Chapter 2

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I'm going to start blessing you all with gifs of daddy hotchner at the beginning of each chapter <3

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I'm going to start blessing you all with gifs of daddy hotchner at the beginning of each chapter <3

Happy reading.


"Good morning sunshine!" Garcia chirps ripping open the blinds to the guest. I let out a groan and bury my face into the pillow saving every last bit of sleep before it's stolen away from me.

"God I was hoping you'd have some sort of a hangover so I can finally sleep in peace," I whine as she pulls the covers off of me leaving me in my pajamas.

"Oh baby I'm alive as the day I turned eighteen," she says.

"What time is it?" I ask squinting my eyes due to the bright light of the sun spilling into the room.

"Doesn't matter because I've found our next target and we have A LOT to go over today!" She says.


"So what makes this guy so special?" I ask taking a spoonful of my cereals and look up at Garcia. She has lots of papers scattered around the coffee table along with her laptop tapping away.

"Well except from the fact that he's absolutely loaded, not really anything," she shrugs and I let out a sigh. "But he's probably got some sweet stuff in his apartment."

I'd hoped for better but since it turns out the guy I was supposed to meet yesterday had gone on a last minute vacation I need someone to replace him.

"Okay, give me everything I need to know," I say and lean my elbows on my knees giving Garcia my full attention.

Garcia picks up a piece of paper from the table. "Well, the name is Aaron Hotchner, he's got a seven year old son, lives alone in a three bedroom two bathroom apartment." She places a picture of a man on the table sliding it towards me.

"Aaron Hotchner huh?" I analyze the picture of the guy. His raven black hair is buzzed short and swept to the side while his lips are pressed together into a thin line. I try to imagine what he'd looked like with a smile on his face but it seems almost impossible. "More like Aaron HOTchner."  I joke empathizing the "hot" making Garcia laughs.

"What's his job?" I ask moving my bowl towards my lips to drink up the leftover milk. Garcia purses her lips together as if dreading the answer.

"Supervisory Special Agent and the unit chief of the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit," she mumbles quickly and I choke on my milk.

"You want me to break into an FBI agent's apartment!?" I yell. I mean I know Garcia is ambitious but this is something else.

"Well yes," she answers, "and to be fair, his security system is surprisingly poor and he's working on a case right now so he won't even be home until tomorrow afternoon."

"So you're saying I have to go tonight?" I ask and she nods. "I don't know Garcia it seems too risky." I get up from my seat on the couch and walk over to the kitchen placing my bowl in the dishwasher.

I mean breaking into an FBI agent's apartment? You're just begging to get caught. And there's so many things that can go wrong. And I'm not really in the mood to get my ass thrown into jail.

"He's not even going to be there!" Garcia continues to try and convince me.

I think about it for a moment. I need the money. Garcia had been nice enough to let me sleep in the guest bedroom since I moved out from my apartment, also when we started this whole thing.

When I have enough money my plan is to move to London where my sister lives and cut all strings and start all over.

Something I still haven't told Garcia yet.

And doing this job will get me one step closer.

"Fine I'll do it." I groan.

This chapter is short, don't hate me. But I think we can all guess what's going to happen in the next one so bear with me.

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Caught Red Handed • Aaron HotchnerWhere stories live. Discover now