell to the floor blood pooling from her mouth, her bandages had fallen off. "Deku is out of bounds" Todoroki stared in surprise as Deku fought to wake her up "Todoroki wins!" His breathing was rigid, clothes half torn off "He advances to the second round"

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