Gavin's POV
Sleepy Cameron was absolutely adorable. I've been at Cameron's place for 2 days now and Cameron was slowly starting to become more alert. I don't think he's fully realized that I'm staying at his house with him. For the last 48 hours all he's really done is sleep, eat, and go to the bathroom. Soon I was going to see if he was interested in a shower or bath.
Currently, I was trying to get some work done, but my brain and eyes seemed to always wander back to Cameron. Sitting at his breakfast, I had an almost straight shot view to his room. Only because I was almost fully turned around. His cat must've joined him recently since his room door was pushed open more than I usually left it. That was another thing wiggling its way into my heart. I hadn't gotten much out of Cameron but since I've been hear I've heard him call that cat multiple things, mostly 'Berto. So that's what I've been calling him.
Thankfully, we grew up with pets around the house, so I knew how to properly care for a cat. 'Berto was the sweetest kitty I've met, though. He seemed to love to cuddle and get pet. I could absolutely tell he was spoiled. If it wasn't because of the gut he was sporting, it would definitely be because of all the toys and cat stuff strewn around the apartment. Cameron must have at least five different scratching stations for him along with a cat bed, cat tree, and cat bowl. It took me a while to discover where the cat box was, though.
I had to give props to Cameron, he kept a very clean home. His home didn't give too much away, but I've discovered quite a few things. First thing I learned was he was clearly a fan of pastel colors. All his accessories around his home, blankets, throw pillows, rug, furniture, all were pastels. Mostly blues, with some yellows and greens mixed in. After a quick look at his book shelf I noticed he seemed to love to read and watch movies, since half of the bookshelf was dedicated to DVDs. He seemed to mostly read mystery and romance, adorable, while he mostly watched scary and childhood movies. It was an interesting mix. His decorations were few and far between, but were interesting nonetheless. He had a couple Marvel figurines on his bookshelf, each different versions of Spiderman. He had a couple matching simplistic water color moon and sun wall arts, a moon wall shelf with a couple crystals atop it, and some floating shelves with a couple candles, a plant, and a pair of small deer figurines.
The more I learned about him the more interested in him I became. There was still so much for me to learn. So much of him to uncover. I couldn't wait for him to start feeling better. Both so I could get to know him better and so he wouldn't be in so much pain. Before I could get too distracted, my phone rang.
"Hey, what's up, bro?" I asked answering Graham's call.
"Hey, I just wanted to check in, see how Cameron was doing."
"Oh, he's doing alright. Still just sleeping pretty much all day. I've gotten him to eat a couple meals which have thankfully stayed down. I'm hoping soon he'll be alert enough to take a bath or shower."
Graham chuckled at that. "You're such a caretaker, Gav."
"So, what?? Cameron clearly needs it and who am I to deny a boy in need?" This caused Graham to laugh even harder.
"Wow, you're fucking whipped and you're not even in a proper relationship with the man yet."
"Shut up, G." I grumbled back. It annoyed me more to know that he wasn't wrong. "You're annoying." I mumbled.
Graham snorted, "Nice comeback, bro." I rolled my eyes at that and turned my attention to my work computer. I was a little bit behind schedule and I had no one to blame but myself. I'll blame Graham anyway.
Largely Submissive
RomanceCameron is just your regular bouncer. Well as regular as you can get when you work at a BDSM club, and happen to be a submissive yourself. Despite this, Cameron has resolved himself to being alone, no one wants a submissive as large as himself. Then...