Chapter Five.

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Chapter five--

Caroline's sobs could be heard throughout the empty halls, all Kaitlyn could do was hold her close to her and she had never felt so powerless.

It made her so mad that her friend was like this and there wasn't anything she could do to help.

She had come to see her about her conflicting feelings she had for Stefan but was instead greeted with her small frame hunched over in tears.

She had just learnt her mother had cancer, Stefan had broken the news and then gone to get coffee for the three of them.

Caroline was never really one to cry, she was the optimistic one. The one that held the group together when tragic struck.

It was even sadder because when Care cried, she looked like a puppy that had been kicked over and over agaim.

So seeing her like this made Kaitlyn cry as well.

What a sight, two girls crying their eyes out in the hall.

After a while she sobered up, sniffling and wiping her nose with the tissues someone had graciously given us.

"What a-are you doing here Kitty?"

Her voice broke and it was so depressing that I let a few more tears escape.

"I can't comfort my best friend?"

She laid her head on my shoulder in response, and I stroked her blonde mane, whispering that everything would be alright.

"I'm such a mess. I'm sorry I'm like crying a river on you."

"Hey, its alright, you have the right to be. I don't care if you cry an ocean on me, I don't really like this shirt anyway"

She gave a small laugh at that and I couldn't help but smile.

Of course our moment was cut off by my phone ringing.

"I swear to God if this is you Kai." I snapped venom dripping off my voice.

"Why would this be Kai?"

I looked at my phone to see it read: 'melodramatic asshole alcoholic'.

"What do you want Damon!?"

"I need you to meet me at the cemetery."


"Just be there okay?"

I sighed at this, all I wanted to do was go back to my dorm with Caroline and eat junk food while we watched horrible movies but no another drama in mystic falls. When would we ever live a normal life?

I looked over at the blonde and she nods back, obviously listening in on our conversation.

"I'll be there in 5."

I hung up before he could answer, standing up and stretching out my limbs.

I reached down and kissed her on the forehead and walked out the exit, passing Stefan on his way in. I grabbed onto his shoulder and whispered in his ear so that Caroline didn't hear us.

"Watch her Stefan. If I come back and her hearts broken again, I'll feed your Balls to my fish."

He looked scared at that, once I make a promise I don't go back on it. Ever.

I let go of his shoulder and left him with Caroline.


"I'm here Damon, now what the hell do you want?"

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now