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I woke up feeling an immobilizing pain in my lower back, I cried out in pain as my hand went strait to my lower back. I tried to get up but it was of no use sadly. I sat there pondering over what might of caused this, and then flashes of the previous events over took my head. 

"oh... right." I muttered silently as I finally began to crawl where my bed was

Finally, I reached my dearest friend, my bed. I barely managed to pick myself up and throw myself over the edge of the bed onto the middle.

"Thank god" I sighed as I felt my head hit my fluffed pillows, and also immediately feeling the pressure on my spine leave  

I stared at my ceiling, counting the little stars my father spelled onto my ceiling so I could see the stars whenever I wanted. They relaxed me and made me feel as thought I had no care in the world, or at least that was the case until-

"BELLE, YOU COME DOWN HERE WE NEED TO GET YOUR STUFF FOR SCHOOL" I heard my mother shout from downstairs

I groaned and rolled over, attempting to place my feet on the marble floor of my room. Once placed there, I was met with my reflection in my mirror, my hair tasseled in every which way imaginable, my eyes red and puffy from crying for so long, and my skin looking pale as ever. I groaned once again knowing my mother would never accept me looking like this, especially while knowing that she didn't even accept me while I looked at least remotely human.

I walked over to my bathroom and started my shower, and left to get my clothes to change into. After being satisfied with the outfit I had chosen, I began my route back to my bathroom where I also began my shower that would hopefully help me on my journey to look human again.

I let the warm water rush all over my body, letting it envelope me in it's welcoming and warm hug. I was enjoying this newfound peace that had presented itself to me before my mother yet again had to come and ruin it.

I heard her burst through my bedroom door and then heard her anger filled footsteps make it all the way to the bathroom door until they stopped right in front of me. I was about to rinse the soap off of myself before my mother drew back the curtain and pulled me out of the shower. 

"MOM" I screamed, trying to cover myself up while also making sure I wasn't bald

"I told you to come down stairs, not take a shower." she seethed before turning on heel and leaving

I heard her stop before she reached my bedroom door

"Oh, and just because of your little show just now, have fun trying to get what you need for school" I heard her scoff before she slammed my door

I felt the tears well back in my eyes, burning and threatening to fall. I held myself together long enough to remove the rest of the soap from my body and hair. After that, my emotions told me it was fair game. I walked back out of the shower, this time by my own will and just began to breakdown for the second time that day.

I was met again with the cold marble flooring of my room, but this time only covered in a light blue towel. I began to get up, no emotions on my face, just numb. I walked over to the neat stack of folded clothes I had placed out for myself most likely hours ago and began to get changed.

Once I was fully clothed and my hair neatly braided, I began my descend down the stairs once more, only to be met with my family's house elves. 

"Madam Bella" one of them came over to me

"Yes Lily" I replied to the small house elf

"Your mother told me to tell you that the rest of the family is out on vacation, she also specifically wanted me to tell you that it was one you would've been on if you weren't" she paused and gulped, "such a selfish, ungrateful, brat." She flinched after the words let her mouth

"Oh.." I sighed, as another wave of emotion washed over me

"Lily, please send an owl to my grandmother, asking her if she would mind if I lived with her for the remainder of my time before I need to leave to Beauxbatons, and also include the fact that I will need to get all of my school supplies." I stated calmly, turning back to the numbness I had felt before

"Yes Madam Bella, I will send one now" she whispered and then was off

'let's hope that grandmother is still as loving as I remember her to be' I thought to myself, finally being fed up with how my mother and Fleur have been treating me for these past six years of my life. I never knew why they began their tyranny, but I had finally had enough of it.

a couple of days later, my family was still gone, and an owl had arrived; My grandmother.


hiiii guys I hope you are having an amazing day and I hope you have had enough water today to stay hydrated!!! Anyways, I wrote this in hopes of delaying my inevitable exam that I have to take now. I hope you guys enjoyed this and I will try my hardest to update as frequently as I can 

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