Chapter 12

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TW/CW: Abuse, Religion


Cameron's POV

I always knew I wasn't meant to have a good life. But hearing it from someone else always hurt.

"Ah, I see you're back demon boy. Have you prayed for salvation yet?" My mother spat at me from her bed. I just stared at her from the chair in the corner in her room. Yeah guys, I was something familiar to her but not in a good way, I thought to myself.

"Come then, find my bible. We must pray." I silently got up and retrieved her bible from the nightstand. I handed it to her as I got in the usual kneeling position. I knew the best way to get through this was to just go through the movements. I knelt on the floor next to the bed as she sat on the edge of the bed with her hand on my head. I knelt there silently as she started reciting passages.

Of course at the most inopportune time, I had to sneeze. This wasn't going to end well, Mother did not like it when I moved during the process. I tried to hold it in for as long as I could but before I knew it I lifted my arm and sneezed into my elbow. Of course, Mother took this as a sign of the devil.

"I knew there were demons in you, boy! Out! Out! Out!" She cried as she smacked me on the head repeatedly with the bible. I couldn't take in anymore. I raised my hand up and caught the book before she could hit me on the head again. The bible was harder than it looked, it hurt. She let out a startled screech and pushed me away from her. Since I was caught off guard I was unable to balance myself and I found myself falling backwards, smacking my head on the corner of the nightstand. Fuck.

After I landed on the ground I looked at the ceiling and sighed. That fucking hurt. I needed to get up but I knew that  I was going to be dizzy. I slowly pushed myself up and glared at my mother. Of course she was too busy rocking herself while mumbling bible verses to notice me. I reached up and touched my head, wincing when it came back with blood. Fuck me. All I wanted was a nice quiet day off. Of fucking course this would happen. I got up fully off the floor and pushed the nurse button near her bed. I needed to get out of here.

Once the nurse arrived and saw the state I was in she gasped and radioed in some more nurses and supplies. That is how I found myself in their infirmary getting patched up by the on call doctor.

All I could think about was the interaction with my mother. It brought back thoughts and feelings I thought I had buried deep inside. I always hated being around my mother. It always awoke my more depressive thoughts. If I wasn't in public, I would probably definitely be crying. I hated crying in front of people, it was a weakness I was taught to hide. 

"Alright Cameron, that is the last stitch. Now, it looks like you have a concussion, we're going to need someone to come get you. Ideally, you're going to need someone to watch you for at least the first 48 hours. Unfortunately, in your condition driving will not be permitted. Also due to the severity of your concussion, you're going to need to be on bed rest for about a week. I'm going to give you some information on who to see for a check up once a week has passed. While I do that why don't you make all the calls you'll need to."

Fuck, who the fuck was I supposed to call? I didn't have any friends. I was friendly with one of my neighbors but she was elderly and in no condition to come get me. I guess first I would call Master Graham and inform him about my condition. As I listened to it ring, I dreaded his reaction. I really hoped I still had a job once this conversation was over.

I know, I know, this chapter isn't that long. I'm sorrryyyyy. Buuuuuut next chapter is going to be good don't worry!!! Let me know what ya'll think <3

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