They Saw A Stray Cat

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I watched from afar as Deku and All Might both trained together, I smiled watching how Deku was able to harness his power. "I'm so proud of you!" I cheered and Deku stopped looking around, "Ember?" He muttered after hearing the familiar voice. All Might was also looking around, but I was no where to be seen.

Many days had passed and Deku stood outside a bus stretching, "This isn't much of a rest area" Some spoke as Deku fought to keep his eyes open. Aizawa's hands were shoved in his pockets his gaze bored and tired "You really don't think we stopped here just for you to stretch your legs, do you?" The door to a black fancy car opened and a women's voice called out "Hey there eraser"

"Long time no see" He spoke bowing his head slightly, "These are the pro's you'll be working with at the summer training camp"

"We own this whole stretch of land, as you can see the summer camp, you'll be staying at is just there at the bottom of the mountain"

"Uh, then why did we stop all the way up here instead?" Urakaka spoke her gaze moving to Asui "I'm afraid we both know the answer to that" She replied

"Back on the bus lets go" Sero spoke his voice awkward and scared, the woman with brown hair smiled smugly "The current time is 9:30 in the morning, if your fast about it you might make it there by noon"

"No way, guys?!" Kirishima called, the group all began to run off "Save yourself" He called again. "Kitties who don't make it there by 12:30 don't get any lunch~"

"You should've guessed students, the training camp" He paused as the blonde cat jumped in front of them "Has already begun" suddenly the ground lifted and the students were thrown into the air, off the side of the mountain "Good news! Since this land is all private you can use your quirks as much as you want to!" the students all watched from below "You've get 3 full hours, you should be able to make it to the facility in time" The students were quick into the woods to fight the monsters lurking inside.

Aizawa turned his gaze to the car "You're not going to come out?"

"No, this outfit is so embarrassing" Suddenly the brown haired girl reached in and pulled me out of the car "I'd let you stay so it would be more of a surprise to that kid, but come on you look amazing!" I stood in one of the cat outfits and turned my gaze to Aizawa. He held up his thumb up to me, and I moved my gaze away looking down at the students below "Don't you think you've got them on a pretty crazy schedule eraser?"

"Yeah, we're hoping to get an entire semester of knowledge put into them here. Doing that's going to take an intense amount of work, but the awards will be worth it" I moved my gaze to the green haired kid, as he used his quirk keenly saving the small pervert. "They'll get permits to use their quirks if theirs ever and emergency, and provisional licenses that will allow them to work as hero's" their was a pause in his words "With all the villainess attempts happening they need to defend themselves" a large field of smoke rose "I trust I can count on you, Pixiebob?"

"Leave it to me!" She cheered, her smile was wide as she watched all the chaos "Oh wow, my furs standing on end"

Me and Pixiebob were enthralled watching them all fight, Pixie made punches as she used her quirk "Well I can fight dirty too" my gaze fell to the kid stood next to me "Idiots" He muttered "How pointless, to wanna be a hero" I looked away and flicked his cap up "Your so miserable" He grumbled to himself as he began to walk away.

I sat up on Mandalay's shoulders and Aizawa was rubbing under my chin, PixieBob stood in front of us here hands on her hips "The litter is almost here" She chirped and Mandalay spoke cheerfully "That took a lot longer than I expected it to" the students began to emerge from the tree's all out of breath, bruised and broken. "You said it would only be three hours" One called before they all fell to the floor "I guess we timed it on how long it took us, sorry" the group was all heavily panting. A sudden meow drew in all the gazes "I thought it would take you kids even longer!" Pixiebob cheered, contrasting her words "But you did much better against my dirt monsters than I thought you would" She had her paws to her face and gave a loving look "You guys were seriously great, especially" She waved her hand searching "The 4 of you, it seems you've had quite a bit of experience!" she licked her lips and then quickly pounced at them "I'll take these kittens! I'll groom them myself!" She called out annoying the group.

"Has she always been like this?" I questioned jumping off her shoulders, the girl looked towards me "It's gotten worse lately, she's at the age to take a mate"

"Speaking of ages" Deku spoke not seeming to notice that I was there, his face was grabbed by Pixiebob "Choose your words wisely" She growled

"Who's that kid?" he pointed towards Kota, who stood far from the group. Mandalay looked towards him smiling "This little guy? He's actually my cousins son, he just lives with us now" the kids gaze was deadly at the group "Don't be shy, say something to them your gonna be around them all week" Midoriya stepped over to him and introduced himself only to have Kota hit him in the balls, "What a low blow" Iida called out. I had stopped him by grabbing his face, and he turned his gaze to look out at them "The last thing I want is to be with some wannabe hero's" I pulled him close to me and began to twist my fist on his head "He's just like you isn't he Bakugo" I called and the class all turned their gaze to me "You know me?" The boy spoke staring at me confused. Mandalay chuckled and looked at me "That hero suit is a big contrast from the original" I sighed and flipped into my cat form "Ember!" Urakaka called out running to me. She moved to hold me tightly and I returned the favour "Ember?" Deku muttered and then I stood up "Get your bags off the bus and then we'll meet in the cafeteria for tea" I smiled. "Then you can go to bed" Aizawa added "Your training starts in earnest; you better get a move on"

Dinner had begun and everyone was running around to serve the students, I placed down a plate on the table and moved my gaze up, Deku was staring at me dead in my eyes. I flinched and moved my gaze away from him awkwardly, Urakaka moved to look at Deku and he sighed quietly "Hey cheer up" She smiled nudging his arm "She ran away from you without saying goodbye, so it's probably awkward seeing you again" Mina nodded her head from the opposite side of the table "I wonder how she wound up with these guys though" Mina muttered before putting some more rice in her mouth.

Lunch and baths were over and I stood outside of the boys room, I paced in a circle "Ember?" I turned and saw Mina smiling at me. I looked towards the door and back at her "I'm not peeping promise" Mina chuckled

"You're not gonna see anything when your walking in a circle like that" She said pointing at my feet "Going in?" She questioned knocking on the door, I flinched quickly jumping on her shoulders. The door opened and Mina smiled at Sero "So how big is this room" She questioned, he let her in and we both stepped inside. After looking for a bit she sighed "So much bigger than ours" She whined and then moved her gaze to Deku "Hey, Midoriya!" She called he looked up and pointed to me on her shoulders "I found this dog lurking outside; would you know why?" Deku stood up and I jumped on his shoulders, placing my head on his

'Wanna catch up?' Deku nodded and then moved for us to sit outside. The night breeze was cold on my skin and I sat side by side to Deku, "How'd you manage to end up here?" Deku spoke, breaking the comforting silence, I looked towards him "They saw a stay cat and went to take her in" I explained "Pixiebob's my master, because she picked me up and you know" I spoke holding up my hand "How's one for all?" Deku's eyes widened and he looked at me.

"You were planning to give it me from the start, right?" I nodded my head, the stars decorated the sky above us "I had know a carrier of one for all, and the person they passed it onto broke their bones whenever they used it, because they weren't strong enough" I played with my skirt "So I had to build you to be strong enough, and from what I saw earlier you kick ass!" I cheered. He high fived me and then sighed "Thank you Ember" He muttered, I smiled at him and suddenly he brought me into a chokehold "Could've told me you were going though, you didn't say goodbye!"

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