Chapter 11: Problems on the loose

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Rapunzel and Varian were laughing together as they walked down the corridor but when Varian pushed the doors to the throne room that merriment instantly faded away. The tension in the room was suffocating. Eugene was pacing back and forth in front of the stairs before the thrones. King Fredrick and Queen Arianna sat on the thrones, Arianna holding her chin in her hand, Fredrick tapping his fingers on the arm of his chair. A group of guards stood to one side, one of them was being held between two others and had a bruised eye and a scratch on his cheek.

"Take Henry to the infirmary," the King ordered, waving his hand at the two guards on either side of Henry.

"Dad? Mom? Eugene?" Rapunzel said, "What's going on?"

"How? Just, how?" Eugene mumbled.

Suddenly, Cassandra knocked on the door, Edmund standing just behind her. "Excuse me your majesties. King Edmund has just arrived." No one responded. "Uh Raps?" Cassandra went up to Rapunzel and Varian, "What's all this about?"

Rapunzel crossed her arms and huffed, "That's what I'm wondering myself. Can someone please explain this to me?"

King Fredrick sighed and stood. "Rapunzel, dear, it seems that there's been...a slight...error,"

"What kind of error?" Rapunzel strode for the thrones, Cassandra and Varian following her,

"Don't fret, it's all being handled but it...appears that..." Fredrick sputtered,

Arianna looked at Rapunzel and rolled her eyes, in any other circumstances – Rapunzel would have been fighting back her laughter. "Fredrick, honey, I think that we should cut to the point," she said placing a hand on his arm, "They are grown-ups now – not children, about to have their own - they can handle this."

Fredrick looked to his daughter. "Some of the prisoners have escaped, attacking Henry to get past the door." Rapunzel put a hand to her chest and Cassandra moved a step closer to her as if they might be watching right now.

"Why did this have to happen?" Eugene cried, throwing his hands in the air,

"Eugene, it's going to be ok," Rapunzel soothed,

"No, Rapunzel, it's not ok." Rapunzel knew that Eugene was really stressed because he seldom called her Rapunzel except in a serious situation. "The most dangerous people in Corona are running riot and it's my job to prevent that from happening,"

"Don't beat yourself up about this," Rapunzel put her hands on his shoulder,

"What else should I do?" Eugene pushed away from her, "I'm supposed to keep this kingdom safe. I'm supposed to keep you safe. I'm supposed to keep our family safe. I knew that I couldn't do this job,"

"Fitzherbert, you listen to me right now," Cassandra snapped, "When my Dad was Captain, you were around for four prison breakouts. It happens, you can't let this one event mess you up."

"They're right Eugene," Varian agreed.

Eugene sighed, "I suppose. Just give me a minute." Then he strode out of the room.

"Let me talk to him dear," Edmund said,

"Thank you," Rapunzel nodded, and Edmund left.


Eugene had made his way to the small courtyard garden, he was still pacing beside the fountain and running his hands through his hair.

"Well, this welcome was certainly a bit different." Eugene looked up at his Dad standing in the archway.

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