past catching up

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Brights POV

It's been a week since me and win had finally been able to have sex but I already feel like I cant keep up with him. All week hes seduced me and we've made passionate love all over my appartment. Not that I'm complaining or anything I just didnt expect this type of behavior from him. He seemed so shy at first but i guess my boyfriend can be a little naughty too.

I just got done with my shift at the software company I work at part time. I was headed to the gym when I heard my stomach grawl, I guess skipping lunch wasnt a good idea. Thanks to this new bug we found in our system our boss as been on my teams ass to fix it. Before I head over to the gym I stop at a place to grab some late lunch.

After I'm inside and ordered my food I sit down decided to call win to see if he was alright.


"Hey baby you doing alright"

"Yes I just want to go home and be with you"

"Why dont you come to the gym I'm sure mike would be happy to see you"

"That sounds nice. Are you there now?"

"No I'm eating a late lunch I had to skip because of some work I'm doing"

"Oiii bright......dont skip lunch I need you to stay healthy and fit for me"

"Hahhahha yes baby I'll try next time okay I'll see you when I get to the gym alright?"

"Okay enjoy your meal. I love you and drive safe"

"I love you too baby"

I hang up the phone and put it down to grab some food when I hear someone clear there throat. I look up and I frown immediately seeing the person whose calls I've been ignoring for a week now. How did they find me? Are they stalking me now?

"What are you doing here?" I asked blankly
"You've been avoiding me bright" they sat down in the chair in front of me and our eyes darted
"Shouldnt you take that as a hint that I dont want to speak to you?" I look down back at my food and took a bite of my sandwich
"You found a new lover?" They asked
"Does it matter" I replied back

They huffed and layed their hands on the table roughly. I looked up and they were just staring
" know why I've been calling you all I'm asking is that you talk to him"
"But why......I havent seen him in almost a year.......what does he want?" Ughh I hate this shit.

Last week bright was sitting in his room finishing some paper work when his phone ranged. He saw it was from an unknown number and let it rang through thinking it was a scam. But the number called back and because he was curious he answered the call
"Hello" a man answered
"Who is this" bright as confused
"Bright, this is khao I need to speak with you"
Bright immediately went into Shock. Why was first bestfriend calling him and why did he want to talk.
"What do you want khao?"
"Listen, I know you probably dont want to but first wants to speak with you, hes actually looking for you and I think you should give him a call. His phone number hasn't changed and hes been looking for you. Please reach out he just wants to talk with you and patch things up" bright couldn't believe what he was hearing. So seeing him here in Bangkok wasnt a coincidence?
"No. Tell first I am happy now and I dont need him coming back in my like screwing things up" bright was now angry
"Bright please just talk it's only one conversation"
"I said no"
"Bri-" bright hung up and threw his phone down. He was filled with mixed emotions but mostly anger. Why did this have to happen when I'm finally happy he thought"

End of flashback

"Listen khao I dont want to talk to him okay why cant you just leave me alone" I groaned
"Because I am his bestfriend and whatever he wants I will help give it to him. I'm not gonna ask again bright he just wants one conversation." I glared at him and instantly lost my appetite
"I have somewhere to be" I declared and started wrapping up my food
"With your boyfriend? " he asked

I stopped for a second "what does that have to do with you" I spat
"I dont want to have to follow you around and bring first to meet him" I shot and evil look at him
"What the fuck khao.....are you so miserable that you have to ruin other peoples lives?" I snapped at him. If we werent in public I'd really punch this guy in the face
"Bright" he smirked "I only ask of one thing......when I call tomorrow pick up or I will bring first by your house while he is there" I stand up quickly and look at him
"And then I will shut the door in your face, grab my new and improved boyfriend and make love to him all night love in every spot of my apartment......AGAIN" khaos face then starts getting red and he balls his fist. Before he can get a word out I leave and head to my car.

I know this will turn ugly if i dont do anything about, that means I have to tell win what's going on. At first i thought if I'd avoid it it'll eventually go away but khao was taking it to far. I was not gonna let anything split me and my metawin up. Not when I knew he was the one who I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.

I drove off to the gym checking my mirrors every second just to make sure I wasnt being followed. When I got inside I didnt see win yet but I saw an anxious Tay waiting my the entrance walking back and forth.

"Tay what's wrong?" I asked. He was scaring me like someone died.
"B-bright......I-I dont know....." he stammered
"Tay what the hell is going on?" I yelled
"First is here and hes in my office and also win is here but hes in the locker room and I'm trying to make sure that they dont meet" he breathed out all at once
Fear took over all of my body as I heard the words he was saying I take out my phone quick to text win and tell him to come out side.
"Tay go inside and distract first please......I need to let win know before he sees me" tay nods and heads inside. I go behind the wall to wait for win, a minute later I hear someone walking and call out my name. I know its win and I pull him to where I am and hide us both.

He looks shocked then puts a grin on his face
"Bright? Are you trying to seduce me........I've never done it in front of a gym before" he laughed. This was no time to be funny right now and I just speak
"'re going to be angry but there is someone here who may be trying to break me and you up but please know I love you and will never leave you" I let all my words come out and I see his demeanor change.
He opens his mouth to speak but then I hear another voice I know to well call out my name

"Bright?" He comes over and eyes win then looks back at me
"Bright? Why are you with another guy?" I haven't seen him in almost a year and he still looks the same but with more anger in his eyes.
"This guy is my boyfriend who I love what are you doing here first" I hear win gasps then I feel him stare at me. First looks away from me to glare at win
"Bright doesnt love anyone but me" he says

I hear tay run away breathing heavily
"I'm sorry bright he said he had to pee" he made an apologetic face

"Bright......I want you back......I love you"


A/N: Here you go loves I hope you enjoy and I'll try and keep the plot interesting. Dont be afraid to point out any flaws or suggestions I'm all ears😌💕.

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