Chapter 2: A not-so-familiar face

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     As Cassandra followed down the dark and cold stonewall corridor that led to Varian's laboratory, she could feel her heartbeat quicken, an anxious fluttering in her chest. It had been five years but that didn't change what had happened the last time she'd seen him. Would he forgive her? What if he was still upset with her? Cassandra shook her head to try and clear away her anxiety.

     "Don't tell me that the fearsome CassANdra is this nervous," Eugene taunted,

     "You're close to a slap in the face," Cassandra retorted,

     Eugene only laughed and smiled. "It is good to have you back Cass. I wasn't lying when I said that you have become like a sister to me."

     "Don't turn soppy on me Fitzherbert," Cassandra mocked but smiled back at him, nonetheless. "That, uh. That means...a lot Eugene. I could umm, say the same about you," Eugene grinned but Cassandra's smile turned sly, "You've become like a sister to me too,"

     "Oh come on!" Eugene cried while Cassandra laughed, "You had to spoil it, didn't you? For the love of all things big and small, I can't have one nice moment with you, can I?" Eugene groaned but still with a smile on his face. "Well, at least now I get to take a break from you," the Captain gestured to the wooden door beside him, "We're here. The fact that I need a break from you this fast doesn't exactly bode well," Eugene laughed but all of Cassandra's humour had died, apprehension washing over her like a wave of the sea. Eugene patted Cassandra's shoulder, "I'll leave you to it."

     Cassandra stood in the hallway alone trying to gather her nerve. Why was this so hard? It shouldn't be this difficult to see an old friend...unless of course you had hurt them, badly. One thing was certain, she couldn't keep standing out here and fearing the unknown. Cassandra took a deep breath, "Just do it," she murmured, and she knocked. There was a muffled noise from inside, perhaps a reply? She couldn't be sure. Cassandra tried the door handle and the door swung open. "Hello? Varian?" Right at the moment she entered the room, something exploded with a loud bang and a green mist filled the room. Cassandra yelped, startled for a second, and then instantly started coughing. Holding her arm in front of her face to protect herself, she closed the door behind her.

     "Finally!" Varian's voice, that Cassandra knew too well, came through the mist. That part about him hadn't changed, like Raps had said. "We did it Ruddiger! This should be ready in a few hours." Cassandra smiled through her choking; he still had that greedy little raccoon it seemed. Indeed, Ruddiger chittered. Through the thinning mist, Cassandra could see a shadow at the back of the room turn its head in her direction. "Oh, right, yes. Sorry milady!" Varian's voice called.

     "We're apart for six years and you go back to calling me 'milady'," Cassandra muttered with a smile then immediately started coughing again.

      Varian's voice called out again, "Apologies milady, I wasn't expecting any visitors." The shadow rose and started walking through the mist towards her. The swordswoman squinted her eyes to see better, trying to make out the person through the mist. The figure threw a sphere to the ground, reminding Cassandra of Varian's alchemy balls, which caused the mist to clear up. Cassandra lowered her arm, lifting one eyebrow in confusion. "So," the figure waved away the last of the mist away from his face and Cassandra's eyes widened, "How may I assist you? Wh...Cassandra?" the revealed figure quickly shoves his goggles into his hair. "Cass!" he beamed, holding out his arms as if he were going to hug her but changed his mind and let them fall to his sides but his smile never dimmed. "You're back!"

     Cassandra blinked, the shadow and Varian's voice were one and the same. Raps had been right, at the same time as being wrong. Varian wore the same style of clothing - complete with apron and gloves, his hairstyle was the same – longish black hair with a teal stripe through his bangs, same large goggles perched on his head and goofy buckteeth smile. Yet, Varian was also so different. He used to be, skinnier, younger looking and shorter. He hadn't grown a lot, 5'10 at most but it still surprised Cassandra that she now had to look up at him. The teenage boy was gone, replaced with a young man. He was bound to have grown up after all these years, wouldn't be the same boy that was in her memories but still, it stunned Cassandra.

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