For the Night

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Author's note: 7k reads!! Thanks to all you who've been reading and supporting the story. And also sorry about the absence. I've been super busy the past couple of weeks. Anyway I hope you enjoy it 🧡 would love to hear from you as always.

The rest of the day had gone by in a rush. They'd met with a couple of Bee's best friends for the campus visits and between the subway rides and the fact that it had rained for most of the afternoon they'd had little to no time to actually talk.

When they got back to the apartment they'd taken turns showering and getting ready. Nate finished first so he'd gotten out to the store with Ivan to get some last minute things. When Bee walked out of the bathroom she was alone in the apartment.

She sat on the sofa and zipped up her heels before standing up. She lowered the hem of her dress and walked in the direction of the bar cart and poured herself a tequila shot.

She'd felt nervous ever since the beggining of the trip and she couldn't really tell why. Something had seemed to change in her dynamic with Nate and she didn't exactly know when or what. But she felt a big sense of responsibility about him liking it there.

The door flew open and Ivan walked in followed closely by Nate, both of them carrying multiple paper bags.

"Okay, it's done." Ivan said. "Derek's late which is no surprise to anyone."

Bee scrunched her eyebrows together as her eyes laid over the forrest green sweater Nate was wearing. His eyes met with hers and manteined her gaze as he placed the bags over the kitchen counter.

"I'm gonna shower now." Ivan continued. "If anyone gets here just open the door."

"Yeah." Bee answered shortly. Her brother finished up putting an ice bag in the freezer before disappearing into the hallway.

The minute he was gone she felt a strange tension lingering in the air. She took a couple of steps in the direction of the kitchen island and watched Nate look at her.

"You look really beautiful." He said leaning against the kitchen island, his hands tucked into the pockets of his pants.

"Thanks." She said shortly. "You look nice too. Is that Ivan's by any chance?" She asked referring to the green sweater.

The sides of his lips pulled back slightly. "Maybe. He said I'd get cold."

"Right." She said ironically. "Of course he feels the need to tell you what to wear."

"It's fine, Bee." He said leaning his elbow against the counter.

"So," She said shortly.

"So," He said and they remained quiet for a few seconds.

She'd intended to ask him whether he'd liked everything so far. But staying apart from each the entire day had proven to be more difficult than she expected. The weight of his eyes on her made it impossible to form another word.

They held each other's stare for a while, almost like a competition, the way that they sometimes did seeing who'd give in first.

It seemed like forever had passed before Nate took a couple of long strides in her direction and caught her face between his palms, pressing his lips against hers.

They kissed for a minute, feeling the urge of the past hours together disipate lightly as they did. Bee placed her palms against his chest feeling the soft fabric between her fingers. She brushed her tongue lightly against his but he pulled back way sooner than she'd wanted him to. His eyes focused on hers again.

"You're so fucking stubborn." He said just loud enough for her to listen.


"If you've wanted to kiss me this badly before then why didn't you just do it?"

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