Chapter Three.

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Chapter three--

I was lost.

In my furious haze I wasn't exactly looking where I was going and ended up traveling deeper into the woods.

I let out a cry of annoyance. Hadn't I suffered enough? Unknown to me things were going to get a little more difficult.

It seemed like Mr let-me-absorb-your-energy-wait-you-dont-have-any had followed me.

"Go away Kai, I'm so not in the mood"

"But we left on such a cliffhanger, plus you're very entertaining when you're lost"

I swung around and pinned him against a tree, maybe I should just kill him?

"Oh, I like this position. I like it a lot" he drawled in what I'm guessing was a sexy voice.

"What. Do. You. Want?" I could barely hold the anger back, slamming him harder into the tree.

"A date. Just one. Anywhere you want."

I was momentarily surprised by his request, loosening my hold enough for him to slip out.


"A date sweetheart, we can do anything."

He dusted himself off and I just gave him an 'are you serious' look.

"We could hike?"

"I don't hike." I replied in a monotone voice.


"I'm not going on a date with you."

He seemed unfazed by my comment, deep in thought suddenly he smiled like he was that cat that caught the canary.

"Oh I know I can cook you dinner, I'm not very good but I can make a mean spag-"

"-I am not going on a date with you" I cut him off with more force in my tone.

This seemed to catch his attention. He smiled even wider and looked me in the eye.

"You will come to my place tonight for a dinner date or I'll kill everyone you know and love."

Suddenly he was gone. Was he serious? Who in their right mind threatens to kill people after a rejection? A sociopath. I thought darkly.

Do I go? On one hand, I don't have really many loved ones and I mean I'm pretty sure Caroline and Elena can take care of themselves, plus if anyone hurt Care they'd have a pretty angry hybrid to deal with and Elena... Well she had the two Salvatore brothers waiting on hand and foot so she was covered.

On the other, Kai was pretty unpredictable and he seemed as if he really didn't care about consequences.

Sometime after I made it out of the woods I got a text from Kai:

* 36 Oakwood Street. B hre @ 5 :) :)*

Did he seriously add two smiley faces? What I wouldn't do to be in the mind of Malachai Parker.

His house was a normal looking house. For some reason I had expected over the top and an ostentatious mansion. How wrong was I.

It was an all american home- white Picket fence, white house with a large porch and funnily enough blue shutters.

I headed up the steps and knocked three times on the red door. I hated knocking four, I had always had a weird problem with it.

The door opened showing Kai smiling ear to ear with an apron on. I tried to hold in my chuckle, not wanting to start the evening in a bad mood, he looked so cute and not very menacing.

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now