But it's a zero pointer?

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I grabbed his head from behind, accidentally slapping him, he flinched and looked at me "calm down we've got this" I spoke moving to stand next to him. "None of these guys seem nervous at all" he muttered "are they that confident?" I followed his gaze, when he suddenly grabbed my shoulder "hey it's her, the nice girl I met at the school gates" he started to walk towards her and I quickly spun to sit on his shoulders. "I should probably thank her for helping me back there" suddenly his shoulder was tapped, he stopped looking behind him. It was that kid from before, he had black short hair and mean eyebrows, he had a good body figure and glasses. Deku jumped and I crawled onto the side the his hand was "she looks like she's trying to focus on the trials ahead" the boy finally spoke, "what are going to do distract her and ruin her chances to succeed" Deku quickly moved out of the boys grip. He began quickly apologizing when I noticed people pointing and staring.

"He practically wet himself in the lecture hall" I shot them a glare and quickly flipped from his shoulders, they all stared in surprise as I stood up placing a hand on my shoulder. I shot them a glare and they quickly looked away, "why is everyone trying to write me out" he muttered and I tapped his shoulder. "Let's get moving" it was that Mic guy again Deku stared up at them and the team started to move away. I tapped his shoulder and he turned "I'm already behind" he squealed, before joining them "save some villains for me" I quickly followed after him jumping up onto his shoulders.

As he ran suddenly a wall was smashed in-front of us, he stopped suddenly "woah I 1-pointer"

"Target acquired" the robot quickly started gunning for Deku. I watched I fear 'tell me what to do' I quickly jumped off his back running infront of him to take the hit "got him~" a voice hummed. I looked up to see a blonde haired boy, he was primped and ready for action, "we make a perfect team" I stop bracing myself and scowled at the kid "with you as my decoy, I doubt I'll be seeing to much of you in the future" he began to run off.

"6 minutes left" Deku set off again without me and a sighed before following after him. "You can't freeze up like that!" I shouted at him from behind "you don't have to fight them today I can" we got to a clearing with everyone fighting. His attention landed on the girl from before, she tapped things around her and they floated into the air. She released them and they fell to the ground, "that should be at least 28 points" Deku watched in fear and I sighed realizing he was hopeless. Then my gaze landed on the kid from before, the bossy glasses guy, he had engine motors in his legs and was kicking the villains like it was nothing "that puts me at 45"

"How'd they get so many" he cried out and I stared at him "because he's fighting come on you can't just stand there" I grabbed his hand and began running with him, we stopped at a spot when we heard a loud crash. A giant 0 pointer appeared and I stared up at it in surprise it punched at the ground and I dug my claws in as the wind blew holding onto Deku, he fell to the floor and I stared at him "get up Deku!" I whined lifting his arm. "We've gotta get out of here you have no points and this guys a 0!" I shouted

"Less than two minutes remaining!"

"2 minutes?!" Deku cried out from the floor. He was in his own world again, and I was half tempted to pick him up and run. But suddenly "ow!" Someone called out, the girl from before was trapped under the rubble that the villain caused. She really couldn't move, Deku watched in horror and suddenly got up and moved. "Ember attack that guy!" I quickly shot through the air, back flipping onto the guys head "he's a one pointer Deku!" I called out. He wasn't listening he was helping the girl out, the villains arms tried to swat at me but I ran around his body.

I quickly jumped off it onto a building as I began to run on all forms, I was still in my human form "Deku! I'll lead it away!" I jumped off the building kicking into the villains face, it stumbled backwards. While it was stumbling I began to attack its arms, they all went out exploding and jumped back landing on the floor. The villain continued to follow me, arms not working it tried to use its feet. "Deku! What do I do?" I shouted her looked up at me holding the brown haired girls hand "Give it all you got!" He shouted. I stopped bracing myself before lifting off "smash!" The both of us shouted as I made contact with the villain. It's face indented as it fell back, I widened my eyes at the shadow suddenly casting on the two. I landed on my feet sweeping them up as I quickly darted away, "hey girl? Is there anyway you can stop it if I'm not quick enough?" She reached up her arm and tapped it she held it in place as I continued to run.

Finally out of the shadow she dropped the villain, I laid down catching my breath as the girl turned away and spewed her guts. "Ember we can still get a point!" Deku called standing up, I stood up with him ready to go when "times up!" The Mic guy shouted, as an alarm sounded. I sighed collapsing to the floor gasping for air, when I heard Deku's wail before he fainted to the ground. "Deku!" I cried picking him up, he was sparked out cold. I sighed realising why he was so sad, we couldn't achieve his dream.

"Did you see that guys attack?" The crowd started talking "is she like his quirk or something?" They we're all gossiping about it while I just held him panting heavily "I thought she was just a cat with quirks that followed him"

"It's sad he got 0 points thought" I clutched Deku tighter at his words. When a old lady walked out "Very nice! Good work all around" an old woman with big glasses and a lab coat stepped into view "your all heroes in my eyes" she stepped closer and the blonde posh boy from before spoke "that Mademoiselle is the heart of UA" she stepped towards us.

"Oh my goodness" she looked down at Deku "you did all the fighting and he passed out" she leaned down and kissed his forehead "what's she doing?" I questioned

"Your watching a school nurse in action" I looked down at Deku "the youthful heroine recovery girl" Deku's eyes opened and he sat up instantly. While she smiled down at him "you'll be fine now, anyone else injured?"

A well had gone by and I sat at the table with Deku and his mom, I exchanged a look with her before she spoke "Izuku?" She questioned waiting for a response, I tapped his cheek "snap out of it" he looked up surprised, like he hadn't been her for a while. "Why are you smiling at that fish?" She queried "should I be worried about you hunny?"

"I just spaced out for a minute" he quickly spoke then began to eat his dinner. I was laying on the back of the couch eyes closed listening to Deku work out his hands, he was still spaced out and in his own world. We haven't yet been able to get him to talk back with his thoughts so he was just white noise for me, he sighed and his mum quickly spoke "I know, waiting for the results is terrible" his mother chirped in. I looked over at her "no matter what I want you to know I'm proud of you, and I think your really cool sweetie" she looked at me "so does Ember probably" I nodded my head and Deku just sat their deflated "sure" his mum went to leave and he began to work out. Still heavily in his thoughts, the door suddenly flung open "the letter!" I quickly stood up and watched Izuku's mum flail on the floor in excitement "they came Izuku, you gotta look" she held up an envelope "there here your test results!" She squealed I spun into my human form and looked down at her. While Deku looked like he was waiting for death.

I listened from inside Deku's room as his mum paced outside, I moved my gaze to him "open it" I spoke quietly, he sighed before ripped the letter open. A thing fell on the desk before projecting All-Might, he spoke about how he was working at UA now. Before speaking to Deku "you passed the written test, but got 0 in the practical" there was a long pause and I could see Deku forcing himself not to cry. "Fortunately there were other factors" then it showed the clip of the girl from before, she was offering us some of her points. "He saved me I have to make it up to him" I stepped forward to listen, "how could a hero course reject someone who goes to help other himself" I widened my eyes "Izumi Midoriya 60 rescue points" Deku held my arm as in disbelief "you both passed the exam" all-might turned "welcome Izuku" Deku started to cry and I quickly hugged him in happiness "we did it Deku, your gonna be a hero"

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