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Your head was pounding, your heart was beating irregularly, you could feel your throat was dry and you couldn't feel the right side of your limbs. You woke up with a ringing noise inside your head.

"Must be mild concussion." You thought

At first, you tried to wiggle your toes, then your fingers and tried to turn your head to either side. You could make out some words being spoken around you, but not in a very clear way.

"Oh, dear Merlin, it must've been hurt. I... I can't see her like this." It was clear that Professor McGonagall were very concerned

"Severus, would you be able to help Madam Pomfrey to attend Ms. Silverside?"

"Certainly, Professor."

"Mrs. Pomfrey, please make certain that this side of hospital wing is vacant. Let Ms. Silverside have some rest."

"Yes, Professor." Madam Pomfrey squeezed the laces of her apron, being nervous and all. Certainly, she never treated a patient with this kind of complaint.

Fragments of memories slowly coming back to you. The howl, the cold, the fog, the blood, and the pain... Remus! Where is Remus? Is he okay?

"Professor Snape?" you blinked your eyes slowly, blinded by the morning lights

"Lay down, Ms. Silverside." Professor Snape stayed on the edge of your bed, stirring a bleak green concoction. From what you've learnt, it might be a dittany essence.

"But, Mr. Lupin, Sir?"

"I said lay down." He looked at you with his signature glare

"How long have I been out, Sir?" you obeyed his words, laying back down against the bed. The ringing inside your head was still there but it was less painful than before.

"Mere two days. Here, drink up this concoction." He handed you the small vial

"Oh, Merlin, the taste." You put up a disgusted face

"Thank you, Professor." You added sincerely

"Now lay down. Do not go anywhere, Madam Pomfrey will arrange your meals."

"Sir?" you held his hand before he could leave

"Remus..." you mentioned his name as if it was a plea

"It's taken care by The Headmaster. What you should be worrying of is your own safety and health, Ms. Silverside. That kind of ridiculous non-heroic action is intolerable. Because of your own ridiculousness, I had to take 50 points from our own house. Now lay down and rest." He wriggled his hand from your grip, and you could only mouthed thank you with a painful smile.

You looked at your scars and traced it with your finger. Somehow, it's starting to heal into deep wounds with silver scars like stretch marks. It created a vertical pattern, from your shoulder to your wrist, and from lower part of thigh to your ankle. You're living up to your Silverside name, you smiled bitterly. You didn't really care, you couldn't care less of the physical pain and appearances. You could only think about Remus and the guilt he bears. You desperately wanted to let him know that it's none of his fault.

It Was Always You - Professor Remus J. Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now