The fan boy

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I ran as quick as my little legs could take me, my paws were beating against the ground at the same speed of my heart. I stopped as I stared out at a crowd "Ember, we can talk about this" my eyes looked behind me at the shadow quick approaching. I shook my head and ran into the crowd, quickly I flipped to land onto my feet. Flicking the hair out of my face as my gaze landed on a green haired boy staring at me in amazement, I looked around awkwardly before ducking more into the crowd keeping an eye out.

As I stepped into the crowd more I stopped taking a breath of relief, I looked down to my spots, they shone white at a me. That's when I felt someone push past me, it was the green haired kid that's when I realised it, the large villain that was fighting pro-hero's. The kid practically narrated it all, "A fanboy" a man spoke pointing to the kid. His cheeks flushed as he agreed, I moved my gaze to the fight the wooden man was being thrown around. He nudged me with his shoulder "theres his special move" I looked towards the man as tree grew from his hand, then suddenly a large woman kicked the villain. We all froze in surprise as people all surrounded for pictures of the woman. The kid next to me grumbled as he pulled out his bag, as the woman in-front of us started to primp herself for the pictures. "She took all the credit" I whispered as the kid continued muttering beside me, I watched in awe as he wrote in the book swiftly as the crowd died out. "What's that fan boy?" I moved my gaze to the man next to us "wanna be a hero yourself?"

"Yes more than anything" the kid shone back happily, I couldn't even see his face but I could feel his happiness. It was like his dreams were leaking, I smiled at him before whispering "good luck" when I spun into my demon form. The green haired kid looked behind "thank-" he stopped watching my body run the other way. He squinted his eyes before his book quickly was pulled up and he started muttering again.

I found myself 'running into' this kid a lot, I say that loosely as he never noticed me when I noticed him. I just simply watched from afar, the main time was when I was nested on his class window. I had used it for the bed for the night not knowing he'd be coming, well that's a lie, the class was lively. "Dont lump me in with these bunch of losers" my gaze turned to a spikey blonde haired boy, he boasted and caused an uproar in the class. He just kept going, kept boasting, I already hated this kid and I didn't even know him. "It all starts with UA high"

"Oh yeah, Midoriya don't you want to go to UA too" the green haired kid quickly hid his head. I stood up moving to look at him better, the class suddenly burst into laughter which caused me to flinch. "There's no way your getting into the hero course without a quirk"

"Well actually they got rid of that rule, I could be the first one" my eyes widened. I didn't even think that he didn't have a quirk, I focused once again as the blonde haired kid that fought with him. I growled at the boy when a student turned their attention to me, my body quickly flopped to the floor pretending to be an asleep cat. "Awhhh, look at this cat" they whispered poking their friend. "It's just that, I wanted to be a hero since I was little, I may not have a quirk but I can still try my best" I lifted my head and turned it to look at him.

That's when a screech was let out, the girl who was watching me screamed. I looked towards her as the whole class were looking at me, but the blonde kid continued. "What is that" the girl cried moving away from the window, I didn't care I kept watching. I felt my eyes scowling at the blonde haired boy, that's when the window opened "I think it's a cat" the teacher spoke going to reach for me, I quickly jumped away from his touch and to the ground. I grumbled to myself as I slowly walked out of the school grounds, that blonde kid was an ass.

As I lay under a cherry blossom tree trying to work out what to do with my life, I heard the muttering I came familiar to. The green haired boy was stood before the bridge journal in hand, the book looked charred, I bet that fiery kids quirk did that, he continued to step and my eyes widened. As a weird green slime began to seep from the sewer drain, I skid down the hill and watched the monster from behind. "You'll make a perfect skin suit for me to hide in kid" he didn't have a chance the monster was on him. I watched unknowing of what to do as the monster shoved its slime into the kids mouth, "I didn't know he was in the city, I gotta move fast before he tracks me down" the monster spoke. I flipped into my human form. There wasn't much I could do without a master but I couldn't just watch, I shouted to the monster and it turned to look at me. "Let him go" I growled, the monster moved closer to me when suddenly a sewer drain flew over my head. "Have no fear your safe" the man patted my shoulder and handed me his shopping. The villain looked terrified of this man, I immediately knew who it was despite the missing hero suit. All might. Before I could really understand what was happening he punched the villain, he burst and I watched as the kid flew through the air. I quickly ran and caught the kid, All-might stepped towards the two of us "you know this kid?" I shook my head "then it was heroic of you to step in" he kneeled down looking at the unconscious kid I had laid out on the floor "I've seen you before haven't I?" as he looked up I was gone. His gaze moved down to me, I was in my dog form patting at his face "hey wake up" all-might began to say his eyes slowly opened. I flinched quickly crawled onto All-Might's shoulders, "thought we lost you there"

However the kid didn't react how I thought he would, he screamed and moved away. "I scared him, I should go" I spoke placing my head on All Might's before jumping off his shoulders and running away "it looks like your moving fine, but it's rude to scream at a lady like that" he held up his hand "sorry about that there, I didn't mean to get you caught up in my justice" the kid continued freaking out, and All Might continued monologging. He's very in love with himself, just like how he explained, I noted watching from afar.

"I need to get your autograph" the kid was a fan, "please sign my notebook" he opened it "you already signed it" the kid screeched. This kid was a total fan boy. "Well I have to get this guy to the police" he waved and then muttered "hopefully I'll run into that girl again and find out who she is"

"Wait your leaving already?"

"Pro hero's are constantly beating time as well as enemies" the kid reached out and I quickly realized what he was planning. I jumped back onto All Mights shoulders "oh it's you again" I nodded my head. "Now stand back kid, I'm taking off" I tapped his shoulder as we were mid air "huh" All-Might turned his gaze, the kid was holding onto his legs for dear life screaming "what do you think your doing" he questioned "I was only gonna take the little lady so that we can finish our conversation" he began to fight the kid "let go" I moved to look at the kid in the face "if I let go I'll die"

"Oh yeah"

"I just wanted to ask you some questions, I'm your biggest fan" the guy sighed as he held onto the kid. He began to cough and a red liquid tapped my face "sorry little lady" I shook my head quickly when we suddenly landed on a building. I hopped off All-mights back as the kid looked like death, "bang on the door for a while and someone will let you in" he looked down at me "do you want to stay here and make sure he goes home, and I'll make sure to catch up with you"

"Wait you can't go" All-Might looked down at me as if he wanted me to come with him. "Is it possible to be a hero when you don't have a quirk?" All-Might looked towards the kid then turned "I'm a ordinary kid with no powers, could I ever hope to be someone like you?"

My Demon Dog {Bnha OC insert}Where stories live. Discover now