Chapter 9; A Normal Day

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Wind lashed passed (Y/n) and the others cadets who were skidding through the air, their gas tanks nearly on empty. They'd been the first ones to arrive back at Trost district.

Hange Zöe, Section Commander, stood firmly in front of (Y/n) and the other Scouts. "You may all take leave now!"
She announced.

They had been ordered by Commander Erwin to head back, taking the other Scouts from squad 4 and 5. They were unneaded, the mission being to simply double check for any wandering or forgotten titans that roamed the areas they had previous cleared.

"Yes ma'am!" Each Cadet saluted before leaving.

(Y/n) did the same.

He shoes left light prints in the dry dirt as she walked past the infirmary, noticing that the door was left open.

She carefully peered inside.

She spotted Captain Levi inside, re-bandaging his hand.

It relieved her that he was taking care of himself.

She let out a sigh of relief, glad she hadn't needed to nag him about it any longer.

"Ah... Interested?" (Y/n) jolted at the voice of Hange, turning around to face her. "Interested?" She repeated in a questioning tone.

"In Levi," she winked, clearly trying to pry into (Y/n)'s mind.

(Y/n) shook her head. "Of course not! I mean, not in that way at least."

"Oh? That so?" Hange tapped her chin in curiosity. (Y/n) only nodded. She'd known Captain Levi for almost the entire time since he had even become captain, yet she'd only been talking to him for a few months. Having any interest in him... Would just seem unfair to Levi. After all, there was no way he had even known she existed before resent events.... Right?

"Levi!" Hange's sudden outburst of his name scared (Y/n) oit of her skin. "Cmere!"

Captain Levi glanced over at them, his eyes unbothered yet cold. "What is it?" He asked, stepping out of the infirmary and over to them.

"How's the hand holding up?" Hange asked, patting him on the back. Levi had only pushed her hand aside. "Better."

"Oh? And the leg?" (Y/n) knew she was speaking of the recent injury he'd attained during the battle against the female titan, Annie Leonhart. He had sprained his ankle badly, so he had been assigned less missions and easier tasks. Of course, that barely kept him from letting it heal properly.

"Fine. Why're you so curious?"

Hange shrugged. "Dunno."

"Well, if anyone needs me, I'll be in my office!" She chimed, leaving the two of them alone, standing awkwardly without a conversation at hand.

Levi only focused on his hand, moving it around to ensure that the bandage was secured.

"I really am sorry," (Y/n) broke the silence. "They probably narrowed down your participation in missions even more, huh?"

Levi nodded slowly. "Sort of," his attention was on (Y/n) now. "It doesn't entirely bother me, its just how things are."

(Y/n) clenched her teeth. This man wanted nothing more then to bring the titans down, it shone in his eyes everytime she mentioned a mission. It was painfully obvious he wanted to be on more of them.

(Y/n) was sure that if he'd asked Commander Erwin, he'd let Levi back amongst them. But something told her that Levi had no intention of doing that.

"I see," (Y/n) Replied. The other Cadets neared up behind them, returning from the mission.

"All titans were cleared," Commander Erwin informed the others who had earlier returned.

"Well that's a relief-" her words were silenced when a Scout who passed by bumped into her, sending her tumbling down. Fortunately, Captain Levi was there to catch her before she slammed into the dirt.

"Thanks," (Y/n) spoke as Levi gently helped her steady herself on her feet. "Be careful," he mumbled.

"Oi, brat, apologize," Levi then ordered the cadet who'd bumped into (Y/n). The boy jumbled his words, frightened by Levi. "Sorry ma'am!" He bowed, quickly obeying what Levi had told him.

Then he ran off, clearly embarrassed. (Y/n) couldn't help but laugh. "What's so funny?" Levi wondered aloud, his eyes searching for an answer to her humor.

"Nothing really, its just funny how terrified the newest Scout members are of 'Captain Levi.'"

"Am I really that scary to them?" He asked, crossing his arms.

"Well of course you are, you're a short man with a temper," She teasingly replied, aware of the menacing glare that came from Levi. "Only joking," she immediately added.

Levi took his eyes off of her for a moment. "I'll be on my way, have a nice day, Cadet (L/n)."

"You too!" She said as he faded from view.

She might as well get herself something to eat. She was starving.

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