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you know, life is a crazy thing, one moment a person is with you, holding you tight, whispering sweet nothings into your ear, and then the next moment all color has been drained out of their skin, their eyes lay open lifeless, and their terrorized screams remain a constant echo in your mind.

there are many that choose to be the light in this world, embodying the brighter side of the beauty that we choose to call life, and then there are others who choose to embody the darkness of that beauty. they go on rampages, stripping the innocent of their lives, and tearing the thin cloth between life and death. they embody what we know now to be evil, but formerly known as the darkness found within the beauty.

no matter how hard you try, you will never rid the world of evil, you will never rid the darkness that comes with the humble beginnings of something beautiful. it is impossible, for without one, the other may never prosper...


Her eyes... they flashed across my blacked out vision in a flurry of thorns. They kept flashing by, and along with it a bit more pain each time I was forced to look into the black orbs that were the root of my family's death.

"you will never be able to defeat me... you are not strong enough... countless, innocent lives will be lost at your fault all because you simply weren't enough..."

her words rang like venom in my ears.

bouncing around in my head.

claiming the dark corners of my mind.

making them restless.

making me weak.

"you will soon lose everything you once knew, everyone you once loved, and even yourself..."

my true mother... dead.

my true father... dead.

any shred of self love, respect, and worth I had... gone.

my old home... filled with violent memories.

hogwarts... filled with betrayal and lies.

my mind... filled to the brim with hurt.

Suddenly, a violent scene broke out before me, there she stood, the body that belonged to the voice that had haunted me since my youth, since my start of Beauxbatons, and even now. She stood there, her black eyes boring into my blue ones, a menacing smirk displayed on her dead lips. Her head motioned down to something... no someone she was holding. 

"CEDRIC!" I cried out but it seemed no one could hear me

She drew out a knife from her right pocket, pulling him by his hair to reveal his neck more openly. She touched the blade to the left side of his neck, her smirk only growing wider when she saw a small trickle of his blood start to trickle down his neck.

"NO" I sobbed, falling to my knees

In one quick movement, Cedric was gone.

His once bright storms of eyes, now lifeless and still.

His million galleon smile now only a memory of what once was.

His body a limp heap on the floor.

"you see child, I know your weakness, I know your soft spots, and most importantly I know how to break you..."

I shook my head.

I wasn't weak, I survived seven years of straight torment from my aunt and cousin, hell, I still get tormented by Fleur. I have lived without my real parents for eleven years of my life. I have pushed past every negative comment, every captor who has tried to shove me in a box and make me submit, and everyone who thought I couldn't do it because I was a girl, a girl who wore a crown. I think I'm pretty damn strong if I do say so myself.

"You may think I'm weak, and you may think that I am worthless, but you are wrong, I am Belle Antoinette Delacour Alarie, and your words do not mean a thing to me anymore... Morgan La Faye"

I opened my eyes to be met with a strange clearing and a Harry on his knees next to me.

"Harry?" he shifted his gaze towards me, relief flooding his features once his eyes met mine

"Belle" he let out breathlessly before tackling me into a hug

"how did we get here? Harry, why are we on our knees?" I asked, my arms still wrapped around his torso

"I don't know, well, I heard you calling my name while I was in potions, only you weren't there and then the minute I said your name I apparated to these dark woods, I saw you unconscious against a tree and tried waking you up but nothing worked, all of a sudden you began like float walking towards this," he looked around, "place, and the next thing I knew you floated down onto your knees, your eyes completely white, and your hair floating all around you." he finished, releasing the hug and placing his hands on my shoulders

"I-I didn't mean to bring you here Harry, I'm sorry, I've brought you so far away from home oh my Merlin"

"what do you mean far from home Rosie?"

"Harry... We're in France."



but on a happier note can you guys believe that my story hit 1.3k reads?!?!?!?!?! I am so grateful for all of you who keep coming back and reading my story, I am so sorry if it sucks at some or numerous points but I am trying my hardest to only publish quality work for you guys

please comment! I love reading them and replying because lets all be honest... wattpad comments are always better than the story

i love you guys and please stay safe!



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