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*3rd person POV*

It was a windy February morning, a slight overcast hanging over the weather, perfectly setting the mood for the day. It had been four days ever since Cedric had lost the love of his life. He had been so hell bent on getting her back that it didn't hit him that she was actually gone. His precious Belle, his Darling, his little Queenie. His heart was left in a million pieces, and each one was yearning for one person, and that just so happened to be the person who was never coming home.

Cedric groaned as he rolled over, the dim sunlight invading his dark hole that he had locked himself in ever since he last layed eyes on the girl. The once lively girl was now residing in a coffin in the great hall, motionless, waiting for the ceremony that was supposed to take place in a few hours.

Cedric had known that the ceremony was today, but couldn't find it in himself to get up out of bed. His hair was ruffled, his chin stubby, and dark eye bags resided underneath his darkened windows. If one were to look into Cedric's eyes, they would only see the shadow of what once was. Memories playing like a movie over and over in his mind. His heart aching every time they would end, wishing the bliss would last for longer.

Her smile dancing around his mind, the snow falling into her eyes, her blue orbs meeting his gray ones. Cedric smiled lightly at the memory as a single tear ran down his left cheek.

'I should've never let you go..'


While the hufflepuff boy was stuck in his dorm, the rest of the student body, professors, and family were left to meet in the great hall at noon. One by one, they filled the seats set up by none other than Albus Dumbledore himself. White roses decorated every ledge, seat, and banner within the hall, adding somewhat of a nostalgic feeling for Belle's grandmother, the only family member to show up besides Gabrielle.

Back when Belle was still a young little girl, she would take her down to the rose gardens in Luxembourg, and she would never get tired of seeing the young girl's eyes light up with joy as soon as the white roses came into view. She would leap out of her arms and scurry as fast as her little legs could take her until she was head first in the rose bush. Tears weld in her eyes as she reminisced on the memory that seem to have taken place only yesterday. 

Another memory found itself in her ancient mind, causing her tears to fall.

'"Gran-Mere?" Belle asked, trying to get the attention of her grandmother who was currently studying the yellow rose she held in her hand

"yes darling?" she responded, not bothering to take her eyes off of the rose that stood out among the sea of white they were sitting in

"do you wanna know why I love the rose blanche so much?" the girl sighed, staring at the endless rows of white rose bushes spread out before her

"why dear?" the elderly woman asked, finally looking away from the rose in her hand

"because Gran-Mere, they have so much potential, they can be whatever they choose to be, they could be red, orange, or maybe even blue, and yet they'd still be beautiful, and their purity would just lie beneath the color of their petals. They're beautiful inside and out, they're versatile yet chic... they're... they're my je ne sais quoi" 

"ah, yes very interesting darling, and what are you getting at?"

"I wanna be the je ne sais quoi.. I wanna be la rose blanche"'


"We are gathered here on this somber occasion to celebrate the life of Miss Belle Antoinette Delacour Alarie, the late Queen of Magic and Resurrection." Dumbledore started, gaining every person in the hall's attention, "I may not have known her very long, but from what I could see, she was a very talented, smart, brave, ambitious, and fiercely loyal girl who did not discriminate and loved all; no matter how many times they had hurt her." he stated, his eyes trailing towards a certain Leo Dupont, "many people in this room would not be here if it weren't for her sacrifice."

The heads of Gabrielle, Nicolette, and Leo lowered, partially in shame knowing that what the old professor standing before them was saying was indeed true. Leo felt a pang of guilt rush through his chest, had he not been such a dick to her, she might still be with him, hell not even that, she might still be here. He sighed, his gaze meeting the ceiling as he blinked back the waterfall of tears threatening to fall.

Nicolette was probably the most distraught of them all. Mascara running down her cheeks, her lipstick smudged, and her hair in a frizz, but she didn't care, the only thing that mattered was that her best friend was gone. There wouldn't be anymore good morning/night hugs, no more late night gossip, no more singing in the shower while she was trying to sleep in, and most importantly, she would never hear her best friend's laughter ever again. Nicolette turned around and clung to a sobbing Gabrielle who was standing next to her.

Gabrielle had clung back to the older girl, burying her head deep into the black satin of her dress. Her lip trembled as she thought of her older sister. Gabrielle knew they were cousins, but that didn't change the fact that Belle had grown up with her since she was born, and that she was more of a sister than Fleur ever was or could be. Even though the girl was only eleven, she had already seen so many, and lived through so many things that not even the bravest Auror could make it through. The young girl truly was brave, but the one thing she couldn't handle was the loss of someone she loved, especially when she was partially the reason they were gone. 

"Why sissy, why did you have to leave me?" she cried out, her words slightly muffled by Nicolette's body

"Why did you leave? Why aren't you standing here with me, doing pirouettes, leaps, or even just laughing?" she cried once more before her sobs took over her


One by one, every person in the hall walked past the open casket of the girl they once knew to be kind and full of life, now pale and lifeless. Some sobbed, some yelled in agony, and others couldn't even bare to see the fifteen year old girl once more.

As the final person said their goodbyes, the casket was closed and left in the hall as everyone filed out. Once everyone was out of the hall, they all made their way down to the shore of the black lake, each person looking at it in disgust for the creatures that lived within the body of water are what brought the young girl to her demise.

Only moments later was the girl's casket brought out and placed carefully onto a boat that would soon sail away. Madam Maxime was the first to throw a white rose onto the boat, the rest of the people following her actions. As soon as the final rose met the wood, it was off on its journey into the unknown.

Who really knows what waits for us after death? Is it heaven? Is it hell? or is it a second chance..?

When the boat had reached the middle of the lake, it suddenly burst into flames.

"What's going on?" someone cried

"I don't know" another responded

All of the chatter had come to a halt as soon as the figure-in-the-sky's presence was known. 

Belle looked down at all of her family and friends, a kind smile residing on her face. The people gasped at the sight; Belle's body was engulfed in flames, and she was flying above the lake, but the thing that stood out the most was the phoenix the flames formed into.

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