Chapter Two.

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Chapter two--

"I guess I should talk about how I'm feeling or something, right?"

I currently stared down at the empty grave of my sister.

Empty because no body was found for there to really be a grave so it was more like a tombstone with her name written nicely on it.

No message, I couldn't think of some meanless words that could justify her life.

I remember breaking down and nearly attacking sheriff Forbes when she told me that there was no body. That 'it probably burned along with the Mystic Grill'.

For some reason that had really annoyed me, so much I had to be put in handcuffs and escorted away.

"Well I don't know what to say. That I haven't felt anything real in so long? That I have this empty void inside? That I'm so angry, angry that you were taken so soon. Angry that you left without even saying goodbye. Angry that I don't know what happened to you, and probably never will."

By now I had fallen onto my knees, the tears falling freely. The flowers I had got her lay discarded on the side.

White roses, they were her favorite.

"I hate you Bonnie. I hate you so much, for leaving me. For not coming back to me. For most likely sacrificing yourself for Damon cause that's who you are. I hate you for being you, the most selfless person in the world with a heart of gold. Gosh why did you have to be so stubborn?"

By now I was sobbing. Not caring anymore, letting all my anger out on my sisters imaginary grave.

"Damon says you found peace. So maybe I should find peace? Maybe I should move on cause you're obviously not coming back, but I can't Bonnie I just can't. It hurts, it hurts to much, every cell in my body physically hurts and everytime I remotely feel like things could go Back to normal, everything just comes crashing down and I'm back were I started. At your grave yelling the same meaningless shit to nothing."

By now my sniffles were so loud I didn't hear it when someone walked up behind me.

"Did you know her?"

A mans voice broke her mindless sobs. Kaitlyn looked over to see that boy from before. The one that was going to hurt Liv.

She couldn't stop the jolt of fear that ran through her body, but she hid it well.

The day a Bennet witch showed her fear is the day the world went to shit.

He looked at her expectantly, a crooked smile on his face, expecting her to answer him.

"You could say that" she said chuckling darkly.

There was a moment of silence between them, Kaitlyn waiting for him to attack her. Oh well she had a pretty Good life.

"Oooooh, I thought you looked familiar"

I looked at him to see a knowing look on his face. Shouldn't he be I don't know gutting me right now? I turned away, wondering if I should tell him to get lost so I could mourn in peace.

"You wouldn't happen to be a Bennet would you?"

Kaitlyn's head snapped to the left so fast she was surprised it didn't break.


He repeated slower, as if I was a challenged child.

"Are. You. A. Bennet?"

I didn't know how to respond. He did just say that right? I just gave a stiff nod in response.

"Thought so, she talked about you a lot"

Again my head snapped towards him.

"What! You've seen her?"

I could hear the hope in my voice, almost making me cringe. I knew better than to get my hopes up.

"Talked to her, touched her, among other things I won't really go into detail"

"What do you mean?"

He looked at me, as if he was sizing me up.

"I don't think I should tell you"

"Why not?"

"Because one Bennet is a menace, two would be a disaster"

"You don't have to worry about that."

That seemed to spark his curiosity.

"What do you mean?"

"I don't think I should tell you" I mocked.

I turned to walk away, bored with the conversation when he reached out and grabbed my arm.

I wretched my arm out of his grasp but I was too late. I knew by his furrowed eyebrows that he clicked on.

"Now you know, I don't even have my magic."

I left him there, stomping away. I was so Angry at myself for telling a complete stranger something that I Hadn't even told my best friends yet, something I was planning to take to the grave, my deepest secret.

Please, please, please.



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