Hes here

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Brights POV

Hours went by and win wasn't answering my calls or messages. I didnt know whether to think he was angry or just not in the mood to talk until he got here.

I honestly dont know what to expect when he gets here. He sounded calm on the phone after I told him I was here with first.

I waited in the guest room patiently. I couldnt sleep. Not because I was anxiously for win and all the things he'll say. But because khao and first are really loud themselves. I guess realizing their feelings for eachother caused a lot of hunger inside of them.

I groaned as I turned my music up louder to drown out the sign. Maybe a new pair of earbuds wouldve did a better job.

I get up and walk out my room. I quietly make my way to the front door to put my slippers on and head outside. Looks like I'll just wait for win out here.

Guilt starts to take over me a little. He was probably looking for me and thought I left him for good. I hate when he overthinks things, I dont want him thinking I'd ever leave him. He just doesnt know how blessed I am to even be able to have him in my life. I could never stay angry or upset at win.

Just like how first said I was his light, it's the same way i feel for win. I forgive first but he really did hurt me and caused me to have a lot of emotional issues. I didnt want to love anymore, I didnt think I deserved it. But win changed everything. I feel so lucky to have him.

Another hour of waiting and I hear someone come next to me, they hand me a glass of water and sit next to me.
"Sorry bright" first softly smiled
"Its alright" I chuckled "I understand"
"You think wins gonna be angry?" First asked
"Mhmm, not sure.....he sounded pretty chill on the phone. But I dont know if that's because he was trying to control his anger or if he understood" I explained. First nodded his head then it went silent for a while.

"Whatever he does to me I deserve it. I know I hurt him not only you." He ranted
"I mean....I forgive you and understand. Maybe win will be able to as well. Especially if he knows that you have someone else now." I assured
"Yeah but I havent even forgave myself" he began "I dont know why i was born this way.....I always find a way to fuck up everything or cause problems with other people. Khao assures me that that wont happen with us....but what if.....I ruin it like I did with you" he looks down and played with his fingers.

" first, yeah you've made mistakes, but are you really human if you've never made them?" I spoke softly "look you've owned up to every thing you've done, youve asked for forgiveness and apologized for everything. You have someone in there who loves you to death and would litterly do anything for you. He understands your problems and hes been there for you through it all.....and I promise you, your love from him is different from the love you have for me." I noted

He looked at me with wide eyes
"How can you be sure?" He asked
"Who did you go to when you wanted to cry or was upset"
"Khao" he answered
"Who did you feel the most comfortable being vulnerable with?"
"Who did you want to call when you got good news?"
"Khao" he answered with a guilty look on his face
"And who was the person you always worried about? the one who you always made you laugh when you were around them? the one who brought you joy just by their smile? The one who you cant live without?"
"Khao" he answered with a smile

"See?" I said "you may have loved me but it wasnt as deep as the love you have for khao, you probably didnt notice it" I concluded
"I guess you're right" he beamed "I'm sorry I got so attached to you.....but I hope we can be friends now. I really did enjoy having you around sometimes" he added. I smiled and hummed as a response.

We sat there for a while until we heard the door close behind us. We turned and saw a half awake khao coming towards us slowly.
"Brightttt" he whined "when is win gonna be here? I wanna cuddle with first." He grumbled. Me and first laughed as he came and sat down next to us.
"I'm sorry baby, but I wanna be able to speak with win" first giggled
"Okay okay, I'll wait with you guys" khao pouted

Just as I was about to tease him, a car had pulled into the drive way blinding all three of us for a minute. The lights went out and we heard someone open the car do then slam is. We stood up and watched as the person approached us. When they got closer the dark figure could be seen as win.

We all stayed silent, staring back and forth at eachother other until the silence was broken.
"You guys not gonna invite me in?" Win questioned
"Y-yeah s-sorry" first stuttered. Khao and first walked forward as win followed behind them without a single glance at me. I guess he is angry after all. Guess I have to get ready for another painful breakup.

     Sorry for the short chapter but I dont know what way I want this to go😗. No tears though. Maybe.

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