Like a hooker

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The thing Maddy struggled the most with was when someone made her question her confidence. It was like her superpower. So when something made her feel insecure it really took a toll on her.
She stopped eating, missed cheerleader practice, acted like a bitch with her friends. And for the past two months, ever since Nate had the accident her confidence was destroyed. Not only because of all the rumors of him dating Bee Hastings, that preppy bitch. But because he wouldn't talk to her. He wouldn't reply to her texts or even dignify her with a conversation in person. She was invisible to him. And to Maddy that was way worse than getting abused by him.

That's why on the day of the carnival she resolved to finally get his attention. He'd have to acknowledge her even if he didn't want to. After she took MDMA she approached his dad's chili stand and caused a scene she knew would make him go insane.

"Yeah, I'm not supposed to be here right now, because I'm dressed like a hooker and none of you like me, but I just wanted to say congratulations."

"Maddy get out of here." He said.

Before anyone could do anything she pushed the pot full of chili to the floor right next to where Nate and his family were standing.

"What in God's name is your problem?" Marsha asked her.

"You, cunt." She snapped back.

She looked at Nate and noticed he wasn't even looking at her. She followed his eyes and noticed Bee standing right on the other side of the counter looking back at him.

Nate circled around the counter and placed his palm over her back before walking away with her. He walked a few steps away from where everyone was gathering.

"Don't ever come near me or my family again, do you hear me?" He asked through gritted teeth.

"It's not the first time you've said that."

"No, but it's the last." He said. "You just called my mom a cunt. I'm over with this shit."

He attempted to walk away but she pushed his arm.
"Don't you dare walk away from me." She said. "I'm gonna make your life a living hell until you talk to me."

"Don't push me tonight, Maddy." He growled at her. "Do you think this is normal? What you just did?"

Suddenly she felt like crying. It's not like she felt bad for what she'd just done. It was the fact that he was already leaving.

"I miss you." She said. "And I took a fucking pill with Cassie and I don't know what the fuck is going on."
People who walked by them stared at her. She tried her best not to cry. The last thing she needed was to ruin her makeup.

"Find someone who can take care of you tonight." He said.

"Really?" She asked in disbelief. "Really Nate? After everything?"

He breathed out desperately and looked around. "Yo, BB!" He shouted. Her friend appeared by her side. "Take her home, will you? Before she keeps making a fool out of herself."

"I hate you. I fucking hate you, Nate fucking Jacobs!" She screamed as he walked away.

If she thought she'd ever been heartbroken before she was wrong.

"Let's go, Mads." BB said.

"No," She said but her friend wrapped her arm around her shoulder and walked her to the parking lot. On the way to BB's car Maddy finally teared up and started straight up sobbing.

When they were out of the carnival on the parking lot she spotted Bee and Rue walking side by side. She stood dead on her track and turned to them.

"Hey!" She screamed at Bee. Both girls turned around.

And she never took it personally with the girls Nate chose to date when they weren't together. But that time felt different. She felt like she hated her. She hated her clothes, her makeup, her preppy ass hair clips.

"If you think he's ever gonna love you, you are dead wrong."

Rue looked unimpressed. "Maddy, you're high as fuck."

"Let's go." BB said to her and pulled away but she fought back making her phone drop to the floor.

"No, she's gonna listen to me. This is all your fault. And whatever it is that you two have it's not gonna last. Because he always comes back to me in the end. Always."

"Maddy, what the fuck?" Rue asked. "We don't have time for this shit. We're looking for Gia."

"Rue, it's okay." Bee said and leaned to grab her phone from the floor. She handed it to her and BB took it.

"Let's go." BB said and pushed her away.

Author's note: i promise this will be better for Maddy in the long (and short) term. Not trying to make her a villain or anything. It was just important to show this chapter from her perspective for the story 🖤

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