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Wins P.O.V

At least 2 weeks have passed since I met bright and I guess now I can confirm I do like him. I started working a little less overtime just so I can go to the gym and eat with him and mike, and because of his bike still being in the shop, I've been taking him home after our meals. I've learned more about him and I get to see his smile every day, I still have no idea how I'm supposed to deal with this since it is all still new to me but I do know I like being by his side.

"Win if you keep staring I think your eyes will eventually pop out," mike said interrupting my thoughts
" Shut up mike I'm not even staring" I lied I was staring he just looked so good when he worked out all the sweat on his body and him pumping his muscles whenever he did pushups.

"Win you've already told me you like him so why not just try and pursue him," Mike asked.
I told mike 3 days after meeting bright that I liked him since it was getting pretty obvious as he likes to put it. But I was too scared to let him know since like I said it's new to me and I dont think he's into guys. He treats me like a brother also yes he likes to take care of me but most of the time it seems like brotherly love. I've been taking him home for at least 2 weeks and I still haven't been inside the damn house.

"I can't do that mike I dont even think he's into guys" I stated
"You'll never know unless you ask plus you guys have been spending some time together do you really wanna miss your chance?" Mike asked
"I'm fine just being how we are as long as we are still friends and I get to see him that's fine." I knew I wouldn't be able to confess to him but being around him was good enough for me.

"Guys you almost ready to leave I think I pushed enough for today" bright said. He always does that come out of nowhere and starts a conversation, it's kind of scary because he could hear me confess my feelings towards him and I'm not ready for him to know yet.

"Um sorry it's just gonna have to be you guys, I actually have a date tonight," Mike said in a cheerful voice
"A DATE?" I shouted
"Yeah he's cute and I met him at a bar a couple of days ago and then decided to try it out." He explained I instantly looked at bright to see if he would be disgusted at what mike just said knowing it's 2 men dating. But instead, he just smiled

"Well congratulations to you then I hope your date goes well and we can meet him" bright said happily
"Yeah congrats I hope you've found your lover" I teased
"Well win maybe you'll find yours too and stop being such a workaholic, maybe you'll finally date someone once," he said with a laugh. And I instantly hit him I haven't told bright I've never dated before mainly because it was kind of embarrassing and I didnt want him to know I was a virgin either.

"OWW, why'd you hit me?" Mike wined
"Dont you need to go get ready to leave for your date?" I asked trying to change the subject
"Oh right, well I hope you guys enjoy your dinner and have a good night," Mike said while walking away. I turn too bright and I see him just smiling at me and I smile back nervously.

"You wanna leave now or do you have more work to do?" I asked breaking the silence
"We can leave now I'm pretty hungry and could use a beer." He said
"Okay let's go". We walked to the locker rooms and I took off my blue sweaty shirt and replaced it with a large grey one. I walked out of the locker room to already see bright waiting. Wow, he's fast, I go towards him and we head to my car. Since his bikes still in the shop he rides with me when we go out to eat as well then I drop him off at his home, he said it'll be in for another 3 days then I wouldn't have to worry about dropping and picking him up anymore. I'm kinda sad about it since I really like him being with me but all good things must come to an end.

We get to the shop and the place seems to have fewer people in it than it usually does so we just sit at our regular spot and order our drinks.

"You haven't said a word since we got in the car, are you okay?" Bright asked
"Yeah just a little tired I worked out a little more than I do," I explained
"Did you have a stressful day at work?" He asked
"Um yeah kinda," I said but it's a lie. I wasn't speaking because I was still embarrassed about what mike said I really didnt want bright to know I've never dated before I didnt want him to think of me as a lame person.

"Seems like something else is troubling you." He said it's like he sees right through me
"No, I'm fine really" I insured
"If this is about what mike said it's okay win, if I'm being honest the last relationship I was in was the first one I only date people who I love so I dont really date either. It's completely normal for you to not have dated anyone yet it just means you're waiting for the right one." Him saying that made me feel warm and relaxed. He didnt think of me as lame and he understands me, at that moment I wanted to tell him that I like him and want to date him but it was still too soon.

"Thanks, bright," I said while blushing this was honestly the best I've felt in forever
" you're welcome now stop being embarrassed and let's order some food," he said while calling the waitress over.
Were eating our food and chatting and he seemed to be drinking a lot but I didnt want to be rude and say anything but I made sure when he wasn't looking to pour some out of his bottle so he wouldn't get too drunk.

"Moving here has been the best I've seen so much here that I didnt see back home in Chiang Mai, I feel cozy here." He said with happiness in his eyes, they seemed to sparkle whenever he talked about something he loves
"Yeah I've been here most of my life and I still get mesmerized by the places here. I said
"If I'm being honest.....I came look for love as well." He said sounding like the alcohol was finally getting to him.
"Really?" I asked shocked by that
"Yes, my ex was a real pain.....I gave my all in the relationship.....but they still....fucked up they even cheated on me.....but I took them back because I believed them when they said they loved me...." he said in a sad tone
"She sounds like a bitch." I said annoyed like seriously how could anyone what to hurt or cheat on bright he seems like the most caring and loving person ever, he even told me a story of how he worked extra hours for 6 months straight to pay for his sister and brothers college fee plus got a second job to help support his mom. This man was so selfless and kind he deserves the world.

"It was a dude.....the dude was a one...I hate him..." he sounded so sad I just wanted to hold him but I realized it was time to go because he was really drunk I didnt even have time to be happy that he was into guys.
"Okay bright I think it's time to go come on," I said
I called for the waitress and paid for the meal then grab him in my arms and walked him to my car and boy was he heavy but I didnt mind. His head was to my neck and I felt his hot breath blowing on it plus we were in a close embrace it made me wondered if we would ever do this again.

I put him in the car and drove him home. While driving I looked for his house keys so I could carry him in and I was a little nervous because I've never been in before. Grabbing his keys I pulled up to his driveway, stopped the car, and got out. When I opened the door he was asleep so I took his seatbelt off and gently pulled him out of the car, we were able to make it to his door and I took his key out and unlocked it. He we go win just take him inside make sure he's comfortable then leave.

We walked in and his place was dark, I took my and his shoes off and looked for a switch once I found it I turned it on and looked around observing. His place was basic but really neat, I saw on the table a laptop and a bunch of papers maybe for his work. There was still a pan in the sink with a little bit of burnt egg on it maybe from his breakfast this morning I thought.

I saw a light on down the hallway and I guess that was his room I started walking with him still in my arms. We made it to the room and It was the same as it was everywhere else in the house basic and neat he had pictures of his and I'm guessing his family on the dresser and walls blue sheets and curtains to match plus a desk with more papers on it. I take him to his bed and plop him down and because of his arm still being wrapped around me tight I fell with him, I felt my heartbeat again loudly we were so close to each other one slight move and our lips would touch I tried getting out but his grip tightened and I saw his eyes slowly open.

"Can you stay with me?"

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