Dont Be Creepy

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The nights breeze was cold as Deku ran through the streets to the beach, I sat on his shoulders the wind blowing against my cheeks. It had been ages since all might had spoken to us after helping me train Deku, as his feet touched the sand he turned to face us. "Hi All Might!" Deku called unaware of the tears springing from his eyes, when all might spewed blood from his mouth saying something inaudible. "All Might's here?" A voice shouted from behind and All Might scowled at us from under his deep eyes, "Way to blow my cover kid say it was a mistake!" Deku flinched

"I was just kidding nothing to see here!"

"Lame, I wanted an autograph" the women from afar spoke. He sighed and I hopped off his shoulders to look up at All Might. "Congrats on getting in you too"

"We couldn't have done it without your help" Deku spoke quickly, All Mights large hand patted my head between my horns "Dont forget about this little lady" he stopped and spoke again "speaking of which I didn't tell anyone that I trained you" his hand began patting my head again "really, I didn't speak to the judges or pull any strings" I looked towards him "your in that spot all on your own"

"Thanks for telling me I'm glad to hear that" Deku spoke as he bowed, I gasped and then bowed too wondering if I should've done it way before. "Oh yeah, I was surprised to see your going to be a teacher at UA" Deku began rambling on about all might. "Dont be creepy" both me and all might spoke at the same time trying to hush him. All might turned to look out to the sea "the school didn't want me to tell anyone till they made the announcement" I stepped towards him looking at the stars reflecting on the waves. "I was gonna use it as a way of finding someone to pass on to" Deku's eyebrows furrowed and All Might looked towards me "still mad you got in there before me little lady"

"I told you to stop calling me that" I grumbled and he laughed his obnoxious laugh "she finally speaks" I sighed and hopped onto Deku's shoulders again closing my eyes to sleep.

April had finally arrived, Deku spent the whole day making sure we both looked good. Even trying to style my hair for me, he was on edge. Sliding his shoes on his mother tried to talk "Izuku, your all set" I was sat on his mother's shoulders watching him "yeah" he muttered quickly tying his laces. "Are you sure you didn't just pack action figures right"

"I have everything, now we gotta go" his cheeks were flushed from his mother's embarrassing caring. I placed my head on hers 'please tell me that story when we get in'

"Of course" I hopped onto his shoulders and he opened the door to leave "Izuku"

"What" he grumbled in anger. I looked up at his mums face she was holding back tears, "I'm really proud of you son" he blushed and stared at her for a while, while I waved at her with my paw. "Thanks, I'll see you soon"

We ran through the gates, I clutched tightly onto his shoulders as we did so "1A..." he mumbled "1A, come on where is it" I pointed my paw over at a room "there!" He stopped at the door. "Man this thing is huge is their giants here?" He clutched his bag

'Are we not going to enter?'

"Some of the most promising students are waiting behind this door" I noticed his head filled with images of Bakugo and the fast guy from before. He shook his head "maybe everyone in here is nice" we opened the door.

"Get your feet off that desk now!" The blue haired guy spoke, it was the fast guy from before with the geeky glasses. "Huh" the blonde spikey hair spoke, I growled slightly at the sight of him 'he's in here!' Bakugo sat at the desk his feet up relaxing "It's the first day and your already scuffing schools property, you cretin"

"Your kidding, right?" He bit back. "Did your old school put a stick up your ass?" Deku's face paled at the sight of the two of them. "Let's start over, I'm Tenya Iida, from the private academy"

"So you must think your better than me" he leaned close to the blue haired boy "I'm gonna have fun tearing you a new one" the boy flinched "you would threaten me infront of your own classmates? Are you sure your in the right place" he moved his gaze away in anger when his eyes fell on us. "It's him" then the classes gaze all turn to us, Deku flinched and I moved to hide behind his hair. "Uh, hi..."

"Good morning, my name is tenya iida" the boy began walking towards us scarily. And I jumped infront of him, iida stopped and stared at me in surprise "I'm Izuku Midoriya" he elbowed me and I jumped back on his shoulders "that's Ember, it's nice to meet you"

"Midoriya you realised there was something more to the exam didn't you?" Midoriya stared up at him in confusion "you must be very perceptive, and I completely misjudged you" he avoided our gaze "I admit your more superior than me" Deku looked towards me his face saying it all. "Hey I recognise that cat" Deku turned in fear as I scowled at the girl "falling boy!" She was speaking and Deku stared at her in surprise. "That attack was amazing Cat" Deku's cheeks flushed and they both were talking at the same time. 'DEKU IM NOT A GOD DAMN CAT' the girl just continued talking as he stared off in a trance.

"If your just here to make friends then you can pack up your stuff now" my eyes widened at the man in a sleeping bag in the floor. His hair was black and long looking as though he's never brushed it, and that he was constantly tired. "Welcome to UA's hero course" the bag began to unzip and he took a drink. We all stared in fear at the man on the ground, "it took eight seconds before you all shut up" he pulled the bag off his body and I stared at him in surprise "time is precious rational students would understand that"

'Who the hell is that?' Deku wondered and I smiled 'eraser head' I spoke in wonder.

"Hello I'm shouto Aizawa, your teacher" everyone all gasped in rhythm. "Let's get to it" he rummaged through his bag pulling out a gym kit. His lazy eyes fell on me "Oh, hi Ember" he said lazily. The class all shot gazes towards me as I hopped off Izuku's shoulders and onto Aizawa's placing my head on his 'long time no see'

"What a quirk assessment test?" The class all spoke. "But orientation we're gonna miss it"

"When in the big leagues you can't waste time on ceremonies" his gaze was out at the sky not looking at us "here at UA, we don't follow traditions, that means I get to run my class however I see fit" the class all gasped "you never got to use your quirks in physical exams before, the countries trying to keep us all equal by acting like the person with the biggest power won't always win" his gaze fell to Backugo "Bakugo you were able to get the most points in the entry exam, what was your farthest distance through of a softball when you were in high school?"

"67 metres I think"

"Right try doing it with your quirk" he stood in a circle holding the ball "same thing goes just stay in the circle" there was a pause "go on your wasting our time"

"Alright man you asked for it" he spoke stretching his arms, he quickly threw the ball the fire reaching up to the skys. "All of you need to know your maximum capabilities, it's the most rational way of figuring out your potential as a pro hero." The class all fell into chatter about how fun it would be, and I quickly placed my tail over Deku's mouth incase he would chirp in. Just as I knew he would Aizawa spoke "so this is fun, huh?" Deku swatted my tail away "you have 3 years here to become a hero, after those 3 years do you think it's gonna be games and play time" he smiled at them with his grim smile "idiots, today you'll compete in 8 physical tests whoever comes last will be expelled immediately" everyone gasped and I smiled up at him.

Deku stared at him in fear, his gaze turning to me. I couldn't hear his thoughts but his eyes showed fear, "as I said I get to decide how class runs" he pulled his hair up from his eyes "understand? If that's a problem you can go home now"

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