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Wins POV


I woke up opening my eyes slowly I felt coldness beside me. I reached out for bright but he wasnt there, i slowly got up to look and i could still see the lights were off in the living room too. Did he leave? I got out of bed and made my way to the bathroom to freshen up.

When I got out I opened my door and saw the light were in fact off and i guess he really did leave. My heart sunk by that thought, why would he leave and not even leave a note. I went back to by nightstand to check my phone to see if he texted. There was nothing. Where'd he go?

I didnt want to assume much so I just went to the kitchen to some water. My mouth felt dry. Once I grabbed my water I went to the living room to cut the tv on to something random and just wait until bright came back.

20 minutes later I hear the door open and turn my head to see bright coming in with some groceries. I stand up quickly to walk over and help him put them on the counters.

"Sorry baby" bright says "I went to get some stuff so I could make you breakfast but traffic was back up by the time I left the store to head over here" he said disappointed. I smile and came near him to wrap my arms around his neck.

"The fact that you tried is all that matters to me" I gave him a small peck "at least we can make it together" he smiled widely and we began making breakfast.

We're sitting down at the table eating and talking until brights phone rings. He looks at the caller ID then frowns
"Who is it?" He looks up and smiles softly
"No one important" he puts the phone down and continues eating. That was kind of weird but I'll just brush it off for now.

We finish eating and decided to lay lazily in bed. I guess bright must've woke up early because as soon as we got back in bed he was fast to sleep. I didnt mind I like listening to his heartbeat.

While laying there I then started to think about yesterday and how embarrassing it was to be caught like that. Then I remember......me and bright are going to do it today. I heart started to race. My lips curved with a smile. I was really excited for it, to finally do what I've been longing to do. Bright is the only person I've ever loved and I'm happy to be able to experience this with him.

But how do you usually start stuff like this off. I mean in the porno I've watched they just went straight into it but this is different. I'm doing it with the person I'm inlove with. I turned my head to look at the clock, it's only 6:45. Maybe after bright wakes up we can start....wait is that too soon I mean I really want to but hes sleeping. Wait, hes sleeping...maybe I can just....

I take my hand and start rubbing his chest then I lean my head closer to his neck to leave soft kisses.
"Bright" I whisper in his ear "wake up....I want you" I start leaving kisses on his cheeks, eyes, forehead then finally a soft kiss on his lips.

I take my hand down lower to rubbing my hand on his lower torso while still calling his name out. As I'm kissing his neck I start to here him slowly wake up and him slowly getting hard.
"Mhmm....metawin?" He moans out
"Yes bright" I say innocently
"What are yo- mhmm...doing?" I take my hand to his now erect member and rub softly

"Bright.....yesterday I said tomorrow.....and its tomorrow. I want you now" I demand. We stare at eachother for a minute until I lean in and push our lips together. This is one of the things I love doing, kissing bright. He always tasted better than the first time we kissed. I always made sure to savor every moment of it as our tounges played together I felt bright move his hands to my waist to pull me up and rub me all over.
Squeezing my ass making sure there is no space between us.

I let out a moan when I feel our members brush against eachother. The room that was once silent is filled with soft moans and heavy breathing. Before we could go further bright breaks  away from the kiss first to look at me with lust in his eyes.

We catch our breaths and he finally speaks
"You sure about this metawin.......I dont know if I'll be able to hold back" his lips are parted as his eyes move back and forth from my eyes to my lips
"Yes bright....take all of me make me yours"

In a flash he flipped us over so now he was hovering over me and pushed his hands inside my underwear and held my member. I moaned loudly he was turning me on to a whole new level.
"Anything for you my love"
He bends down and starts licking and sucking on my neck as he gently massages my member. All I can do is moan and run my hands all down his hair and back.

"Take your clothes off baby"

I quickly take off every piece of clothing and throw it somewhere on the ground. Bright just stares at me for awhile in awe. Observing my body, I start to get shy "bright i wanna see you too"  I blurted
He smiles and manages to take all his clothing off while still keeping eye contact with me.

"You have any lube? Condom?" He Asked
I slowly move to my nightstand opening the draw bringing out a half empty bottle of lube. He takes it from my hand and looks at it for a while then back at me.
"Baby how long have you been using those toys?" I was shocked by his question and confused.
"Since Tuesday.....why?" What he did next left me astonished

He lube 2 of his fingers and slid then inside of me thrusting slowly.
"Bright" I hissed a combination of pain and pleasure was taking over my body
"I'm sorry you were without me for all those days......let me take you to heaven today okay?" He then leaned down and captured my lips once more kissing me roughly while he scissors my whole.

A few more thrust and I felt I was gonna burst but he took his fingers out and lube his dick. He looked at me and I gave him a nod to signal him, he then inserted his member inside slowly. I groaned as I felt like I was being ripped but it didnt feel so bad like I thought. I guess the toys really did work i gave myself a mental high five. Once he was in all the way he stayed still i could adjust to it.

He started to slowly thrust and kiss me on my neck
"Ahhh" I moaned the pain was starting to turn into pleasure he then started to thrust faster holding me tight in his arms sucking and kissing all over my neck leaving bruises. I didnt want to be the only one marked.

I moved to his head to suck his neck and to start leaving hickeys all over him. I want everyone to know he is mine that bright Vachirawit belongs to me.

Moans and skin slapping together filled the room as bright started to go even faster.
"Yes bright.....mhmmmm.....right there"
"You like that" he then took my member and started to jerk me off
"Yes....ahhhhh.....I love you.....I love you.....yes bright right there" I felt his dick get harder inside of me. I guess he was getting more turned on then me.

"I love you metawin.....I'm not holding back........you're mine....ahhhhh" he moaned out
He looked so sexy on top of me, I've been imagining this for days and now its finally happening. I get to make love with the man I wanted to spend the rest of my days with. I let happy tears drop from my eyes as i felt my climax coming and I felt brights dick twitch on the inside.

"Come with me my love" bright yelled out
"Yes baby I will" I replied
Soon with a couple more thrust we then release at the same time. I feel brights warm nectar inside of me hit my prostate while mines drips all over my stomach. We ride out our high until bright drops on top of me kissing me lips again.

This time taking the time to taste all my inside and exploring my mouth with his tounge. He breaks away first
"Thank you baby" he breathed out "I love you so much" he continued
"I love you too bright......you've made me the happiest man on the planet" I then leaned back in for a kiss we broke from it to stare into eachother eyes.

"Were not over yet metawin......I will mark you from top to bottom" he declared
"Mark me away"

Sorry for the late upload I actually thought I was gonna write it sooner but I've been busy. Hope you enjoy I'm not really sure I did and I even cringed at some of the stuff i wrote bc i havent dont it before 😭😭. But to the comments I get thank you again and thank you guys for reading/voting. Tomorrow is Friday so I may be able to double upload hopefully but if I dont probably Saturday. Anyways enjoy 💕💕💕

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