Chapter Twelve.

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A.N. Terribly sorry! Its just I kind of had that writers block where you know what you want to write but can't get it on paper, but when I did I wasn't happy so I've kind of been trying to ignore it though I've had this chapter for the last couple of days and I know I'm completely useless.
Anyway last time I was officially on here I had like 2k likes and now its 7k! Omg I think I just broke my leg from my spaz attack! Enjoy! :) //Luisa//

Chapter twelve--

"And then I woke up."

"You just woke up?"

"Yeah, its by far the weirdest dream I have ever had."

I wring my hands together to stop myself from cringing at everyone's stares, they were all staring at me as if I sprouted another head.

And by everyone I mean EVERYONE.

It seems like when you invite one person over, everyone one else isn't far behind.

"And how is your dream of any importance? I can tell you my dream last night. It was very vivid and spolier alert you were in it."

Damon sang from his perch on the bookcase. He sent a wink my way, a wink that no doubt had dropped plenty of panties.

How does Elena stand him?

"Because, then I have these."

I push my long sleeved top to my elbows, showcasing the bruises in the shape of hands. I could hear Everyone gasp.

They were quite ugly, dark purple and they made it painful to move my arms. Someone had to grab me very tight in order for them to be this bad.

That someone probably being Kai.

"But it doesn't make sense because you said it was a dream."

I glance at Caroline to see her eyes wide with confusion.

I had no idea what it meant either.

"I know but what do these mean then?"

"Maybe it actually happened?"

"What so I blacked out, then mysteriously woke up back in bed?"

The words made me sick to my stomach, because well it could be true.

Maybe Kai knocked me out and then carried me back into my room?

Then wouldn't I at least have marks from the car crashing? I'm pretty certain that there wasn't a spell to stop a moving car.

"That's a possibility."

I looked over to see Jo. I had already came to the conclusion that I didn't really like her, mostly her judgmental blue eyes.

"If you don't mind me asking what was Kai doing there?"

Her tone didn't sound very questioning, more like demanding. Like there was no choice but to answer. I was tempted to just clamp my mouth shut and not answer, what could she do? She may be older but because of her predicament she was a newbie compared to me.

"I didn't invite him if that's what you're really asking."

She flinched at my icy tone. I was a little surprised myself. I guess there was something about her that made me hate her.

You know, those people.

"He just showed up with dinner." I spoke up again, leaving out the fact he got me a gift. I felt like it was our little secret and I honestly did not want to share it with his sister of all people.

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now