Chapter 10

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Club's logo ^^^^^


Cameron's POV

Waking up, it felt wrong not immediately getting ready for work. But Master Gavin and Master Graham had given me orders and I wasn't going to disobey them. I looked over to the clock to see it was only a little bit past noon. I slept in a lot later then I meant to. I looked down by my feet to see Bear sprawled out. I smiled to myself. That boy took up more of the bed than I did, I swear. Before getting out of my bed I checked my phone to see a text from none other than Master Gavin.

Gavin: Good morning, I hope you slept well! Be sure to eat a good meal, and I'll see you at the club later today.

Wow that's the nicest text I've ever gotten in... ever? Am I supposed to reply? Is it rude not to? Probably.

My fingers hovered over the keyboard and before I could add more I accidentally pressed send.

Good morning Sir.

How embarrassing. What a basic text. I probably shouldn't double text though. That's annoying, right? I hate this. This is why I don't date. Well, that and any dominant in their right mind wouldn't want me. Before I could spiral any further my phone dinged signifying I had a new message. I forced myself to check before I became chicken shit.

Gavin: Haha I think by now it would have to be 'good afternoon', pet. I trust you slept well?

I blushed at that. How could I be so thick? Of course it's afternoon, I literally just looked at the clock. I sighed before carefully answering Master Gavin back. This time making sure to be extra careful that I didn't send before I was ready to.

Yes, Sir. Thank you. How was your night?

That sounded okay, right? Maybe I shouldn't have asked back, maybe he didn't want to hold a conversation with me any longer than necessary. But, wouldn't it be rude not to inquire about him as well? I was giving myself a headache with all this back and forth. After five minutes and no reply I assumed he didn't want to continue the conversation. How stupid of me. Before I could over think anymore I decided it was best to take a shower. I only had a couple more hours before work and I wanted my hair to be dry by then.

After my shower I dressed in my usual attire, a black work shirt and dark pants. As bouncers we didn't really have a uniform. The only required piece of clothing was a top with the clubs logo on it. I had a couple t shirts, one polo, for fancier events, a sweatshirt, and a jacket all with the logo on it. Besides the top, Graham was pretty lax on what we wore as long as we looked presentable. Most of the time I wore dark jeans or occasionally leather pants, though I never felt totally comfortable in them. I've never been told off for my attire so I assumed it was fine. The only time I had to wear something different was if it was specified I had to wear my polo, then a nice pair of dress pants was requested with that. In all my years at the club I think I've only worn my polo maybe about three times total.

After I finished dressing and brushing my hair I wandered to the kitchen to find something to eat. I couldn't go to work on an empty stomach on top of all the issues I already have. On the way I checked my phone to see a new notification from Gavin.

Gavin: It was alright, thank you for asking sweet boy. Have you eaten yet?

Wait, he wanted to keep talking to me? I hope he didn't feel obligated to. I don't want him to waste him time unnecessarily.

Yes, Sir, thank you. I'm just about to have a bagel and ham.

I wasn't sure what else I could even tell him. It's not like I live an extraordinarily interesting life. As I was spreading the cream cheese on my bagel I received yet another notification from Gavin.

Gavin: That sounds good! I'm glad you're eating. I have to tend to some things now at the club, but I'll see you there in a couple hours, pet (:

Thank you, Sir. See you later.

I quickly finished my bagel and washed my dishes right away. I learned the best way to stay clean is to just clean as you go. I used to have designated days to clean but that usually seemed to overwhelm me and cause me to live in more mess than I would like. Or would cause me to stress clean, which to be fair I still do...

Looking at the clock I still had around two hours before I had to get going. I decided to watch some TV and sketch. Basically the only hobbies I had. I loved to sketch out little comics and stories. When I was little my dad had an amazing collection of comics in the basement. I used to spend hours down there reading and tracing as much as I could.

Before I knew it, my phone was vibrating alerting me it was 3:20. I quickly got up and put away my things. I brushed my teeth, fiddled with my hair, and put my socks and shoes on. On my way out I checked 'Berto's food and water bowls and made sure to give him a couple head scratches. After locking the door I jogged down the flights of stairs to the underground garage. I really couldn't afford much but I was lucky to find a nice apartment with parking included.

Once I arrived at the club I made sure to park in the designated employee lot and entered through the back. I headed towards the back looking for Damien, or whoever was in charge for the night. I spotted Damien in the break room chatting with one of the servers, Cole loyally by his side.

"Hey, Damien, where am I stationed tonight?" I asked.

"Hey, kiddo. You're back at the front door tonight," He replied. I'm sure the immediate relief that washed over me was what caused the next thing to come out of his mouth to be a bark of laughter.

"Alright, buddy, heres your stuff. Gavin's at the door, when you're ready go relieve him." I nodded at that and headed towards the door. I didn't want to make Gavin do my work more than I needed to. I was, admittedly, nervous to see him. Do I pretend we didn't talk this morning? Am I supposed to act like we're friends? I hated social interactions.

I stepped out to see Gavin standing at my spot scrolling through his phone. He looked up and smiled once he saw me at the door.

"Cameron! Hey, you're here. Great. The spot is all yours, I got to go and answer some of these work emails. I'll see you later alright?" He said patting me on the side of the arm as he moved aside. I nodded and moved over so he could go inside while I took over. I watched as he sauntered back into the building, intently staring at his phone. Hopefully tonight wouldn't be too crazy.


I love my sweet little dummy Cammy. As always let me know what you think!

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