different pov

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Brights POV

I woke up with a mild headache and pain in my muscles, I needed water also then I turn and i see water next to me with 2 aspirins by it as well. Then the memories from last night come back to me, I had win in my bed and in my arms i honestly couldn't believe it. I've wanted him to come over and be inside with me for a while but since he seemed to work a lot I thought I'd just let him drop me off and say our goodbyes.

I turned to my side after I took the medicine and I see the note win left, I chuckled at the part where he gave me his number. "Damn you beat me to it" I whispered to myself, I was going to wait until I felt it was the right time to ask. I didnt know if he was even comfortable around me he always seemed nervous or like he was a little scared. I even had to lie about when my motorcycle was going to be ready just so I could understand why he seemed nervous.

I liked win ever sense I saw him walking into the building at the gym.
"Well bright I'm so glad you took this job it's been a while sense I've seen you" tay said
"I'm glad to be here too this place looks great, you even have all the updated equipment" I looked around amazed then i see a tall pale dude smiling with another man showing his bunny like teeth. His smile seemed to be so bright and he looked so happy . I felt a smile come on my face just by looking at him and my insides started to feel all warm, I felt the urge to want to know him more and be around him all the time.
"Hey you ok dude" tay asked concerned
"Who is that" I ask pointing at the handsome stranger
"Oh that's win metawin hes a member here he joined months ago, why?"
"Hes cute" I walk towards the window trying to get a better look at him
"Slow down bright didnt you and first just break up" tay came and put his hand on my shoulder
"Tay that was like 4 months ago and besides this guy makes me feel something I've never felt for anyone not even first" I smiled brightly just looking at him running on the treadmil smiling with his friends
"Bright you sure you really want to get into another relationship?" I turned to tay and saw he had a serious look on his face. I mean he was right even though first did me wrong multiple times I was still hurt by our breakup I even moved hear to get away from him. But this win made me feel like I needed him, i guess this is what they call love at first sight.
"Oh I'm sure hes definitely worth it" I said happily. Tay goes towards the door and puts his hand on the knob
"Just promise me one thing" he said "dont use your lame pickup lines" he laughed and walked out. And I immediately started laughing with him remembering the memories of me and him practicing my pickup lines when I was trying to court first.
We walk out together laughing and a couple people turn their heads our way, I'm not concerned about them until I see from the corner of my eyes win staring. After a minute of it I see his friend speed his treadmil up.
"Hey I think it's time to introduce me to the gym" I said
"Yeah right" he turned to the people
"Hi guys if I may have your attention please, I'd like to introduce a new trainer to our gym. Now he may be new but he is experienced so if you have any questions domt hesitate to come to him" he then turned to me to signal me to speak
"Hi my name is Bright Vachirawit like tay said if you have any questions please feel free to ask me. Thank you." I finished and looked around the gym for a second looking at peoples faces, then I catch wins eyes were both staring at each other and I feel something I feel my heart start to be faster. My lips parted when he stared for a little longer then i looked away when tay brought me back in his office.
After a while of looking around I thought I get to know some of the members names, I wanted to go to win but I kept changing my direction because ingot nervous. I change and  I go up to these two girls lifting weights and doing squats.
"Hi ladies sense I'll be a trainer here now I'd like to know you guys name if that's alright with you." They both turned to eachother and giggled
"You sure you dont want to learn that guys name over there." I follow their gaze and they are pointing at win I instantly get shocked by how they noticed so quickly. I chuckled then turned back to them.
"I dont know what you mean." I said with a sarcastic tone. They laughed again
"Its okay bright we are here for you, if you want to pursue win that's his name by the way, you need to become friends with mike aswell. They usually go out and have dinner after their done." One of the girls explained
"Huh you guys seem to know a lot are you spys?"
"Haha...no we can just tell when someone's in love." They teased
"Well then wish me luck and thank you for the information." I quickly walk over to them but quietly because I don't want to scare win.
"He didnt even get our name." One of the girls said to the other
"Its alright because hes gonna get something better." And they got back to working out.
I approached both win and his friend Mike and pretend not to know their names. Mike instantly seems friendly and even introduced win as very nice, we all shake hands and I felt something magical when i shake wins like he belonged with me. As they are getting ready to leave I remember what the girls said and I needed to find a way to go to dinner with them but mike beat me to it by asking me to go. I looked and saw win a little shocked by that but I didnt want to think much of if i just wanted to be with him. I say yes and we part they were taking a while in the locker room and I then hear voices I turn a little and i see win and Mike having an intense conversation then I hear mike speak
"Come on win....I'm just trying to help you find your lover" my eyes widen by that was he talking about me?
"Listen" win spoke "I may be attracted to him but I just met him I cant like him , so stop playing jokes and let's just be adults." After win said that I quietly walked away with a blush on my face. At least i know he thinks I'm attractive, wait is that why mike invited me out? To help win find a lover? I made it out side and started looking up at the sky trying to control my breathing. I felt happiness and like something new was going to happen to me, a couple minutes later they are out and we all agree on a place and head to the shop. I followed mike but got caught behind another car, if was fine I instantly was able to tell where they were going. I could see them waiting for me. As I get there and take my jacket and helmet off I see win run inside and I get a little concerned. I asked mike what was wrong and he just said he needed to use the bathroom, then he told me he was ordering drinks and to tell win not to take long. He even pushed me to go to the bathroom and instead of having me wait out with him, when I get in a see win putting water on his face he look gorgeous even when hes just doing the bare minimum. I take a towel for him and laugh when he feels I'm next to him, we have a small chat and I go in the stall not to use to bathroom but just control myself. Seeing him bent over like that made me think of some thoughts I shouldnt have thought of, once i get back to normal i go out and i planned to have a nice conversation with win but he seemed so nervous and shy. Mike did most of the talking and he just spoke when he needed to barely making eye contact, but I was not gonna let this be our night. When we got ready to leave I came out with a plan, mike was already gone and I saw win on his phone in his car, i then go around my bike to cut on of the wires from it. I know it was stupid but I made good money and could easily get it fixed in the next week, I then got back on my bike and put the key into the ignition starting it then it made a loud pop sound like I wanted it to. I hear win come and he asked me what's wrong, I tried my hardest to act annoyed and then my plan worked when he offered me a ride home. I had him alone finally but he still seemed a little nervous and it was silent so I started up a nice conversation it was short but I loved hearing his voice and being in his presence. We made it to my home and I wanted to ask him in but I didnt think he would like it so I said good night and we parted. After 2 weeks of pretending my bike was still in bad shape me and win got closer and I tried to court him without his knowledge but everything i did seemed brotherly. But it meant I got to spend more time with him and my goal was to have him as my boyfriend
End of flashback

