Chapter Twenty-one.

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Chapter Twenty one--

"She doesn't want to see you Kai, what don't you understand about that?"

"Please, I need to see her. I need to."

"Just leave."

The unmistakable sound of Elena and Kai arguing was what awoke Kaitlyn from her nap.

She was curled in a tight ball in front of the fireplace, the once magnificent fire completely extinguished.

I don't know how long I had been asleep for but my heavy eyelids a sign that it wasn't that long.

The last thing I remember was begging Elena to not make today a bigger deal than i wanted it to be.

I had foolishly thought that she would take ny feelings into consideration since I was technically the one who was born on this day but no, when Elena had an excuse to celebrate, she went all out.

"I can't. At least not until you let me see her, I'll just peek in while she's sleeping! Please I need to know that she's okay."

My heart pounded at Kai's words. His voice was strained and filled with concern and a whole lot warmer than what it sounded like last night.

"No Kai. You hurt her and I don't take well to people hurting my friends."

By now I had wandered into the lounge room. From where I was standing I had a perfect view of them but they couldn't see me.

Seeing Kai shocked me more than I would like to admit. He was still in the clothes he had on last night and he still looked like a mess.

Yet he looked... Softer somehow.

Maybe it was his crestfallen expression or maybe it was his beautiful eyes clouded in guilt but whatever it was I stayed rooted to the spot.

The sight of him still scared me senseless.

"Look its her birthday-"

"Its her birthday!?"

"-and I really don't want you to ruin this day for her Kai so just go."

"Just let me make it up to her!"

"Make it up to her by leaving her alone Kai. Stop being selfish and just let her be."

I barely caught Kai's shoulders slumping in defeat and when he looked up at Elena his eyes had lost all of his persistence.

A few seconds ticked by in silence, the two just staring at eachother, his eyes flickered towards me causing me to let out a gasp.

Could he see me?

By the look on his face I wouldn't put it past him.

He had a new look of determination on his face; as if his next words were for me.

"I will never give up on her. Ever."

Before I knew it Elena had slammed the door in his face waiting a few seconds before calling out to me.

"You can come out now."

Of course she knew I was here, stupid Vampire hearing.

"That was a lot harder than I thought it would be."

"It always is."

I look up to see her smiling a sympathetic smile at me. For some reason this angered me greatly, I didn't want any pity- especially if its from someone I love.

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now