Chapter 7; Captain

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"Place the horses back in the stables!" Commander Erwin's voice ordered the Scouts as they had just returned. 

(Y/n) had already tucked her steed neatly back into the stables, so she decided she'd look for Captain Levi. She wanted to make sure he was alright, feeling awful about running into him.

She spotted him amongst the crowd of other soldiers, who were chattering and talking about the missions they'd gone on.

"Captain!  She called out, getting his attention. His face shifted away from where he was looking and over to (Y/n).

He stood silently as she neared him. "Did you take it easy...?" She wondered.

Captain Levi remained silent for a few moments before speaking. "Somewhat."

His lie was easily detectable. "So you didn't," she sighed, grabbing his hand and unwrapping it to look at the deep gash.

"Oi, don't grab me like that!" He ordered, attempting to pull his hand away. Yet (Y/n) held a firm grasp on him.  "It's... Covered in dry blood and dirt," She spoke, frowning.

Before Levi could say anything more, (Y/n) tugged him behind her. "Im taking you too the infirmary," she explained.

Scouts eyed them as they passed by, and (Y/n) was fully aware of Levi's confused expression behind her.


"You seriously are a hard person to reason with, aren't you," (Y/n) stated while cleaning out Levi's cut. She wanted to help him the best she could, especially sense she was the one that caused his pain in the first place.

"I don't find my stubbornness to be an issue as a Captain," Levi tuned in, his pupils dancing around as he watched her hands wash off his wound. "I find it helpful, and it's never proven to be troublesome for anyone else."

(Y/n) raised a brow. "Yeah, you'd be surprised," her sarcastic remark made him blink in confusion. "Why do you say that?" He asked.

Captain Levi was always at the top of everyone's list for being one of the most stubborn people they'd met. It ticked off some people as well.

"Nothing," she hummed, wrapping his hand in bandages after disinfecting it. "Anyway, im done." 

Levi flexed his fingers, not giving any sings of it being painful. Of course, (Y/n) knew it was, he just refused to show it.


(Y/n) gave him a soft look. "Its my pleasure."

She grasped his hand gently with both of hers, holding it up to her chest. "But, for real this time, please go easy on it so I don't feel anymore guilty than I already do."

Captain Levi's eyes widened for a split second before returning to his resting scowl. "I'll... Try, sure."

(Y/n) sighed. "I guess thats a good enough answer. For now at least..."

He gave her a cheeky smirk.

(Y/n) felt her eyes grow larger as she saw his expression.

Did he smile? I mean sure, its not entirely a 'smile' but... Wow. 

(Y/n) dropped his hand. "I-i should go now!" She quickly maneuvered her way over to the door, closing it behind her.

His smile had startled her, she wasn't used to any form of emotion other then anger, determination, and calmness from him. She placed her hands on her cheeks, dragging them slowly off as she walked away.

This man was really messing with her thinking lately, she needed to get her mind onto something else.



(Y/n) breathed out an exhausted yawn. She'd just finished a workout, glad to be done with the sit-ups.

There was still around an hour or two of daylight left, so (Y/n) figured she'd head to the showers.

She flung a towel and a nightgown over her shoulder and headed off.

Her slippers scuffed the floor as she wandered over to the showers. There was already steam pouring out from the door, and when she opened it she was greeted by the scalding hot temperature.

(Y/n) set her stuff on the counter, removing her clothes and stepping into a shower.

The warm water wasn't going to last very long, so (Y/n) hurriedly washed her hair and body, the beads of water slipping off her skin and onto the floor alongside the other droplets.

Covering up with a towel, she noticed someone else finishing up their shower.

"Ah, Hange!" (Y/n) greeted the woman, who turned to her with a warm smile.

"Cadet (L/n), you come in for a refreshing shower too?" She crossed her arms cooly.

"I suppose," (Y/n) responded, her hair dripping wet. "It sure is nice to clean up after getting blood all over you, though."

"Mm," Hange nodded in agreement. "Sometimes, though, I find the blood quite cool, dontcha' think?"

(Y/n) awkwardly smiled. "Y-yeah... Sure." 

Hange let her arms fall back to her side, looking over at (Y/n) more seriously this time. "I was meant to inform you earlier," she spoke. "You've been moved into my squadron, and removed from your current position."

(Y/n) stood in surprise. "Oh. Well I certainly never expected to be ranked up with the higher ups, I'm so used to working on the sidelines rather then along with the pros," she gulped.

It was odd, to be randomly selected as one of Hange's newest squad memebers. Of course, she wasn't complaining.

Hange tapped her finger lightly on her own thigh. "I expect you to serve this squad just as well as your previous one, understood?"

(Y/n) nodded eagerly, not wanting to disappoint her.

"Wonderful!" Hange clapped her hands together, suddenly cheerful again. She placed her arm over (Y/n)'s shoulder, grinning. "Lets wish each other good luck!" 

"Good luck...?" She said quietly. 

Hange stretched her arms, changing into her night-wear seconds later.

(Y/n) did the same.

"Well, I'll be off then!" Hange waved. "Have a good night, Cadet."

As Hange exited the showers, (Y/n) dried off her hair before exiting as well.

She noticed more steam come from the male showers as the door of it creaked open.

(Y/n) held herself still when she spotted the familiar face.


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