Bloody Potter

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I walk into the greenhouse, immediately being hit with strong humidity and a rich smell of leaves and soil. A lot of people were here already, including blonde mystery man Draco. He's been pretty quiet around me but i've seen him strutting around the halls tormenting kids. Blaise was right, he's quite annoying but I'm still very intrigued by him.

He catches my eye and I can feel my cheeks turn pink as I look away quickly. Class hasn't started yet and everyone else is talking to people. My only "friend" so far is Blaise, so I just awkwardly stand there.

'Y/n? I hear the arrogant voice say as he approaches me.

'Mhmm. Draco?' I asked as i turned and faced him.

'I see you're becoming rather fond of Blaise.' He spits at me.

'Sorry?' I was not getting fond of him, we were friends.

'Oh, well I might be mistaken then, but why did his amortentia smell like you?' He asked as he leaned forward to sniff me.

'Don't sniff me you prick.'

'Excuse me? I can do whatever I want.'

'Since when?' I asked teasingly. Draco didn't seem to think it was funny.

'Since I-' He was cut off by Professor Sprout starting class. He looked back at me and glared as he walked back to his assigned station.

Later that evening, I was at dinner across from Blaise. He was going on about some big quidditch game over the summer and the death eaters that showed up. I zoned out a bit, finding myself just staring at his pretty face. Woah. I can't like Blaise.. He's just- no.

'Good evening students!' Ehh not again. I don't think I can sit through another speech. 'It's time to announce the three Triwizard Tournament champions!' Oh right.. that's still happening.

'Now, the goblet of fire does not lie. Meaning, each wizard chosen is chosen for a reason and cannot back out of competing.' Damn that's intense. I honestly probably would've put my name in if I was old enough. Need a little spice in my life, ya know?

Dumbledore approached the goblet and whispered something. The fire shone red and a piece of paper flew out. He caught it and read it.

'The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!'

'Holy shit.' I turn around to see Blaise with his mouth wide open. 'He played in the quidditch cup y/n!'

Viktor was a large boy- well, man, and looked silently pleased with himself.

'The champion from Beaxbatons is... Fleur Delacour!' A pretty blonde girl stood up smiling ear to ear and joined Krum.

'And finally.. the Hogwarts champion is... Cedric Diggory!' My eyes wander to the Hufflepuff table where a very handsome boy stands up beaming.

'Here are the three triwizard tournament champions! I am very pleased and look forward to the first ta-' Dumbledore was cut off by a fiery red flame coming from the goblet of fire. Everyone watches in bewilderment. A paper shoots up and lands in the palm of the headmaster. He shakily opens it and reads,

'Harry Potter!' Potter. Was that the kid from potions? He's in your year. How is he a champion? I turn to look at Blaise and he's just as confused as you.

'HARRY POTTER!' He yells again. Harry reluctantly goes over to him, looking just as confused as everyone else. Dumbledore rushes him out with a few other professors and closes the door behind them.

'Bloody hell that Potter. I guess he has a death wish like his parents.' I turn to Draco as he spits out that remark.

'How did that happen?' I ask.

'Isn't it obvious? The bastard used some nerdy-ass spell to get his name in so he can play hero once again.' What was he talking about?

'Again? Who is he anyways?'

'The chosen one. The boy who lived. The bitch.' Draco seemed disgusted by that Potter kid.

'Chosen one?'

'When he was little the dark lord killed his parents and tried killing him but failed. So now he's famous for doing absolutely nothing but being a baby. Literally.'

'Oh wait that sounds familiar.' I recognized that story but didn't know he actually went to my school.

'He's such a dick. Ever since first year he's gotten everything he wants and all the praise.' Hmm this kid sounds rather awful.

'It's true y/n. Harry Potter is the worst.'

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