Authors Note.

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***Sorry if you wanted an update but got my stupid rant instead.

Ermahgawd guys I just realized that this was the mid season finale, so that raises the question; Do I continue writing what I think should happen, or wait for like ever for it to come back?

Decisions, decisions. What to do?

Personally I'd rather right my own creative storyline but it would be kind of embarrassing when the episode airs and its like a gazillion times more creative than my shitty plotline. :') I mean its not like I'm going to change the whole of the Vampire Diaries I'm just going to give it a personal tweak and then when it comes back, incorporate it back into it. Wallah.

Somebody, anybody help me out here! I need someone other than my own opinion my brain is currently sleep deprived and isn't functioning the way I want! :')

-And omg we reached over 400! I'm like dying of disbelief right now!-

Malicious by choice. //Kai Parker// TVD//Where stories live. Discover now