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I felt myself drifting in and out of consciousness as I was drug and lugged around.

'why does this always happen to me? like couldn't Merlin pick on someone else for my sake' I thought as I felt myself being put onto the oh so familiar cot of the Hogwarts hospital wing

"what do you think happened-" was the last thing I heard an indistinguishable voice say before everything went completely black, for good this time.


*Cedric's POV*

I pulled Belle's body out of the freezing water as soon as I saw her head break the surface. Her new tail made everything a hundred times harder, but I really didn't care, all that mattered was her and her safety.

"c'mon queenie" I said, finally lugging the rest of her body onto the platform

I saw her eyes flutter open for just a second at the mention of my nickname for her, but they were shut just as fast as they had opened. I placed two fingers on the place right below her ear to check her pulse just as Madam Pomfrey came rushing over.

"well?" she asked in an urgent tone

I looked up at her, my eyes glassing over, "barely there" my voice let out shakily

Her eyes widened in response, and I picked up Belle's half-fish body bridal style and began to run towards the castle, Madam Pomfrey and the other professors in suit.

I looked down at her frail figure in my arms. Her lips were a dangerous blue, her skin as pale as snow, and she had bites and chunks missing all over her body. I felt a few of the tears that were threatening to fall finally break the barrier, and were making their way down my reddened cheeks.

"stay with me Belle, hold on, we're going to make it, together." I sighed, trying to convince myself more than her

I picked up my speed and jumped over logs or whatever was stuck in my path, I was just trying to get to the hospital wing as fast as I could before I heard someone yell.

"Mr. Diggory! Slow down you're going to run into a wall!" Professor McGonagall.


"no buts Mr. Diggory, me and the rest of the professors will take it from here, you may follow if you want." I had no other choice than to obliged, so I passed her limp body over to Madam Pomfrey who had already conjured up a little stretcher for her

All of the professors worked in sync, getting Belle up to hospital wing in record time. I sighed as I saw her body being layed down on the cot, McGonagall transfiguring her tail back into legs. I walked over and sat down on the chair next to the cot as Madam Pomfrey began running around like a hypogriff with its head cut off getting potions to hopefully heal Belle.

They were tracking all of her heartbeats with a spell and displayed them how I'm pretty sure a muggle hospital would have it. I continued to watch as every wound would close and then open up once more as another was healed. It was crazy, it was like her body was fighting the treatment.

"what's going on?" I asked, my voice breaking on the last syllable

"her body is refusing treatment." Madam murmured in response, beginning to try different ways to heal her 

I rested my head in my hands, shaking my head as the tears began to fall.

"no, no, fight queenie, you have to fight" I said in shaking tone

I looked up from my hands once I heard constant beeping. I looked over at the little sign that had been conjured and began to panic: she was crashing.

"no, no, no, no, no, no, no, Bellie, Queenie, Love, Darling, please, stay with me, please don't leave me, this wasn't part of the plan, no. I was supposed to ask you to marry me, remember? We were supposed to have a life together after school, I'd be working in the ministry maybe as an Auror, and you would most definitely be an Auror. We would have children maybe? A girl? Her name could be Sylvie, or Adelaide, or maybe Aurelia Noelle?" I paused to see her heart crashing even faster and began to panic even more, "please, it wasn't supposed to end like this," and that's when I heard it, her heart and the flat lining of the machine, 

"but I guess you always were the selfless type, huh?"











long may she reign

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