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-trigger warning: rape- (it doesn't happen until later in the chapter, I'll put a little ~ mark before it.) I want my readers to feel safe and comfortable while reading! <3

After Blaise's encounter with Pansy's amortentia, they've actually started becoming rather close. I'm not sure why though. If I were him, I'd stay away from her, thinking she was psycho. I mean why would she do that? Snape made me and Ron permanent partners, considering we worked so well together. I was actually really happy about it, because Blaise can get really angry if his partner doesn't do something right. Of course his partner is Harry now, which means he gets even more angry.

Ron also thinks it's weird how Pansy and Blaise have started becoming closer. Especially since I'm dating him, he shouldn't be so interested in the girl that tried to slip him a love potion.

Me and Blaise, Pansy, Draco, Vincent, and Gregory are all in the common room chatting on the couches. I'm getting a little bored, since no one has anything interesting to say.

'Who wants to play some checkers with me?' I ask, standing up. Everyone looks at me and no one says anything.

'I would love to, but I get a little.. competitive.' Blaise says. I'm glad he doesn't volunteer because I don't want to get in another fight.

'Anyone else?' I ask, hopeful.

Draco rolls his eyes and reluctantly gets up.

'I will I guess.' Great. I haven't spoken to him much since he kissed me, trying to avoid that awkward conversation.

We both take a seat at a two-person table in the corner of the room, where wizards checkers is already set up. It's quite far from the rest of the group. Perfect. Just what I need.

'What's gotten into Blaise lately? Did you do something to him?' He whispers.

'I have literally no idea. Ever since Pansy gave him that love potion he's been acting so much different. Like you'd think he'd be weirded out, but no. He seems to be angry with ME for some reason.'

'Yeah that's really weird. I've never seen him like this. At night he'll sometimes rage at me if I'm breathing too loud.'

'I don't know what's going on, but I know that the Blaise I met last month is not the same Blaise I know now.'

'Does he ever.. ask you to do anything with him? Like.. intimate?'

'What? Well I mean yeah, he'll joke around and stuff, but not really, why?

'Ok good, I was just wondering.'

'Are you sure?'


Hmm that's a little weird but he also kissed me once so maybe he's just unpredictable.

We start playing checkers and after a little while he looks down for a while, as though he's thinking deeply.

'Umm Draco?'

'Do you think he found out about our kiss?' He says, looking up.

'What? How would he-' I remember. Pansy. 'Shit.'

'Did he?'

'Pansy saw us Draco. Remember when the door closed? It was her. I forgot to tell you. I have no idea why she was there, but she saw it and now she probably told Blaise.'

'That's not good. Ughh no he's gonna kill me.'

'Why did you do it anyways?'

'Do what?'

'Kiss me.'

'Oh. I don't know. I just.. did.'

'But why?'

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