Chapter 22

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Floor plan of the condo Gavin and Graham share ^^^


Cameron's POV

I had a date. Me. A date. Today. In a couple of hours.... But what will I wear? ... 'That's it I'm not going', I laughed to myself quoting the Grinch from the Jim Carey version of The Grinch Stole Christmas. Maybe if I'm lucky Gavin will get my heart to grow three sizes. 'Berto watched me from the comfort of my bed as I paced back and forth in front of my closet. I only had a couple hours before I had to head to Master Gavin's. Which led me back to the issues, what was I going to wear. This time I avoided the jokes.

I settled for a simple jeans and a black three button long sleeve shirt. Gavin had insisted that I wear what I was comfortable in, but I didn't want to show up dressed as a total bum. He's seen enough of me in pajamas to last a lifetime. I checked the time one last time before hopping into the shower real quick.

Once I was clean and dry I threw on my outfit and returned to the bathroom to deal with my hair. After brushing it and putting minimal products in it I decided to leave it down to air dry into my natural messy waves. I didn't feel like dealing with a bun or pony tail today. Though I did grab a scrunchie just in case I decided I needed to put it up. Fully dressed and practically ready to go I finally noticed that I had no actual idea where I was going. I pulled out my phone to text Master Gavin.

Me: Hey, I totally forgot to ask, where am I going?

Gavin: oh shoot, sorry pet I completely forgot. Here's my address.

Me: thank you, sir. I'm just about to leave GPS says it'll take me just about 15 minutes to get there

Gavin: perfect. Drive safe, sweet boy. Text me when you get here.

I was glad he couldn't see my face, and the blush that was slowly taking over. I would never get over his pet names. I've never been referred to as sweet boy before. Pet only once with one of my first, brief masters. He was nice, but he was old and I wasn't what he was looking for. Master James preferred more... degrading nicknames.

I decided it was better to not dwell on those thoughts. With one final goodbye kiss to Bear, I grabbed my keys, locked up, and headed down to my car. I took the stairs hoping to expel some of my jittery energy. I know Master Gavin spent plenty of time with me at my place, but this was a date. An official date. And I was nervous. What if he didn't like me? Sure he said he did but that was riddled with concussion Cameron. This is recovered Cameron. Two different people.

I steeled myself as best I could for any possible outcome. I can get through this. And if he did end up not liking me then I'll just go back to doing what I do best, keeping my head down and staying in the background. I didn't need a master to survive. Sure it would be nice, great even, but I could survive without. At least I had my cat....

Thankfully before I could spiral any deeper, I arrived. I parked the car and shut it off, pulling out my phone to text Master Gavin.

Me: I'm here

Gavin: great! It's the place on the left. I'll meet you at the door.

I took a deep breath and wiped my slightly sweaty palms on my jeans. I grabbed my keys and my phone, hopping out of the car and locking it as I made my way to the door Gavin said. Just as I reached the first step the door swung open to show Master Gavin in all his glory. I could've swooned. This man was so attractive, I'm fairly sure it was illegal. Dressed in a gray sweater with a blue button up underneath paired with black pants he could bring any man or woman to their knees. And he was on a date. With me. Maybe someday that would sink in.

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