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I ushered them out of my room so I could change into my Beauxbatons uniform as quickly as possible seeing as we were instructed by Madame Maxime to do so the day before. Once I was finished, I ran out of my room and outside the carriage to find just Cedric who was leaning on the side of the carriage. 

"where's Nicolette?" I asked, looking around for the girl

"She went to go find Harry" he shrugged

I laughed and began walking, I didn't make it more than two steps before Cedric stopped me by grabbing my wrist and turning me to face him.

He stared into my blue eyes as I stared into his gray ones. We stood there for a couple of seconds before he broke the silence.

"you're not mad at me for entering the tournament are you? I noticed you weren't in the great hall anymore after I placed my name into the goblet, and I started to worry-" he rambled on until I decided it was my turn to cut him off

"no, I was just scared to be honest, I mean this tournament has a death toll for Merlin's sake, who thought reinstating it was a good thing?" I admitted, ranting a bit at the end

"hey, you don't have to worry about me Belle, I probably won't get chosen, and even if I do, it's not like the Ministry or Dumbledore will let me die." he sent me a warm smile before pulling me into a hug

I sighed as the scent of pine needles and citrus fled my nostrils, calming me, before I begrudgingly let go so we could begin our walk to the great hall before we were late.

Once we arrived to the great hall, I once again sat with the Hufflepuff house, seeing as Fleur still hated my existence and presence with every fiber she had within her body. Once we were seated, Dumbledore cleared his throat.

"Now, I know you have all had great anticipation for this moment, and I am here to tell you that that anticipation is about to be filled as we announce the identities of our three champions!" the hall erupted in applause, everyone showing that they were ready to know who would be representing each school

Everyone held their breath as the goblet's flames began to shift from blue to red, like a constant battle between the colors, with red winning dominance, a piece of scorched paper was left floating next to the switching colors of the flames.

"The Durmstrang champion is... Viktor Krum!" the whole likes of Slytherin table began to cheer as Krum made his way to the top of the main hall to shake Dumbledore's hand before leaving down the corridor

the flames began to flicker again until another piece of paper flew out, riding the wind gracefully like it was a feather

"The Beauxbatons champion is... Fleur Delacour!" everyone from my school cheered except for me and Nicolette, Leo who was sitting next to Fleur actually gave her a hug as she began to make her way to the top of the hall before leaving like Krum

"And finally, the Hogwarts champion is..."

the flames flickered there for a second, not really showing anymore sign of choosing another champion, so we all sat there waiting, most of us growing impatient.

after moments of waiting, three small slips of paper began to float down gracefully and straight into Dumbledore's hand. He studied them and then looked up at the hall with wide eyes.

"Cedric Diggory!" everyone erupted into cheers, even me confusingly, but then before we could continue our celebration Dumbledore continued, "Harry Potter" many insults began to be thrown Harry's direction before Dumbledore cleared his throat once more

"and finally... Miss Belle Alarie from Beauxbatons" my heart stopped, I sat there, my mouth hanging slightly opened at the words that just slipped out of his

The last Alarie, a Delacour legacyWhere stories live. Discover now