Jack's date

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The past few weeks at Hogwarts have been great, but weird. We still don't know how Harry managed to get chosen, but that was at the least of my worries right now. Blaise has not struggled to make me fall harder for him, and somehow he's my boyfriend now. The boy I ran into the other day,  Jack, and I have been talking a lot more and have become really good friends. Draco mysterious Malfoy has been just as pricky as always and after the first task of the tournament, he's grown to hate Potter even more if that's even possible. Oh and Pug face- I still don't like her.

'Hey! y/n!' It was Jack. He's attractive and it's really a shame that he's gay. I can tell we're going to be good friends though. He's the sweetest.

'Hey Jack!' I was on my way to charms, and he joined me walking through the halls.

'Guess what!' He said all giddy. He wouldn't let me answer and instead he said, 'I have a date tonight!'

'Oh yay! With who?' He hadn't mentioned any boys yet, so I was curious. I also didn't know of any other gay boys here.

He looks around before answering 'Cedric Diggory.'


'Hehe surprise?' He said not knowing how i felt.

'Oh my hell Jack! That's awesome!' I said laughing 'Also, Diggory? He's really-'

'Mhmm.' I didn't see that coming.

'I'm happy for you Jack. That's really awesome. Is he nice? what're you doing for your date?' I was so happy for him.

'Oh my he's a dream y/n. A dreammm.' He went all googly eyed. I laughed. 'Oh yeah about the date. That's actually what I wanted to talk about. You see, he thinks he knows how to figure out the clue for the next task but he asked me to go with him. We haven't gone out yet, and I told him that because of past trauma, I don't feel safe going alone on the first date and he said that I could bring a friend... sooo?' He smiled all sweetly at me.

'You want me to go with you on your first date with famous Cedric?' I asked.

'....yes?' He asked, very hopeful.

'Of course I will but on one condition. No getting carried away with him in front of me.'

'Absolutely not.' He said. 'Thank you!' He ran off smiling and squealing. I laughed the rest of my way to charms.

That night I got ready with Jack in his dorm. 'What are we doing exactly? For the date?' I asked.

'Swimming' He said smiling. 'Or something with water.' He shrugged. 'He told me to wear bathing suits.'

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