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Still in disbelief, you tried to stand up. As if you could sense danger, you look around to find the source of a loud crack noise that interrupted your thoughts previously. You found a herd of Death Eaters behind you. ‘How on Merlin’s beard they could be here?’, you muttered and took a stance.  

“Stupefy!” you attacked them, but to no avail 

“Someone’s alone.” One of five Death Eaters said, followed by the other’s laughter 

This was supposed to be easy, you’ve experienced far more dangerous situations before. But out of the blue, you could feel intense terror creeping in. You’re terrified that you’re alone. You’ve never went to do missions alone. Being alone was your boggart. 

“Expelliarmus!” you disarmed one of them 

Without speaking any incantation, one of them strike back and hit you right on your left rib. As you bounced on the ground, you groaned and could feel your rib was starting to bruise.  

“Reducto!” the moment you tried to get up, Remus came out of nowhere and sent one of the Death Eaters flying.  

“Are you alright?” he held you up while steadying his stance 

“Yes, thank you.”  

As you regained your courage and balance, both of you started attacking the Death Eaters. In no time, all of them were defeated. While they managed to run away, the last one was severely wounded by Remus’ attack. He tried to escape but you approached him fast and held him. 

“What are you doing here?” you growled 

“You can’t escape…” his menacing smirk didn’t trouble you 

“I said, what are you goons doing here?” you tighten your grip on his wrists, but before you could get an answer he succumbed into his death. 

“I have to tell Dumbledore about this.” you looked at the dead body in disgust. You never like the face of the dead. 

“Lulu, you’re injured.” 

“I’m fine. I have to get to Dumbledore now, the students might be in danger anytime soon.” You dismissed the worrying tone in Remus’ words. 

“Lu, your—your Patronus… I saw it…” he moved closer towards you and held your hand. His gaze was making you weak on the knees in a terrifying way. 

“It meant nothing. Now if you’ll excuse me.”  

“Lulu, would you stop, please?” he grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards him 

“Remus, there’s more important matter at hand. Let me go.” You apparated into the castle 

When you walk towards Dumbledore’s office, Kingsley was already there. They both seemed to know what has happened. 

“Professor, sorry to barge in, but…” 

“Yes, Lucille, there were some intruders inside the castle’s perimeter. Apparently, it’s related to the Azkaban prison, I haven’t had the chance to figure out what’s happening yet.” 

“Luce, you’re injured.” Kingsley pointed out 

“I’m alright, Kings. The students, however, need to be protected. They might be in danger.” At this moment, everyone turned around as Remus entered Dumbledore’s office 

“Professor, we have more incoming…” he was panting and huffing, worried 

“Three of you, to the gates. I will send Severus and Minnie to protect the students. Keep it hush-hush, will you?” Professor Dumbledore rushed and commanded. 

Soon after Professor Dumbledore dismissed everyone, you, Kingsley and Remus took stance in front of the castle. Professor McGonagall cast a protective spell surrounding the castle and Professor Snape cast a sleeping spell on the students.  

More incoming could be seen as a dark cloud was heading towards the castle’s gate. Dementors were hurdling above the Death Eaters and such scene could only bring terrifying shivers. You could feel the darkness and hollow cold surrounding the castle.  

“Not under my watch.” You grunted and started attacking the Dementors 

You couldn’t hide the fact that your Patronus had changed into a beautiful wolf. At the back of your head, you could feel the surprised gaze of Professor Dumbledore and Kingsley. A couple of Dementors were thrown away by your powerful Patronus but some others tried to attack you from the other side. That’s when another wolf Patronus show up. 

“Please be careful.” Remus said sternly and held your wrist. You nodded your head quickly and get back to the job. Remus could only sigh at the fact that you didn’t even take his advice. 

One by one, the enemies were defeated. It wasn’t an easy battle, the castle front walls were chipped here and there, the bridge lost some of its pillars, and Kingsley took a hit on his shoulder. No matter how overwhelming it as, the battle’s not over yet. 

Even though you were still upset about what happened, you loved the way Remus engage into the battle with you. He stood there behind you, next to you, in front of you, everywhere the enemies tried to sneak up on you. He knew you need not protection, but companion. It wasn’t a false hope, but a reassurance.  

“Kings, are you alright?” you jogged towards Kingsley who got separated during the battle 

“Still alive. Where did they come from? What’s all this about?” 

“Beats me.” You check on Kingsley’s shoulders and cast Vulnera Sanentur softly 

“You were so reckless there, what’s the matter? And what happened to your Patronus?” 

“Hush, Kings.” 

You glanced towards Remus, who examined the fallen Death Eaters slowly. You smiled meaningfully when you noticed that Kingsley noticed. But your heart dropped as one Death Eater, who’s apparently not dead yet, crawled behind him. Instinctively, you ran as fast as you could. You tried to scream to warn Remus but your voice got caught in your throat. It was a wraith-like and unexpected fear. 

A flash of light came from the Death Eater’s wand towards Remus. From what it seemed like a forever run, you managed to struck the Death Eater’s abdomen with counterattacking spell. Yet, you managed to put yourself in front of Remus as he turned around, realizing he’s being attacked from behind. The Death Eater instantly die, but his attack landed on you. Your wand flew from your grip when Remus caught your body.  


Author's Note:

Hello, still alive here. Took me quite a while to update this, forgive me.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year, everyone! Cheers for a better 2021!

It Was Always You - Professor Remus J. Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now