Chapter eight.

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// Let me just start of with say THANK YOU! We have reached 1K! :D and I couldn't have done it without all you awesome people (obviously) plus I just watched the Golden Globes (better late than never.) And Nina looked WOW, just wow! And I wholeheartedly ship Woodbrev!! Omg its time for her to start dating again and Chris is just to hot to handle! Anyway enjoy. xox //

Chapter eight--

Damon threw yet another chair at the wall it smashed with how hard he had thrown it, the wood going in every direction, a few splinters flew into my legs.

I cried out, it had really hurt.

I get he was angry but it was his fault that she was kidnapped, no one else's.

Of course I didn't voice it out loud in fear that he'd throw the couch at me next.

We were in the dorm Common room, luckily Caroline and Stefan had compelled everyone to stay away.

"What exactly did he say?" Damon asked for the umpteenth time.

I contemplated not telling him as I've told him so many times but thought against it.

"He said you're the reason she was kidnapped."

I sighed at the dejected look in his eyes. He looked like a wounded kitten with his eyes, they were so blue.

A few more chairs were thrown at the wall and then he turned to me with hopeful eyes.

"What about a locator spell?"

My heart fell. He doesn't know that I have no magic.

I nodded quickly with a fake smile, maybe I could just play along.

We grabbed everything I needed, using Elena's hairbrush.

'Permisso Laca Tha Tar'

As I was muttering the incantation I could feel the energy surge through me. What?

The kiss! It must have stirred something deep inside.

Never have I been so thankful to Kai.

Suddenly all the energy I was putting into it just stopped. I opened my eyes and looked around the room.

"Is that it, Its done?." Stefan spoke up.

"No... Its just."

"Just what?" Now it was Caroline.

"I felt like I had hit a brick wall."

"What does that mean?" Stefan again.

"That little bastard." I said under my breathe.

"Wha-" Stefan was about to ask again when Damon cut him off.

"It means the little shit has blocked her finding where he is."

The two others looked at me for confirmation, and I nodded sheepishly.

Looking at all their dejected faces I felt so useless.   

"What about Luke's spell? He said it was powerful enough to find anyone in the world?" Damon asked with yet another hopeful face.

"What one did you think I used?"

"But he said he couldn't find Enzo because he was dead."

"I don't know, maybe we should ask more experienced people?"


"So he blocked you completely?"

Jo asked at me, we had gathered everyone we knew and told them to come over.

"Yeah, I don't know if its just me or if its everyone."

"That's why you asked us here?"

I nodded in embarrassment, was she always so... Intimidating?

She closed her eyes opening them After a few seconds.

"Yup, he's blocked all of us. Its that travelers magic he absorbed, its made him powerful."

"Well when are you going to be strong enough to defeat him?" Damon spoke up, earning disapproving looks from nearly everyone.

"What?" He asked oblivious.

"What can we do then? You know him best he's your twin brother." I asked, ignoring Damon.                   

Jo looked unsure for a second, as if she didn't like what she wanted to say.

"The only way is to convince him."

She stared right at me, everyone else turning to look at me. I really wish I could just sink into the floor right now.

"We've already tried that, it didn't exactly work."    

There was an uncomfortable silence after that.

"Can I tell you something about Kai?" She spoke up, We all nodded, she didn't exactly Specify who she was talking to.

"Awhile ago, before Kai snapped and killed." Her voice broke off and Alaric squeezed her hand in comfort, she smiled at him she must really like him that's good for him.

"There was a girl-"

"Isn't there always?" Damon cut off drinking out of a bottle of Bourbon. Where did he get that?

We all gave him a look and he raised his hands over his head.

"Her name was Annalise. Her Aunt and Uncle were apart of the Gemini Coven and she was visiting from boarding school. Kai was infatuated from the start. She was the only one who didn't exclude him or call him a freak cause of his powers." The way she was staring at me started to freak me out. I didn't realize Kai went through that.

"They were so close, even though people told her to stay away she didn't listen. Our father always knew he had a dark side to him, and he thought she could bring out the best In him. That Annalise's feelings and his love for her could help him." Kai was in love? I was so shocked, emersed in her story telling. "But he didn't love her, it was more like an obsession. Kind of sad because she was in love with him. But then she had to leave, to go back to school and he was livid because he didn't want to lose his new toy. He tried to make her stay but she didn't listen, kept saying she had one more year before they could be together. One day he just flipped. He absorbed all her magic and left her, she had a fit and no one was there to help her and she died. Kai didn't even shed a tear."

Nobody moved an inch when she finished talking. My heart was beating a million miles a minute and I swore everyone could here it. I could never have guessed that Kai had gone through something like that.

"So how does this have anything to do with convincing him?" I really wish Damon hadn't asked that, somehow I knew the answer and I dreaded it completely.

"Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn is the key."

Once again everyone looked at me and once again I wanted the floor to just swallow me whole.

"So what are you saying? That Kai likes me?" I laughed at the thought. Kai being 'infatuated' with me was crazy talk.


I let out a huge sigh of relief. Bullet dodged right there. But then she just had to keep talking.

"I'm saying he's in love with you."

Please, please, please.




Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now