So, Fight Deku!

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I'm gonna be honest, I don't know why there's tears in her eyes

"The fight has just begun, and Izuku Midoriya is completely frozen!" President Mic narrated, I was still patting at his cheek with my paw 'Deku he's controlling your body, not your thoughts!' No answer 'Come on order me with your thoughts, you're in danger this should work' I sighed.

"So here we are, your lucky to have been so blessed, Izuku Midoriya" I stared towards Shinsou in fear, the only thing I could do was protect my master from any attacks on him, but if I shook him up Deku would be released of his quirk. "Now turn around and walk out of bounds like a good little hero" I watched from his shoulders as he began to walk away.

'No!' I quickly jumped off them holding onto his leg, all most prevent his movements. I bit at his trousers but found all my attempts to be me dragged across the floor, he'd told me to stay in my dog form till he gave me the go, so I was stuck. "Wah?! What are you doing kid get back in there!" All Might called out in fear. 'what's happening?' I flinched at the sound of Deku's voice in my head 'My bodies moving on its own'

'Deku, order me come on!'

'Ember? I can only just hear you, my brain feels like it's filled with fog' I sighed still trying to hold him back 'No, no not like this gotta stop, I fell for it even after Ojiro warned me about his power'

My mind went back to the changing room, "So his quirk is that he can control other people?" Deku looked to me "Can I beat something like that?" Ojiro nodded for me

"Yes by not giving him a chance to use it" he lifted a finger to tap his head "He didn't get into my head until I answered a question before the second round, I think that's how his quirk works"

"So, I have to be careful not to say anything or I'll lose for sure"

"Not exactly, even if he gets you there's still a chance" He explained how he bumped into someone and gained consciousness "So that bump broke his hold" I was cowered away at the end of the table trying not to give away all that I knew about Shinsou "Maybe it's only a guess, still I don't know how much force it would take to break from his grasp" he looked towards me "You have your quirk but hearing how hard she thought for Aizawa's safety she wouldn't hurt you to that extent" I nodded my head, Ojiro pushed his chair back standing up "Anyway man, I hope that's helpful because that's all I know"

"Thank you so much, you're a good guy Ojiro" I cowered away more feeling that comments stab at me. "Beat this guy for you and me" He held out his hand to be fist and Deku fist bumped him to agree to.

My thoughts moved back to the present 'I'm going to lose' I shook my head trying to trip him up so he wouldn't cross the line 'So many people are counting on me'

'So, fight Deku!'

'Ember?' his thoughts sounded confused 'Ember, don't let me cross this line!' I smiled quickly jumping over his shoulder and pushing him back. Shinsou's eyes widened, the push from the fall was hard and Midoriya began to catch his breath. "What's this? Finally, a show of Midoriya's quirk stopping him just in time" I stood up straight and scowled at Shinso. The crowd all cheered, "You're not supposed to be able to fight back, what did you do?" I covered Deku's mouth bringing him close to me. "How'd you do that!" I smiled at him laughing

"I didn't tell," I hummed, Deku gasped and I looked down at him winking 'My mind is already controlled by you, it's unbreakable for him to do so' Shinsou was panicked and he scowled before beginning his taunting again "I didn't know you and Ember had such a bond, I'm kind of jealous of the power she's given you. Thanks to my quirk works I've always been at a big disadvantage, but someone as blessed as you wouldn't understand that" I set off towards him and began to push at him "Get him to say something, dammit" He punched my face with such a force I looked to the side, blood dripping from my nose 'Keep your mouth shut' as I was distracted he quickly turned it so I was the one on the opposite side. As he quickly moved to push Deku off the pitch, "Deku!" I called out trying to move as quickly as I could, suddenly Deku had grabbed him in a way that he could throw him over his shoulder. It felt as if the world had gone slow as I watched him do so, a smile formed on my lips as he smashed to the ground.

"Shinsou is out of bounds! Midoriya advances to the next match" The crowd all cheered, and I quickly ran up to him hugging him tightly, he spun me around "You idiot!" I began to scold, and he took the scolding well. My gaze moved to Shinsou on the floor, I leaned my face over him, and he scowled up to me "Cheater you told them"

"I did not" I whined, pointing up to our area in the crowd "Ojiro did, I was sworn to secrecy, besides I could really do with people not knowing my secret" Shinsou smiled and I moved to hold out a hand for him.

We were stood in the center of the pitch waiting for the crowd to give us a hand for the battle we had just thought "Why do you wanna be a hero? What's driving you?" Deku questioned, I stared at Shinsou "You can't help the things your heart longs for" He muttered before stepping away from us Deku just stood and watched "Your relating to him aren't you" Deku nodded his head

"I was the same before you showed up in my life" I nodded my head and Deku moved his gaze to me "You know him, so was he never your master?" I shook my head

"Someone he knew was my master" my gaze moved up through the crowd looking at Aizawa in the booth, he held his injured arm up weakly giving me a thumbs up. I moved my gaze to Shinsou as his classmates began to praise his efforts "Even if it didn't work out this time, I'll keep trying to be on the hero course" I smiled at him "And then, I'll be a better pro than any of you"

"I believe in you Shinsou!" I called out, and then moved my gaze to Deku, he was zombified by his quirk again "You know usually people tense up when they talk to me" his gaze moved over to us "If your not on guard someone's going to defeat you, so be careful" Deku snapped out of it "You better lose, and make me and Ember look bad"

"I won't!" Deku cheered, before falling under his quirk again.

Deku had walked onto watch the matches and I stood with All Might, near the waiting rooms "All Might, how long do you have left?" He looked at me confused

"In my form? probably 20 minutes," His eyes filled with stars as he moved to look at me "Why wanna take me around all the stalls on a cute date"

"In your dreams old man!" I chirped back, a long pause occurred, and I sighed "I meant how long do you have being the symbol of peace?" All Might looked at me concerned, and then closed his eyes "I'm going to be honest, I'll have to hang up the towel soon" He sighed "I can't decide when especially since the League Of Villains have showed us their new weapons" I nodded my head. I tired to look as serious as I could and stared up into his eyes "I only ask because I never stay with someone this long" All Might stared at me in surprise

"But, you've lived since the samurai's?! You can't just give up now" He called out and I looked away from him, my gaze at Todoroki walking away from us "And in those years I've made many enemies and have fought many times to stay alive, in doing so I've watched the many I've loved suffer and die, the one time I stayed I watched the Todoroki family crumble" All Might watched his smile still shining "Come on, you knew I wouldn't stay with Deku till the end"

"What do you want me to do" He asked his eyes showing slight remorse as he stared down at me, I looked up at him and smiled "Don't pull that crap old man, I know you knew what I want"

"You want me to give him my power" I nodded my head. He sighed and looked me in the eyes "You train him proper for me" I smiled at him and he pulled me into a hug. I snuggled my head into his chest, it's as if I could feel all his emotions coming off of him, he knew what my words meant and what my intentions were.

My Demon Dog {Bnha OC insert}Where stories live. Discover now