Chapter 4

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Cameron's POV

Coming back to work, it felt like I was naked. Everyone just kept staring at me. I knew I had a shiner but come on, that couldn't be the juiciest of details that's happened to the club recently. It'd been almost 3 days now. Granted I haven't been to the club since then but still... I sighed and ignored it. After signing in I searched for Damien to learn my post for the night.

"Ah, there you are!" I heard behind me. I turned to Damien.

"Hey, where am I stationed for tonight?"

Damien looked down at the clipboard he's holding and replied, "Front door tonight kiddo. Let's hope you have better luck tonight." He chuckled while walking away. I shook my head and sighed. Since the club didn't open for another half hour I had time to go to the bathroom and grab some water. On my way to the bathroom I saw Master Gavin in the hallway. He looked up and smiled, stalking towards me. For some reason I found myself backing up until Gavin had me trapped between him and the wall.

"I've been waiting days to see you Cameron," He said putting his hands up on the wall effectively trapping me. Sure, I could probably escape if I really wanted to but luckily for both of us that was not what I wanted.

"I... I've had the last couple days off," I whispered. He hummed and brought his body closer to mine until there was barely any space between us. I couldn't help but look into his eyes and almost faint. The look of desire in his eyes had me sucking in a sharp breath. Soon I didn't think I'd even be able to stand. He had me weak in the knees. Gavin smirked at me and grabbed my hands to hold them above my head against the wall. I shuddered in desire. Before I knew what was happening Gavin closed the space between us, not that there was much space to begin with, and slammed his lips against mine. I couldn't help but melt and moan against his lips. This was better than any of my many wet dreams.

Gavin broke the kiss to move his lips down the side of my neck, nipping and licking.

"Master please..." I moaned, throwing my head back until it hit the wall.

"Shhh pet, all in due time." He soothed against my neck. I groaned in frustration and started grinding against him. I needed some sort of relief. I got a harder bite on my neck in response. I can't believe all he's done is kiss me and here I am acting like a bitch in heat. Totally embarrassed I stopped moving and looked down. I'm so fucking desperate he must've just feel bad for me.

Lifting his head from my neck Gavin grabbed my chin forcing me meet eyes with him. "What's wrong?"

"Nothing I... I should go before I embarrass you further," I replied trying to shuffle away from him.

"Cameron." He said, stopping me straight in my tracks. Before I could respond he grabbed my walkie on my hip and said in it, "Damien, this is Gavin. Cover for Cameron for a while, I'll explain later." He then turned it off, put it in his pocket, and took my hand. Without saying anything else he led me down the hallway and up the stairs into the VIP area. Instead of going towards the showroom, he turned and went down the hallway with all the private playrooms. I watched as he stopped at a door and keyed in a code causing the door to open. He pulled me in behind him and slammed the door. I immediately fell to my knees and kept my head down. I knew I must have done something wrong.

"Cameron what are you doing?" He asked, squatting next to me and placing a hand on my head.

"I deserve this punishment, Sir."

"Punishment? For what?" He asked, continuing to pet my head.

"For embarrassing you, Sir." A sharp pull on my hair had me lifting my head to meet Gavin's eyes.

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