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Wins POV


After yesterday I couldn't hold back anymore I need to finish preparing myself so I can finally give my all to bright. Saying I love you to eachother really gave me a sense of happiness I've never felt before. He was mine and I was his and we love eachother that's something I want to feel the rest of my life.

"Bright" i whispered. We are currently in the bed cuddling, its 6 and I have to leave if I'm going to be on time for work. "Brighttt" I said a little louder I then tapped him repeatedly on his face.

"Mhmmmm....let me be like this a little more" he said in his sleepy voice
"Bright I'm gonna be late for work" he finally opened his eyes to look at me
"But I love you to much to let you go" I blushed man this guy really knows how to use his words. I give him a light peck on the lips and look at him
"I love you too but I need to go to work, I'll stay to have breakfast but then I need to go ok?" He pouted then sullenly shook his head

I got out and went into the bathroom after I was finished in there I walked into the kitchen with a delicious breakfast all out on the table and it smelled wonderful. I sat down at the table and waited for bright to come sit and eat with me.

"Remember win I'm coming over to your place after I finish my shift okay ?" I was distracted by how the food taste I just nodded and continued to eat. After a amazing breakfast I say my goodbye and my I love you to bright and head home to shower and change to later go to work.

Once settled in I couldn't get last night out of my brain my first relationship and my first love all in one. Who knew this would ever happen to me, I honestly thought if I did find someone it wouldnt be this great and I'd be stuck in a loveless relationship the rest of my life. But no......I have bright now and I plan on haveing him until my last breath.

"Hey win you came in late today are you sure you're really win?" Frank asked with a face scared face
"Hahaha.....yes I'm really win I just got caught up with some stuff" I smile at him but then he got a suspicious look
"Oiii are you dating someone for real? Please tell me dont tell me anything you just always leave me guessing and I hate it.....please please tell me.....are they hot? Rich? Ouuuu girl or boy? Or is it both? Man win you're a real player if you got both but I mean you are handsome, half the people in the building want you but you're just to dense to realize.....but for real tell me and I'll keep it to myself I promise.......I just wanna know."

No words to could leave my mouth. All I could do was stare at this man. Everything he said just amazed me and left me speechless. And the part I'm most confused about is what he said about the people in the building wanting me when all they do is stare and talk bad about me behind my back.

"Hello? Earth to win" frank was waving his hand in front of my face
"Uhh sorry just I've never heard you talk that much but to answer your question......" he then got a huge smile on his face and leaned closer
"Its none of your concern now get back to work please" his smile disappears and i turn around to have one on my face now

It's not that i dont trust frank it's just i dont think anyone needs to know about my personal life in this office. This is a place of work not a place to gossip, I keep myself from letting anyone know me here because I need to be able to concentrate on work instead what everyone else is doing

"Ugghh win you're so mean" he cried. Frank stomped away and headed back to his desk.

During the day my mind kept wondering off on how I would approach bright about finally having sex. I honestly dont know how he feels about it and if I'm being honest I just want to do better than his ex I want him to know how much I love him and that he is mine.

I guess I can be a little possessive but only when were alone, I havent had to deal with it in public because bright always makes sure to prove I'm his. For example once we were in the mall just walking around to buy some clothes. There was a group of girls I could see smiling  and staring at bright, I was getting angry and really wanted to say something but I just tried to stay calm but they kept following us. I glared at them when I thought bright wasnt looking but I guess he noticed because I saw him smirk then hold my hand and kiss me on the cheek. I heard the girls gasps and walk away.

Bright always did things like that and I started to realize when I think hes not paying attention he is. Ughhh I miss him so much and think about him is really turning me on. I looked at my watch and it was a quarter till 5, I really didnt want to wait that long but I had to so instead of thinking of bright I made myself even busier with work.

When the clock finally his 5 I was the first one out, on the way to the parking lot i heard gasps from people and saw others staring at me. It was really rare to see me be the first to leave but I dont care thinking of bright all day just does something to me and I want to release all this tension I have right now.

Once in the car I speed all the way to my place to get ready to have some love making with myself. Once I was done with my shower I cut the lights off and close my door to settle down in my room. Tonight I'm going to use the big one then tomorrow it will be brights.

I lay on my back and steady my breath to be ready I already lube it up and my whole I just need to imagine bright fucking me hard and fast to turn me on. I became hard and I was ready. I turned on the vibrator and teased it around my hole letting out soft moans

I then began to slowly enter the vibrator inside, it hurt like shit but I kept going till it was fully in. I waited awhile so i could adjust myself then i started to move it in and out slowly. The pain soon turned into pleasure as my thrust started to speed up and the vibrations hit my prostate.

I started moaning uncontrollably not caring if I was a little loud. This felt way better than the other ones I used I felt like I could come any second but soon all that joy was gone when someone came barging into my room screaming.

"What the fuck win are you chea-" bright then stopped and looked at me then to what I was doing.


Sorry for the late update I've been a little busy, yes it's a short chapter but there is still more to come please enjoy. 💕

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