He's Got Dirt On Meeeee

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The picture at the here is the picture that is mentioned later in the story

There was a long silence after Deku's answer, where Todoroki just continued to stare. I widened my eyes realising his eyes were fixed tightly onto mine, I moved my gaze away concerned at the fierceness of it "We should probably eat soon" Deku rubbed my chin also noticing his gaze. "The cafeteria will be busy" still silence "Don't you think" Deku swallowed suddenly, Todoroki still refusing to say something. "I was overwhelmed" he paused "And it made me break a promise I made a long time ago" Deku looked down at his arm, the arm that was on fire that I dodged. "No one noticed it, but I noticed the power coming off Ember" I flinched on Izuku's shoulders, he was looking down at his hand while talking "It reminded me of something, something in my childhood"

"Oh yeah? Ok" Deku stuttered awkwardly "Is that all?"

"I'm saying the power coming from her, used to be controlled by someone I know" Midoriya's eyes widened and I flipped off his shoulders my eyes closed. "Ember tell me" there was a pause and I opened my eyes to look up at him "My mother used to control you, didn't she" I smiled and nodded my head. Deku looked at me confused then back to him "I'm not surprised you don't remember me you were so young" he nodded his head

"Could, one of you explain what this means?" Deku said quietly

"My father is endeavour, you must know him, which means your also aware that he's the number 2 hero" Deku nodded "My old man is ambitious, he aims for the top" Todoroki explained "He used his power to gain fame, but was never able to beat all Might, so the symbol of peace is a symbol of his failure. He's still at it though, trying to take down All Might" I watched him, he's never changed.

"What does this have to do with Ember?" Deku questioned

"You ever heard of quirk marriages? They became a problem when the first generation with superpowers began to spread" Deku looked worried as they spoke "They would find potential mates, solely with the intention of creating powerful children. Many people were forced into relationships, simply viewed as forced marriages. But clearly it was unethical, my father has a lot of money to throw at his problems" I frowned remembering the days that he was beginning to explain "He bought my mums relative in order to use her quirk, Ember came with her, now he's raising me to defeat All Might" Deku gasped at his words "It's so annoying, I refuse to be a tool for that scumbag" there was a long pause "In every memory of my mother I only see her crying" he raised his hand over the scar "I remember she called my left side unbearable" I looked away concealing my face of all emotions "before she poured boiling water over my face" his eye shone through the cracks in his eyes "I want to show him that I can get to first place without using his fire quirk" he then began to turn and walk away "I know you two are connected to All Might, even if you won't tell me about it, no matter how fiercely you come at me in the future" I watched him walk away "I will defeat you using my left side, I can assure you of that" I watched his body walk away, my hands grasping at my favourite picture. "Todoroki, wait!" I called out running towards him, he turned and looked at me I stopped in front of him and held it out. He took it his eyes widening as he looked down at it "Your mother's smiling" I smiled up at him "What your mother went through made her say things she didn't mean. She loved all of her children the same, and wanted you to live a happy life" I cupped his cheeks "It's your power, don't let him take another thing away from you" he sighed and began to walk away.

Deku moved to stand next to me and I looked at him "Oh my God Ember your crying!" I was trembling in my knees "He's so grown up" I whined hugging Deku to my chest. Unaware of the person lurking in the shadows.

The girls from the class were all dressed in cheerleading outfits, and I sat on Ururaka's shoulders holding a pom pom in my mouth, after she twisted my arm into it. It was all a trick pulled by Mineta, just to see the girls in cheerleading outfits, "Oh Mineta" I called, humming my voice. He turned to look at me, I volleyed the pom pom I was holding in my mouth, now in my hand at his face "You dumb little pervert!" I shouted at him, as he fell back to the ground

"Worth it" He hummed.

"Uhm, excuse me, sorry but I'm withdrawing" the games had been explained and Ojiro held up his hand "But this is a rare chance for you to get scouted" Iida explained

"It just wouldn't be right, I barely remember anything from the calvary battle to the very end of it" Deku flinched "I think it was that guys quirk" He explained, our gazes moving to the Shinsou. I sighed, sworn to secrecy and moved my gaze away, "I know this is a great opportunity, and I'd love to take advantage of it, but my conscious won't let me"

"Just think about this" Deku tried to persuade Ojiro

"I have ok" He quickly shot back "Everyone gave there all in round two, but I was just someone's puppet, no way I don't wanna advance if I don't even know how I got here" he paused "It wouldn't be fair"

"Your making too much of this" Hagakure called out "Just kill it in the trial and prove your meant to be there!"

"Yeah, what she said, I didn't do much in the battle either" Mina muttered

"That's not it" he face palmed "I'm talking about my pride here, I refuse to give that up" there was a long pause "Also why are all the girls dressed like cheerleaders?" the girls all sighed. More people began to withdraw, Midnight stared down at them I could tell by the familiar pink dusting on her cheeks what she was going to say. "What you've just done is incredibly naïve of you, but I'll allow it since it turns me on" She called out. The classes all spoke to decide who was going to replace them, the names soon appearing on a board. I stared up at the board my eyes lining with tears, we were up against Shinsou, the guy who swore me to secrecy.

"That is, you right, Izuku Midoriya?" Deku jumped and turned around to look at him, "Hello Ember" I stared at him and deku moved to speak. A tail clamping over his mouth "Not so fast" Shinsou smiled and walked away "Ojiro, what's the deal?"

"Didn't your cat tell you? You can't say a word to him" My shoulders tensed realising I would have to explain that I couldn't share the secret. 'I've been sworn to secrecy, I'm no help' I cried out 'He's got dirt on meeeee'

Me and Deku stood in the entrance tunnels waiting for an introduction into the match, he was clearly shook up "Hey" Deku turned at the familiar voice, "Sorry I haven't been able to say high, you've been great. Although I don't know why you've been doing it all yourself" I looked at him jumping off his shoulders "I've been thinking the same thing" he looked at me and sighed.

"I'm worried about you" he finally explained "You strained yourself too far at the USJ, and your still technically in recovery" He noted finally pointing out the bandage adorning my head. I sighed bringing his head into a headlock rubbing his hair "Jeez Deku, your such a worry wort" I chirped "I'm fine, you know that if I'm not dead I can still fight, I don't care about this stupid head injury" I let go off him and All Might added into the conversation "She's been around a lot longer than the both of us, so I think she'd know a thing or too about recovery" I nodded my head. "Whenever your scared or nervous of a fight, you must keep smiling" All Might had turned into his super human form "Don't forget that I'm counting on you and cheering you on" Deku nodded his head turning on one foot.

The rules of the match were if the opponent is immobilised or off court we win, in my case if Deku was moved off court we would lose. I sat on his shoulders as we walked out of the arena to an introduction 'You ready to use me now?' he nodded as we stood at opposite ends of the pitch. "So you can just give up huh, in a way this is a test of how strong your spirit is" his gaze was heavy on ours "If you know what you want your future to hold for you, you can't worry about what other people think" he scowled at Deku "That monkey was going on about his pride earlier, but I just think he's an idiot for throwing away his chance like that" Deku gasped and then growled in anger

'It's not worth it he's riling you up'

"Don't you talk about him that way-" Deku stood still

"That's it I win" I looked up at him, his eyes were white. I scratched at his face

'Izuku' I called 'Deku?'

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