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Because when the Dark

whispered to her,


She thought, why not?

Maybe her mind 

would shut off 

in the dark that follows.

Dark took her by hand,

and engulfed her completely.

It kept her in a room

with no noise, no sound.

And it would have been tranquil,

would have been calm,

had her mind shut off too.

It was in the dark, silent space

that her mind spoke loudest.

It screamed. It laughed.

It cackled, 

at her foolishness.

And she could not speak,

for her voice was gone.

And she could not write,

for her words were gone.

And she could not move,

for she felt so numb.

She was full to brim,

of empty now.

Because when Dark

whispered to her,


It swallowed her whole.


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