Man I wish he wouldve stayed, but I dont think he wouldve wanted to anyway especially after knowing what I told him last night.
"Damn it first, you always ruin everything" I said to myself

Why did i have to see him especially with another. And why was he even here? Why isnt he in Chiang Mai ? Even though it was a bad night remembering win saying he would always be by my side made me feel complete. I wasnt missing my ex I was just angry that he was here and might ruin my chance with win, but I wasnt ready to let him know that yet so I just said I missed him.

But I was happy to know win hasn't dated anyone yet, because that meant I could be his first for everything and the thought of that made me feel amazing because I could give all my love to him and make him feel as happy as possible. Oh how I wish I could have him in my arms again, while he was sleeping I go closer to him and put his head on my arm. I wanted to his his soft breathing and low heartbeat.

I text win and let him know I got his note and I thank him for the medicine. I make my way to the bathroom to take a shower, once done in the bathroom I cleaned my place even though it doesnt need much I like to keep it as nice as possible. I make me a simple small breakfast and watch the news, I still hadn't gotten a text back from win yet so I assumed hes busy.

I hear my phone go off and reach for it quickly thinking its win, but it turns out to be my childhood friend Gun.

*hey bright can we hang out today my boyfriend isnt gonna be home for most of the day and I wanna surprise him with dinner for when he gets back*

*sure you want me to come pick you up or meet you at a place*

*come pick me up I dont feel like driving, i can be ready in an hour*

*alright see you then*

After an hour I went out to go pick up gun, I've known him longer than tay then we all became friends during my second year in college. Were all cool and I really enjoy them, but one thing about gun is he can be really clingy which I find cute but his boyfriend likes to get jealous as gun likes to tell me but I've never actually met him. I've only seen pictures that he has with him, gun says he hasn't told anyone yet not even his friends so hes being patient.

I make it to guns place and he comes out wearing black pants and an oversized hoodie always looking adorable, before we get in I recieve a text and it's from with I instantly get a smile on my face

*glad I could be of service to you and it's alright we all act a way when drunk, and I like your company too*

*😂😂oh and about the number thing that you left in the note, I planned on asking you when my bike was fixed sense it wasnt really a need to have it sense we would be around eachother*

Oh alright well atleast you have it now. I hope you have a goodnight*

*you too, goodnight metawin.*

I was left smiling a out messages until I felt a hand hit my shoulder. I look up and see gun giving me a goofy smile
"Who is it?" He asked
"Someone I'll tell you about later now let's go" I start the car and we make it to a store, I grab a cart and me and gun go walking down the aisles getting food so he can cook for his boyfriend. As usual he is clinging on to me and we are laughing haveing a good time.

Until I thought I saw someone rushing out from behind the other aisle, I slowly turn around and I see someone who looks oddly familiar running out he store. I look closer and I see the car they get in  and i know that car.


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