Chapter eleven.

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// I just quickly wrote this. Can't sleep. //

Chapter eleven--

I was awoken by Kai's soft lips, they were kissing every available space of skin that wasn't covered by clothing before kissing all over my face repeating the process.

It was cute, but also very annoying. I wanted sleep, and he wasn't exactly letting me.

His lips served as a distraction from sleep, his kisses burning more than the blinding sun peeking through the window.
If only I could wake up like this every morning.

I groaned one last time before turning over to face him, giving up on sleep.

He obviously wasn't going to leave me alone so why bother?

I peeked up through my lashes, expecting to see him smiling down at me with his toothy grin.

The smile he couldn't get rid of as we lay in bed and talked about eachothers days, while he played with my hair before I feel asleep in his arms.

The smile I couldn't help but feel as though he reserved it just for me.

But that smile was gone. Replaced with a sinister one.

I opened my mouth to ask him what was wrong but he placed two fingers on my lips before I could usher a word.

What the hell was going on?

"You don't have your period do you?"

I was shocked to say the least. How did he know?

"W-what are you-"

My voice cut off at the icy glare he gave me. He had never looked at me with such... Hate.

"You lied to me." His voice accompanied his chilling glare.

"I-i don't kn-"

"Stop lying to me!" He yelled, I drew back in surprise at his anger.

He barely raises his voice at me.

"At first I thought it was a good sign, your period. Yay she's not pregnant." Despite his 'joke' his voice held no hint of humor.

"But then I looked at your calendar When I was in the bathroom. Do you know what it says?"

"I'm guessing not the Months of the year."

He threw his head back laughing, I admired the way the sunlight bounced off his hair making it appear as though it was a caramel. I noted that his laugh was more of an evil cackle.

"Nope. It had your menstrual cycle."

My heart dropped at his words. Oh fuck.

I didn't know what to do, what to say and under his accusing glare I couldn't think straight.

"What does that have to do with anything?" I tried to play it off, but even I wasn't fooled by my voice.

"Don't play dumb, Kaitlyn it doesn't suit you. More of Caroline's forté don't you think? Speaking of the ditzy blonde, she texted you."

He held up my phone so I could see it and I knew that I was really screwed.

I didn't have a passcode so he could have easily seen everything we texted about. Everything.

I squinted my eyes to see what she had text.

'Plz dnt b mad. We hve a plan, we need 2 kill Kai, im so sry Kaity.'

Just as I was about to make a move to get up and away from Kai, before he had a huge fit he latched on to my wrist and I felt the familiar feeling of his power sucking the magic out of me.

"You want to kill me?"

His devastated tone made everything hurt more, and I really wanted to assure him I didn't want him dead but the only thing that could come out of my mouth was strangled cries. I was surprised the neighbors couldn't hear.

I could feel all the energy drain from my body, and i hated the fact that it felt so inviting that I almost succumbed into the darkness.

I reached me hand out to the bedside table grasping whatever was closest to me, which was a glass of water.

I smashed it over his head, Momentarily distracting him so I could wriggle from below him and run out of the room.

I heard his groan before feeling his footsteps ponding after me.

I propelled myself forward, trying but epically failing to ignore his taunts as he followed me. I guess I kind of knew he liked to play with his prey before he killed them. A sick twisted mind game.
I have never been more scared in my life. I thought as I reached the kitchen, grabbing ahold of a knife when he yanked my hair, causing me to drop it. He pulled me over to the corner placing both hands on the bench trapping me in.

"You really shouldn't have done that."

He spat as he reached for my wrist again.
'I can't let him do this' I thought.

'If not for me, then for him.'

I knew that if he drained me of all my powers and I died, he would beat himself up over it.

No matter how livid he was right now, how deranged he was acting, how clouded with anger he was, I couldn't let the last memory of us be him killing me.

So I did what I had to do.

I stabbed him.

I didn't want to and as his body slumped against mine I felt waves of Regret wash over me.

I lay him on his stomach, I had spelled a knife to stab him in his back. Temporarily holding him back so I could get away.

I bent down, patting all over his body before hearing the familiar jingle of keys.

Pulling them out of his front pocket along with my phone I ran outside towards his car. He had done something with my Keys so his car was the only option.

I rest my head against the steering wheel, completely bewildered and high on adrenaline after what happened. I looked up instantly regretting it, standing infront of the car, his hands on the hood was Kai. Smiling his psychotic chesire grin, daring me to drive off.

I hurriedly turned the keys, locking the doors at the same time.

I reversed but before I could drive there he was standing in the middle of the road. In the way of me and freedom. How did he move so fast?
'You have to do it Kaitlyn.'

I ignored the salty tears streaming down my face, and the small part of my brain. The logical part telling me to stop being stupid that I couldn't do what I was thinking.

I didn't listen, pressing my foot all the way down on the accelerator propelling the car forward and running over Kai.

I winced at the sound of the bumper hitting his body and the crackling of bones. Instead pushing myself to keep driving and not to pull over and see if he was okay. I also told myself not to look back but of course I didn't listen even though I really wish I had.

Glancing in the rear view mirror I expected to see blood and guts, instead I was greeted with nothing.

No torn off limbs, no puddles of blood, not even Kai's body.
What the fuck?

And that's when everything went dark.


Please, please, please.




Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now