Chapter 20: For Corona

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Warnings: mentions of violence, light injury, slight trauma

*~*~* Corona Castle *~*~*

The six of Lady Caine's group had fallen swiftly. Adira knocked two of them out with a fierce kick to the head, Feldspar had hit one over the head with a broom and Monty had done the same to another with a frying pan. The final two had been taken out, one by Hector, the other by Kiera and Catalina. Xavier stuck all the bodies together with Varian's compound, one trapping their feet and one swaddling their middles and encasing their arms.

They were ambushed so fast that they didn't even get to cry out to Anthony's four friends or the three Saporians. The thugs pushed a wagon filled with hay to the foot of the Castle gateway wall and the captured escapees were pushed over the side to land in it. Cassandra gave a thumbs up to Adira, Adira did the same back to her and motioned for her group to follow Pascal to the spot on the roof.

"This'll stay? They won't escape?" Lance asked Varian,

Varian nodded, "For sure. Without the neutralizer I have in my bag, they aren't going anywhere. Besides, I made the serum stronger than usual." Lance nodded.

"Come on guys," Cassandra said eyeing up the Saporians, "It's time,"

"I'm right with you," Varian said. Cassandra smiled at him encouragingly.

Cassandra held the piece of Cassandrium for luck. "And so it begins." Cassandra ordered the gang forward and the fighting began. The Saporians recognized Varian instantly and their expressions soured even more than before. "Go!" Cassandra yelled and everyone fell into their discussed positions. Fidella, Shadow and Cassandra fended off the Saporians while Varian stood ready with the spheres. The Baron's men sprang into action at the noise as Cassandra had anticipated, so because the Saporians covering the gate were otherwise engaged, they couldn't stop – nor did they notice – Lance, Maximus and the thugs move into the courtyard to confront the Baron's men.

"Never thought I'd see you again boy," Juniper snarled,

"Neither did I but then again luck hasn't always been on my side," Varian replied and threw one of the spheres at the woman. She brought up her hands to protect her face as Varian had hoped and the compound glued her hands together. Cassandra flipped over her and punched her in the back of her shoulder, without her hands free to stop herself, the woman landed on the floor and another of Varian's spheres met with her back, pinning her there. "Not bad for an alchemist, eh?" Varian taunted the woman,

"Good job!" Cassandra beamed at him, "Let's sort out the rest of them."

But Fidella and Shadow had made light work of Maisie and Kai, head butted them a couple of times and kicked them quite a bit. The horses had swiped their swords and were holding them towards the re-captured escapees, all Varian had to do was throw two balls of his compound to bind their legs together and to the ground and another to fasten them to the Castle gateway wall.

It was a different situation in the courtyard but equally successful. Ulf and Shorty had sustained arm injuries and were backing away to the gateway. "Stay here and wait for the guards," Cassandra ordered them, Shorty didn't answer but Ulf nodded his head. The Baron's men had been pushed back to stand underneath the balcony and Lance, Maximus, Attila, Vladimir, and Big Nose surrounded them. They were still fighting, they refused to believe that they would be defeated but it was inevitable.

"Can I take this one?" Cassandra requested,

"Be my guest," Varian answered and handed her two spheres. Cassandra threw them into the air then hit them with her sword like a cricket bat. The crooks were shackled together and tied to the ground.

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