Chapter Six.

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Chapter Six--

I was pulled out the land of dreams by the sound of insistent buzzing. I softly shoved the body beside me.

"Kai, answer your stupid phone." I groaned putting the pillow over my head.

"Do you think anyone calls me? Its your phone not mine."

I ignored the fact that his morning voice was sexy as hell and focused on the fact he was right.
I don't think anyone would ever call him, other than. Well me.

Wait, last time I checked Kai had taken me upstairs and I had left my phone downstairs with all my clothes.

I rolled away from Kai's body and looked at the bedside table. Yup there was my phone.

I picked it up and pressed the green button, not bothering to check who it was. I have got to stop doing that.


"Kaitlyn!?" The voice on the other end screams, making me groan and hold The phone further from my ear.

"Yes this is Kaitlyn, you called Kaitlyn so you got Kaitlyn now what do you want?" The bed vibrated with Kai's laughter so I threw a pillow at his head.

"Its Caroline."

"I knew it was you Care." I looked over at the clock to see it was 6:30 "And why are you calling so early?"

"Oh sorry. Where are you?"

"In bed. Where are you?"

She ignored my question instead asking her own.

"Is Elena with you?"

I looked down at the bed. Elena was definitely not with me.

"No, why?"

"She didn't come back to the dorms last night, and I thought since you didn't come back either that you were together and she's not picking up her phone and I'm worried."

"Caroline chill. Its only one night, she's probably with Damon."

"No I've already checked, he said that she was meant to go over his for dinner or something but never showed. Kaitlyn Elena never bails out of anything."

"Caroline." I tried to soothe my best friend, it was hard when she wasn't face to face. "Elena's a big girl. She's probably with that Liam guy."

"Omg Kaitlyn they broke up! Why do you think she was going over to Damon's? She wants her memories back. What if something happened to her?"

By now i could tell the blonde was frantic. I was a little annoyed at Elena, she went through all that trouble in forgetting Damon and he's back five seconds and already she wants all of it back. She erased it for a reason and let's be serious, her and Damon together is toxic.

"Calm down. We won't find her if you keep acting like a crazy person."

"You're right. I'm going to put up some flyers."

She hung up before I could tell her that it was a bad idea. That girl will be the death of me.

I looked over to Kai's sleeping frame, he was facing me and his face looked so peaceful when he was asleep. So innocent.

So I woke him up by smashing a pillow into his face.

"What the hell was that for?" He yelled glaring at me.

"You looked too cute." I said sarcastically, he glared harder.

"Do you have anything to do with Elena going missing?"

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now