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The Sorting Hat ceremony went by and nothing much really happened. All the first-year students got sorted and Dumbledore gave his welcoming speech. Dumbledore also introduced Professor Lupin as the new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher, replacing the infamous Gilderoy Lockhart. Somehow, the energy surrounding the Great Hall changed out of the blue when Dumbledore explained to the students why were you and Kingsley Shacklebolt were stationed in Hogwarts. 

The first couple of weeks weren’t as bad as you expected. Kingsley and you were supervising every inch of Hogwarts. Surprisingly, the students were very welcoming. You met the Weasley twins which were obviously became your favorite students. They were very surprised that you weren’t mad after they’ve pranked you. Instead, you taught them how to be stealthier to increase the chance of pranks success. You clearly met the famous trio, Harry, Ron and Hermione. They were the reason why you’re here but everyone wanted to keep it hush-hush. Neville Longbottom really did impress you too. You somehow knew underneath that timid boy, he has a golden heart and that’s why he got sorted into Gryffindor. Ah, Draco and his little squires. If only people know he’s actually very scared of his father. 

Kingsley didn’t know anything about what happened, about why you always refused to be stationed in the DADA class, about why you prefer doing all the hard works instead. But Dumbledore, that sneaky man, knew and he had a plan. He had asked Kingsley to accompany him to run some errands, which forced you to supervise the DADA class today. Your stomach grumbled a little bit, caused you to almost puke, when Kingsley told you the news. 

“Dumbledore seemed to be a little bit cheeky about this. But I got to do what I have to do. I’ll see you later, Luce.” Kingsley disapparated.  

“Dumbledore, I swear to Merlin, you’re unbelievable.” You cursed your beloved professor inside your heart. 

You walked towards the DADA class slowly, hoping that something would happened so the class would be cancelled. Or Mad-Eye would appear out of nowhere and took you out of Hogwarts. Or maybe the lovely Professor McGonagall could see the heavy feeling in your eyes, like she always does during your school years, so she would tell you to ‘take a rest’ in the Astronomy tower. But no, you’re standing at the door of the DADA class, screening the classroom full of students.  

Remus was standing in front of the class, wearing his old grey tux, a black robe from the school, his hair was slightly more messy than usual, his face looked a little bit paler. You swore to yourself that he smiled towards you, but you justified yourself that it was a smile towards the students. 

“Welcome back to class, students. As what we have discussed in the previous lesson, today we would be doing essays on Boggart. Two parchments-,” Remus wagged his finger when his students grunted 

He continued, “two parchments, no less. Definitions of Boggarts, your own Boggarts…” his voice echoed in your head just as much as it was in the class. Remus continued giving instructions to the students while holding himself up with a cane. He dragged himself towards the music player and put on some music to accompany the students writing their essays. You could now understand why the students loved him much, he made them comfortable yet still succeeding in every lesson. Before you knew it, he was walking towards you who was standing stiffly behind the class. 

It Was Always You - Professor Remus J. Lupin x OCWhere stories live. Discover now