Chapter 12; Sunlight

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A warm yellow and orange color spilled out into the rooms floorboards, bedazzling every nook and cranny.

(Y/n) opened her eyes, glimmering with remnants of sleep.

"Good morning!"

(Y/n) was startled by the loud shout, turning her view over to the woman who stood happily beside her.

"Hange? What're you doing here?"

"I came to see you, of course!" She blurt out, leaning closer toward (Y/n). "How're ya feeling?"

"Not the greatest," she admitted. Her sides still creaked with every movement.

"Damn, well that's a shame," Hange pouted. "That titan must've been a real bitch!"

(Y/n) was never scared of titans, aside from when she first joined the scouts of course, but the thought of that singular titan that had nearly taken her life, terrified her.

"Tell me," Hange began excitedly. "What was it like?"

(Y/n) scrunched her face in search if a response, but she just couldn't form any words.

"Hange..." Levi entered the room, carrying a platter full of food. "Don't ask such things after what just happened to her," he warned her. Hange frowned.

"My apologies, cadet," she backed up. "Anyways, what I came to inform you, is regarding the Beast Titan."

NOTE (( If anyone is confused, this fanfiction took place right after the female titan occurrence. Not everything is in order, but there will be some mentions of the main story.))

"Beast Titan?" She wondered aloud. "Oh, you mean that strangely formed abnormal?"

Hange nodded.

"We've narrowed its behavior down to a single conclusion," she folded her arms. "The Beast Titan is a human clad in a titans body, just like Eren Yeager." 

(Y/n) felt a chill run down her spine. "So it has extreme intelligence like the Armored Titan and the Colossal Titan? Wouldn't that mean-"

"Yes, we've previously assumed that the case is the same with those other two," Hange answered, unfolding her arms. "And we also have an idea of who they are..."

(Y/n) shot her a curious and stern stare. "Who?"

Before Hange could reply, Levi set the platter on (Y/n)'s lap. "Enough talking, Hange, Erwin needed to see you anyways," He told her, to which she immediately said her goodbyes to (Y/n).

"Get well soon!" She gleefully spoke as she left the room.

"What was that about knowing who the two are?" She asked Levi.

"We don't entirely know for certain yet, it isn't important right now," He spoke, handing her a spoon.

"We'll handle it ourselves eventually, but right now you need to eat something."

"Yeah, but I can go with you all, I might prove to be help. I'll heal up in no time!"

Levi shook his head. "Im afraid not, we're on our way right now."

"Right now? Are you all insane?"

"We might be," he responded dryly.

"W-well then I need to get-" she tried getting out of bed, but Levi held her down with a single hand. "Are you an idiot?"

(Y/n) blinked. "What?"

"You cant go, not like that, the only thing you'd prove to be is dead weight for the Scouts," His words angered (Y/n), but she knew he was right. "Stay here, eat, and get some rest or you'll never heal."

"Right, sorry..." She mumbled, lifting the spoon to her mouth.

Then she looked up at Levi, who stood with his arms crossed and his face looking sternly down at her. She found herself admiring all his features, smiling unintentionally.

"What is it?" He noticed her staring up at him. "I was just admiring you," she replied, immediately regretting it and turning her eyes away in embarrassment.

Levi seemed flustered, his arms falling to his sides. "Admiring?"

(Y/n) tucked her face into her blankets, trying to hide her face. Great, there was no getting out of this one. "Yeah..."

She peeked up from the blanket at his face.



Was he... Blushing?

"Levi?" She looked up at him again, his face turned away. "Are you okay?"

His hand flew up to cover his face. "Im fine."

"Just... Don't say things like that to me," he was almost completely facing away from her.

Now (Y/n) could feel the blood rush to her cheeks. "Sorry!" She quickly apologized. She lifted the spoon to her mouth once more, taking a bite, desperate to get rid of the fuzzy feeling in her chest. 

Levi fixed the collar of his shirt, turning to face her once more.

"Be careful, okay?" (Y/n) quickly said.

"Actually, I've got some business with the military police," he rolled his eyes at the thought of them. "I don't have any involvement in what's going on with the titan shifters right now."

"Why not?"

"Enough questions, (Y/n)."

She only looked away in response. 

"Ill be going now," he cleared his throat, making his way to the door. "Have a good day!" (Y/n) shouted as he left.

The room was once again empty, leaving her and the sun that shone ever so brightly out the window alone.

She looked down at her food.

Levi... Was a good man, and he was most definitely not as heartless as everyone made him out to be.

She touched the silver platter gently with a smile. He had a lot of care in his heart, and she could see that now.

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