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"No, no, Lucille, no..." Remus held onto your body as you coughed, holding the pain. He tried to stop the bleeding but it was useless.

"Oh, Rem, I somehow knew you'd be the death of me." you smiled

"No, stop it, just stop it. You'll be fine, okay? You'll be alright." He tried so hard to reach his wand and cast a healing spell

"Forgive me... I'm truly sorry." You sighed deeply, knowing this is it. You stroke his face and held his hand. He kissed the back of your hand and tried so hard to contain his panic, but failed.

"No, why? Why would you do something stupid like that? Lulu, oh dear Merlin!" Remus glanced towards Dumbledore and Kingsley, as if begging for help

"I'm sorry, Remus. I didn't mean to push you, I didn't mean to scare you off with my feelings... I just..."

"Stop it, you just stop there. You will have plenty of time to explain about it later, yeah? Just stay with me. Lucille, please, stay with me."

"I can't-it hurts so bad, Rem."

"Lucille... It-It was always you."

As you let out your last breath, all Remus could do was holding onto your lifeless body and cried silently. He rested his forehead against yours and kept on kissing your hair. Professor Dumbledore stood stiffly as he couldn't grasp the fact that it all happened so fast and Kingsley fell onto his knees.

Remus' scream was unbelievably agonizing.


Author's Note:

Try listening to Maroon 5's It Was Always You.

My heart goes 🥺
Thanks for the support, everyone!

It Was Always You - Professor Remus J. Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now