Witches n' Bitches pt. i

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The night of the Halloween party Bee and Jules had one resolution: they'd get blackout drunk. Rue didn't seem too excited about it, especially because Jules didn't normally drink and she thought she'd been acting weird all week. Plus she was clean, and that only made everything more boring.

They had at least six shots of tequila in the kitchen before Nate walked into the party with a group of football jocks. Bee's and Nate's eyes met instantly. In the past few days they'd both compromised. They'd see each other as long as there was no talking in public, no telling anyone and no romantic feelings involved.

Bee downed her seventh shot with her eyes set on his. Then she turned around and went to the living room with her friends.

"Should we just leave?" Rue asked and they both bursted out laughing.

"You should be dancing with us." Jules said and wrapped her arms around her.

"Seriously," Bee said. "What's wrong with you tonight?"

"Nothing, a bunch of jocks just got here and it's killing my mood."

"Just ignore them." Jules said.

"Yeah, I gotta go talk to Fezco. I'll be back."

"Hey" Bee looked up and noticed one of the boys from St. Mary's standing by them. He was tall and buffed with dark hair and tanned skin. "What are you dressed of?"

"Sharon Tate, duh." Bee replied and looked at the Superman logo shirt layered with a white button down shirt he was wearing. "And you're Superman?"

"Clark Kent."

"I didn't know there was some sort of competition for most unoriginal costume—" Jules said while pushing her friend away.

"Hey, what about you?" He asked looking at her. "Aren't you like dressed up everyday of the year?"

"Oh, fuck you." Jules said.

"What did you just say?" Bee asked. "You're such a loser. You can't manage to fuck anyone so you just go around insulting people so you get attention?"

"Bee, it's not worth it. Let's just go." Jules said but Bee threw the content of her cup to his shirt.

"You stupid bitch." The guy shouted at her and as Bee was walking away she felt her arm getting tugged. When she turned around she only got to catch a glimpse of the boy before Nate appeared behind him and pulled him back.
A few boys around them screamed and it was only then she realized he'd actually punched him. She stepped back involuntarily.

"Leave them the fuck alone." Nate said while holding him by the collar of his shirt. "Nod if you understand." The boy didn't move, he looked up at Nate terrified. "I said nod if you fucking understand."

Everyone around them stopped talking for a few seconds and Bee stood there waiting to see if Nate would hit him again despite feeling Jules' grip pulling her arm. Her heart stopped until she watched the boy nod and Nate release him. She breathed out and let Jules guide her to the backyard.

"What just happened?" Jules asked.

"Nothing. Are you okay?" She asked looking at her friend.

"Yeah, I mean why was Nate Jacobs standing up for us?" She seemed confused.

"I don't know." She said dismissively.

"That's fucked up." Her friend said, but she was too drunk to actually hold a conversation so she just pulled Bee's hand to the pool on the side of the house. Jules got in first, Bee kicked off her boots and followed her. They swam for a while, so drunk they could barely remain afloat.

"I need to tell you something," Jules said giggling. "But you need to like, promise, you won't tell a soul."

"I won't." She said. "Obviously."

Jules swam closer to her and leaned her arm against the edge of the pool. "Remember that guy Tyler I'd been texting at the beginning of the year?" Bee nodded. "Well, I thought he'd ghosted me a few months ago. But now he's back."

"Are you kidding? Is he here?" Bee asked. "What about Rue?"

"Well, she doesn't know."

"What are you doing?" They both looked up and saw Rue approaching them.

"Nothing. Having fun." Jules said, as she swam back in the water, as if they weren't just talking about her seconds ago. "Get in."

"I'm not getting in." Rue said. "You're both drunk. And you're acting like idiots. Can you get out of the pool now?"

Jules swam closer to Rue and pulled her by the lapel of her jacket. "Stop. Okay? Can you sto—"

She looked up and saw Nate standing by the edge of the pool. Except it wasn't her Nate. It was school Nate. He looked unhappy and maybe even angry at her. "Get the fuck out of there."

Author's note: part ii will be posted as soon as this hits 5 votes ☺️ thanks for the support!

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